
Akademski profili Ilije Mamuzića:


Publikacije u Informacijskom sustavu znanosti RH- CroRIS/Hrvatskoj znanstvenoj bibliografiji – CROSBI:

Popis publikacija (CroRIS-CROSBI):

Knjige i poglavlja u knjigama

Autorske knjige
  1. Mamuzić, I. (2022) Obljetnice hrvatske metalurgije. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  2. Mamuzić, I. (2012) Metalurgija, uvijek prosperitet za čovječanstvo. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  3. Bukhanovsky, V., Rudnitsky, N. & Mamuzić, I. (2012) Sloistie elektrokontaknie materiali na osnove medi, hroma i volframa : tehnologija polučenia, struktura, mehaničeskie i služebnie svojstva. Saarbrucken, Germany, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH Co.
  4. Mamuzić, I. & Drujan, V. (1996) Teorija, materijali i tehnologija čeličnih cijevi. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  5. Udruženje jugoslovenskih železara (skupina autora & Mamuzić, I. (1971) Metalurški rečnik : iz oblasti crne metalurgije : sa odgovarajućim izrazima na srpskohrvatskom, slovenačkom, makedonskom, engleskom, francuskom, nemačkom i ruskom jeziku. Beograd, Udruženje jugoslovenskih železara.
  6. Lipold, R., Mamuzić, I. & Mitković, V. (1970) Osnovi tehnologije plastičnog oblikovanja metala. Sarajevo, Univerzitet u Sarajevu.
  7. Mamuzić, I. (1965) Izrazi koji se koriste pri ispitivanju ultrazvukom. Ravne na Koruškem, Udruženje jugoslavenskih željezara.
Uredničke knjige
  1. Mamuzić, I. (ur.) (2025) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  2. Mamuzić, I. (ur.) (2024) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  3. Mamuzić, I. (ur.) (2023) Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  4. Mamuzić, I. (ur.) (2022) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy, Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  5. Mamuzić, I. (ur.) (2020) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2020 “Materials and Metallurgy”. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  6. Mamuzić, I. (ur.) (2018) Book of abstracts of the 13th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2018 “Materials and Metallurgy”. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  7. Mamuzić, I. (ur.) (2017) Bibliografija časopisa Metalurgija 1962. – 2017. (55 godina). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  8. Mamuzić, I. (ur.) (2016) Book of abstracts of the 12th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2016 “Materials and Metallurgy”. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  9. Mamuzić, I. (ur.) (2014) Summaries of abstracts of the 11th International symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society SHMD 2014 – Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  10. Mamuzić, I. (ur.) (2012) 10th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society, Summaries of Lectures. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  11. Mamuzić, I. (ur.) (2010) Summaries of lectures of the 9th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2010 “Materials and Metallurgy”. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  12. Mamuzić, I. (ur.) (2008) Summaries of lectures of the 8th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2008 – “Materials and Metallurgy”. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  13. Mamuzić, I., Vodopivec, F., Mihok, L. & Fajfar, P. (ur.) (2006) Summaries of Lectures of the 7th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society, “Materials and Metallurgy”. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  14. Mamuzić, I., Vodopivec, F., Mihok, L. & Fajfar, P. (ur.) (2004) Summaries of lectures of the 6th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society, “Materials and Metallurgy”, SHMD ‘2004. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  15. Mamuzić, I., Vodopivec, F., Mihok, L., Povrzanović, A. & Črnko, J. (ur.) (2002) Summaries of Lectures of the 5th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society, “Materials and Metallurgy”, SHMD ‘2002. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  16. Mamuzić, I. (ur.) (2000) Summaries of Lectures of the 4th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  17. Mamuzić, I. (ur.) (1998) Summaries of lectures of the 3rd International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgists. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  18. Mamuzić, I. (ur.) (1996) Summaries of lectures of the 2nd International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgists. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  19. Mamuzić, I. (ur.) (1993) Summaries of lectures of the 1st International symposium of Croatian metallurgists. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
Poglavlja u knjigama
  1. Mihok, L. & Mamuzić, I. (2008) Beginnings of iron metallurgy on territories of Croatia and Slovakia. U: Vegeš, M. (ur.) Carpatica – Karpatika. Užgorod, Vidavničtvo UŽNU, str. 3-14.
  2. Mamuzić, I. (2003) Hrvatska metalurgija – prošlost, sadašnjost, budućnost. U: Radić, J. (ur.) Spomen-knjiga stodvadesetpetgodišnjica Hrvatskog inženjerskog saveza. Zagreb, Hrvatski inženjerski savez, str. 293-307.
  3. Mamuzić, I. (1998) Hrvatsko metalurško društvo. U: Mladen Boršić (ur.) Uspostava Hrvatskoga inženjerskog sabora 1998. godine., Hrvatski inženjerski savez, str. 225-243.

Radovi u časopisima

Znanstveni i pregledni radovi
  1. Vodopivec, F.†, Mamuzić, I. (2025) Život i potignuće akademika Ilije Mamuzića. Metalurgija, 64 (1-2), 117-232.
  2. Shvachych G., Mamuzić I.; Selegej A., Moroz B., Kadylnykova T., Pobochii I., Moroz D., Friman, Y. (2024) Load control operational correction of a blast furnace based on the correlation models, Metalurgija, 63 (3-4), 333-336.
  3. Shvachych, G., Mamuzić, I., Moroz, B., Aleksiev, O., Khar, A. & Myronenko, M. (2023) Prognostication of production processes based on polynomial regression analysis. Computer-integrated technologies: education, science, production, 2023 (50), 27-35 doi:10.36910/6775-2524-0560-2023-50-04.
  4. Shvachych, G., Mamuzić, I., Moroz, B., Aleksieiev, M., Hulina, I. & Myronenko, M. (2023) Mathematical modeling of pipes production forecast based on polynomial regression analysis (PRA). Metalurgija, 62 (2), 299-302.
  5. Shvachych, G., Mamuzić, I., Tsvykh, V., Khуlko, M., Sashchuk, H., Timchenko, O., Ivaschenko, O. & Мoroz, D. (2022) Some complex intensification features of spheroidizing annealing of low carbon steel. Metalurgija, 61 (2), 344-346.
  6. Mamuzić, I. (2022) Šezdeset godina tiskanja časopisa Metalurgija, 1962.–2022.. Metalurgija, 61 (1), 119-136.
  7. Mamuzić, I. (2022) Šezdeset godina sveučilišnog studija metalurgije u Hrvatskoj, 1960.–2020.. Metalurgija, 61 (1), 87-118.
  8. Mamuzić, I. (2022) 6000 godina metalurgije na tlu Hrvatske. Metalurgija, 61 (1), 43-86.
  9. Mamuzić, I. (2022) Sedamdeset godina utemeljenja Hrvatskog metalurškog društva (HMD), 1952. – 2022.. Metalurgija, 61 (1), 11-42.
  10. Mamuzić, I. (2022) Obljetnice hrvatske metalurgije. Metalurgija, 61 (1), 3-10.
  11. Solonenko, L., Repiakh, S., Uzlov, K., Mamuzić, I., Bilyi, O. & Kimstach, T. (2021) Water resistance of structured sand-sodium-silicate mixtures. Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu, 2021 (4), 41-46 doi:10.33271/nvngu/2021-4/041.
  12. Solonenko, L., Repiakh, S., Mamuzić, I., Kimstach, T. V. & Bilyi, O. (2021) Kinetics of quartz sand and its mixtures drying by microwave radiation. Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu, 2021 (1), 68-77 doi:10.33271/nvngu/2021-1/068.
  13. Andriukhin, R., Mamuzić, I., Molchanov, L. & Synehin, Y. (2020) Modeling of the floating of non-metallic inclusions when pouring steel into a mold in top casting. Journal of engineering sciences, 7 (2), C22-C26 doi:10.21272/jes.2020.7(2).c4.
  14. Shlomchak, G., Mamuzić, I., Shvachych, G., Мoroz, B., Udovyk, I., Fedorov, E. & Spilnyk, M. (2020) Metallurgical thermophysics processes identification based on extreme algorithms of high order of accuracy. Metalurgija, 59 (1), 105-108.
  15. Mamuzić, I. (2020) Tisak javno dostupnih materijala traži odgovornost – zbornici urednika Đure Tadića o Željezari Sisak, 1938. – 2018.. Metalurgija, 59 (2), 225-230.
  16. Štrkalj, A., Glavaš, Z. & Mamuzić, I. (2020) Microstructure and properties of silicon alloyed compacted graphite irons (CGI). Metalurgija, 59 (2), 147-149.
  17. Vodopivec, F., Mamuzić, I. & Rešković, S. (2019) Creep resisting steels, nanoparticles, interparticles matrix stresses, mobile dislocations motion and creep rate. Metalurgija, 58 (1-2), 103-105.
  18. Mamuzić, I. (2018) Postignuća Hrvatskog metalurškog društva (HMD) 1952. – 2017. godine. Metalurgija, 57 (1-2), 3-17.
  19. Čurčija, D., Vodopivec, F. & Mamuzić, I. (2015) Reynolds differential equation singularity using processes of small straining with lubrication. Materiali in tehnologije, 49 (3), 349-354 doi:10.17222/mit.2014.025.
  20. Lacková, P., Hagarová, M., Cervová, J. & Mamuzić, I. (2014) Corrosion properties of selected aluminium alloys in model electrolytes. Acta metallurgica Slovaca, 20 (2), 209-216 doi:10.12776/ams.v20i2.283.
  21. Kunčicka, L., Štěpan, P., Kliber, J. & Mamuzić, I. (2014) Influence of heat treatment on properties of ti-nb alloys. Metalurgija, 53 (2), 186-188.
  22. Ćurčija, D. & Mamuzić, I. (2013) Modelling of the lubricant-layer thickness on a mandrel during rolling seamless tubings. Materiali in tehnologije, 47 (5), 551-555.
  23. Prokhorenko, V., Perepichay, A., Mamuzić, I. & Čikić, A. (2013) Reduction of longitudinal axial residual stresses in near-root region of circumferential joint of steam pipeline in technological way. Metalurgija, 52 (4), 449-452.
  24. Ćurčija, D., Vodopivec, F. & Mamuzić, I. (2013) Calculation of the lubricant layer for a coarse surface of a band and rolls. Materiali in tehnologije, 47 (1), 53-57.
  25. Michel, J., Buršák, M. & Mamuzić, I. (2012) Degradation of mechanical properties of CrMo creep resistant steel operating under conditions of creep. METALURGIJA, 51 (1), 79-82.
  26. Brezinová, J., Guzanová, A. & Mamuzić, I. (2012) Study of wear resistance of coatings deposited by high velocity oxygen fuel (hvof) technology. Acta metallurgica Slovaca, 18 (1), 20-27.
  27. Fabík, R., Kliber, J., Mamuzić, I. & Kubina, T. (2012) Mathematical modelling of flat and long hot rolling based on finite element methods (FEM). Metalurgija, 51 (3), 341-344.
  28. Nemet, M., Mihalikova, M. & Mamuzić, I. (2011) Porovnanie pevnostanych a deformačnych charakteristyk plechov použivanych v automobilovom priemysle. Chemicke listy, 105 (S.I. 15), s549-s551.
  29. Kormaníková, E. & Mamuzić, I. (2011) Optimization of laminates subjected to failure criterion. Metalurgija, 50 (1), 41-44.
  30. Horsinka, J., Kliber, J., Drozd, K. & Mamuzić, I. (2011) Approximation model of the stress-strain curve for deformation of aluminium alloys. Metalurgija, 50 (2), 81-84.
  31. Gulyayev, Y., Mamuzić, I., Shyfrin, Y., Buršak, M. & Garmashev, D. (2011) Perfection of processes of seamless steel tubes production. Metalurgija, 50 (4), 285-288.
  32. Kormaníková, E. & Mamuzić, I. (2011) Shear deformation laminate theory used for sandwiches. Metalurgija, 50 (3), 193-196.
  33. Bukhanovsky, V., Grechanyuk, N., Minakova, R., Mamuzić, I., Kharchenko, V. & Rudnitsky, N. (2011) Production technology, structure and properties of Cu–W layered composite condensed materials for electrical contacts. International journal of refractory metals & hard materials, 29 (5), 573-581 doi:10.1016/j.ijrmhm.2011.03.007.
  34. Bukhanovskii, V., Minakova, R., Grechanyuk, I., Mamuzić, I. & Rudnitskii, N. (2011) Effect of composition and heat treatment on the structure and properties of condensed composites of the Cu – W system. Metal science and heat treatment, 53 (1-2), 14-23 doi:10.1007/s11041-011-9334-x.
  35. Ćurčija, D., Vodopivec, F. & Mamuzić, I. (2011) Similarity criteria and effect of lubricant inertia at cold rolling. Materiali in tehnologije, 45 (1), 75-80.
  36. Bukhanovs’kyi, V., Rudnyts’kyi, M., Kharchenko, V., Minakova, R., Grechanyuk M. I. & Mamuzić, I. (2011) Relationship between composition, structure, and mechanical properties of a condensed composite of copper–tungsten system. Strength of materials, 43 (4), 426-432.
  37. Bukhanovsky, V., Minakova, R., Grechanyak, J., Rudnitsky, N. & Mamuzić, I. (2011) The selection and development of tribological coatings. Metallovedenie i Termicheskaya Obrabotka Metallov, 2011 (1), 15-24.
  38. Bukhanovsky, V., Rudnitsky, N., Charchenko, N. & Mamuzić, I. (2010) Zvjazok miž tverdistju i harakreristikami micnosti mikrošaruvatovo kompozicijnovo materialu mid – hrom pri visokih temperatur. Problemy pročnosti, 42 (2), 80-92.
  39. Matysiak, W., Barišić, B. & Mamuzić, I. (2010) Elaboration of The Technology of Forming a Conical Product of Sheet Metal. Metalurgija, 49 (1), 13-18.
  40. Barišić, B., Mamuzić, I., Nastran, M. & (2010) Improvement in Sheet Metal Forming Technology due to the Use of Different Software Aproaches. Transactions of FAMENA, 34 (1), 29-38.
  41. Dobatkin, S., Zrnik, J. & Mamuzić, I. (2010) Development of SPD continuous processes for strip and rod production. Metalurgija, 49 (4), 343-347.
  42. Matysiak, W., Barišić, B. & Mamuzić, I. (2010) Elaboration of the technology of forming a conical product of sheet metal. Metalurgija, 49 (1), 13-17.
  43. Gulyayev, Y., Shyfrin, Y., Mamuzić, I., Garmashev, D. & Maximova, N. (2010) The modern trends of development of the pipe and tube industry. Metalurgija, 49 (3), 187-190.
  44. Kliber, J. & Mamuzić, I. (2010) Selected new technologies and research themes in materials forming. Metalurgija, 49 (3), 169-174.
  45. Chygyryns’kyy, V., Shevchenko, V., Mamuzić, I. & Belikov, S. (2010) A new solution of the harmonic functions in theory of elasticity. Materiali in tehnologije, 44 (4), 219-222.
  46. Minakova, R., Grechanyuk, I., Bukhanovsky, V., Rudnitsky, N. & Mamuzić, I. (2010) Structure, electrical conductivity and mechanical characteristics of copper – tungsten composite obtained by electron beam physical vapour deposition (EB – PVD) technique. Transactions of FAMENA, 34 (2), 37-46.
  47. Chygyrynskyy, V., Kachan, A., Mamuzić, I. & Ben, A. (2010) Generalized theory of plasticity. Materiali in tehnologije, 44 (3), 141-145.
  48. Barišić, B., Mamuzić, I. & Nastran, M. (2010) Improvement of sheet metal forming technology by aplicationof different software aproaches. Transactions of FAMENA, 34 (1), 29-38.
  49. Gulyayev, Y., Shyfrin, Y. & Mamuzić, I. (2009) A mathematical model for the stationary process of rolling of tubes on a continuous mill. Materiali in tehnologije, 43 (2), 63-67.
  50. Ćurčija, D. & Mamuzić, I. (2009) Schemes of metal-working processes and the related tribological equations of fluid mechanics. Materiali in tehnologije, 43 (1), 23-30.
  51. Dobatkin, S., Zrnik, J. & Mamuzić, I. (2009) Mechanical and service properties of low carbon steels processed by severe plastic deformation. Metalurgija, 48 (3), 157-160.
  52. Čurćija, D. & Mamuzić, I. (2009) Proračun mazivoga sloja kod valjanja cijevi u kavezima. Goriva i maziva, 48 (1), 3-15.
  53. Bukhanovskii, V., Rudnitskii, N., Mamuzić, I., Minakova, R. & Grechanyuk, N. (2009) Effect of composition and process factors on the structure, mechanical properties, and fracture behavior of a composite material of the copper – chromium system. Metal science and heat treatment, 51 (7/8), 388-393 doi:10.1007/s11041-009-9168-y.
  54. Shramko, A., Mamuzić, I. & Danchenko, V. (2009) The application of the program Qform 2D in the stamping of wheels for railway vehicles. Materiali in tehnologije, 43 (4), 207-211.
  55. Bukhanovsky, V., Rudnitsky, N. & Mamuzić, I. (2009) Effect of temperature on mechanical characteristics of copper-chromium composite. Materials Science and Technology, 25 (8), 1057-1061 doi:10.1179/174328408X365829.
  56. Rudnitsky, N. & Mamuzić, I. (2008) Strength of anisotropic nickel-mesh composite materials. Metalurgija, 47 (1), 57-59.
  57. Bukhanovskii, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2008) Effect of high-temperature gas medium on the structure and mechanical characteristics of niobium alloy 10VMTs. Metal Science and Heat Treatment, 50 (3-4), 123-128 doi:10.1007/s11041-008-9036-1.
  58. Kvačkaj, T., Molnárová, M., Mamuzić, I., Bacsó, J., Mišičko, R., Fujda, M., Škodronová, P., Kuskulič, T. & Pokorný, I. (2008) Influence of reheating and cooling conditions on structure and mechanical properties of C-Mn-Si steel. Metalurgija, 47 (3), 187-190.
  59. Bukhanovskii, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2008) The influence of high-temperature gaseous medium on the structure and mechanical characteristic of niobium alloy 10VMTs. Problems of strengths, 3, 26-32.
  60. Ćurčija, D. & Mamuzić, I. (2008) Lubrication flow during the rolling of seamless tubes. Materiali in tehnologije, 42 (2), 59-63.
  61. Zrnik, J., Dobatkin, S. & Mamuzić, I. (2008) Processing of metals by severe plastic deformation (SPD) – structure and mechanical properties respond. Metalurgija, 47 (3), 211-216.
  62. Dobatkin, S., Zrnik, J. & Mamuzić, I. (2008) Ultrafine-grained low carbon steels by severe plastic deformation. Metalurgija, 47 (3), 181-186.
  63. Mamuzić, I. (2008) Pedesetpeta obljetnica utemeljenja Hrvatskog metalurškog društva (HMD) 1952. – 2007.. Metalurgija, 47 (3), 147-171.
  64. Bukhanovsky, V., Mamuzić, I. & Rudnitsky, N. (2008) The effect of temperature on mechanical characteristic of copper – carbonic composite. Kovové materiály, 46 (1), 33-37.
  65. Kormaníková, E. & Mamuzić, I. (2008) Buckling analysis of a laminate plate. Metalurgija, 47 (2), 129-132.
  66. Grechaniuk, N., Mamuzić, I. & Minakova, R. (2008) Peculiarities of the structure, its deformation and destruction of condensed Cu-Mo-Zr-Y composite material of commercial purity. Metalurgija, 47 (2), 99-102.
  67. Buršák, M., Mamuzić, I. & Michel’ , J. (2008) Contribution to evaluation of mechanical properties during impact loading. Metalurgija, 47 (1), 19-23.
  68. Mamuzić, I., Trebuňa, F., Buršák, M. & Tomčík, J. (2007) Investigation of Reasons and Possibility of Parameters Elimination Influencing Cracking of Leaf Springs on Continuous Casting Machine. Metalurgija, 46 (4), 267-271.
  69. Buršak, M., Mamuzić, I. & Michel’, J. (2007) New Approach to Evaluation of Formability of Higher-Strength Steel Strips. Metalurgija, 46 (1), 37-40.
  70. Zrnik, J., Mamuzić, I., Dobatkin, S., Stejskal, Z. & Kraus, L. (2007) Low Carbon Steel Processed by Equal Channel Angular Warm Pressing. Metalurgija = Metallurgy, 46 (1), 21-27.
  71. Grechanyuk, N., Mamuzić, I. & Bukhanovsky, V. (2007) Production Technology, Physical, Mechanical and Performance Characteristics of Cu-Zr-Y-Mo Finely-Dispersed Microlayer Composite Materials. Metalurgija = Metallurgy, 46 (2), 93-96.
  72. Krivenyuk, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2007) Correlation of Creep-Rupture Data for Complex Alloys at Elevated Temperatures. Metalurgija, 46 (2), 79-85.
  73. Devčić, N. & Mamuzić, I. (2007) Putokazi modernizacije pilger postrojenja. Metalurgija, 46 (3), 205-209.
  74. Wangyao, P., Zrnik, J., Mamuzić, I., Polsilapa, S. & Klaijumrang, S. (2007) Restoration and Thermal Stability Investigation of Intermetllic Phase in Exposed Nickel Base Superalloy Udimet 500 Turbine Blades. Metalurgija, 46 (3), 195-199.
  75. Stepanov, G., Mamuzić, I. & Babutsky, A. (2007) An Increase of Impact Toughness of Low-Carbon Steel Caused by Impulse Electric Current Treatment. Metalurgija, 46 (4), 251-253.
  76. Buchanovsky, V., Mamuzić, I. & Polishuk, E. (2007) The Effect of Heat Treatment on Mechanical Characteristics and Nature of Failure of Sheet Molybdenum Alloys. Metalurgija, 46 (4), 233-236.
  77. Ćurčija, D. & Mamuzić, I. (2007) Lubricating film formation for strip dressing. Goriva i maziva, 46 (1), 34-44.
  78. Ćurčija, D. & Mamuzić, I. (2007) Theoretical calculation of the lubrication-layer thickness during metal drawing. Materiali in tehnologije, 41 (1), 21-27.
  79. Bukhanovskii, V., Kharchenko, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2007) Harakteristiki žaropročnosti nizkolegirovannogo molibdenovogo splava VM-1. Problemy pročnosti, 388 (4), 90-98.
  80. Buršák, M. & Mamuzić, I. (2007) Fatigue Properties of Galvanized Higher-Strength Steel Sheets. Metalurgija, 46 (4), 277-280.
  81. Golovko, O., Mamuzić, I. & Grydin, O. (2006) Method for Pocket Die Design on the Basis of Numerical Investigations of Aluminium Extrusion Process. Metalurgija, 45 (3), 155-161.
  82. Dobatkin, S., Zrnik, J. & Mamuzić, I. (2006) Nanostructures by Severe Plastic Deformation of Steels: Advantages and Problems. Metalurgija, 45 (4), 313-321.
  83. Bukhanovskii, V., Rudnitskii, N. & Mamuzić Ilija (2006) The effect of chemical composition and heat treatment on the mechanical properties of microlayer Cu-Zr-Y-Mo composites within a wide temperature range. Metallovedenie i termicheskaya obrabotka metallov, 609 (3), 18-22.
  84. Chygyrynsky, V., Mamuzić, I., Vodopivec, F. & Gordienko, I. (2006) The Influence of the Temperature Factor on Deformability of the Plastic Medium. Metalurgija, 45 (2), 115-118.
  85. Zrnik, J., Mamuzić, I., Lukaš, P., Muransky, O., Jenčuš, P. & Novy, Z. (2006) Design of Thermomechanical Processing and Transformation Behaviour of Bulk Si-Mn Trip Steel. Metalurgija, 45 (2), 85-91.
  86. Buršak, M. & Mamuzić, I. (2006) The Influence of the Loading Rate on the Mechanical Properties of Drawing Steel Sheet. Metalurgija, 45 (1), 57-60.
  87. Kvačkaj, T. & Mamuzić, I. (2006) Development of Bake Hardening Effect by Plastic Deformation and Annealing Conditions. Metalurgija, 45 (1), 51-55.
  88. Frolov, Y., Mamuzić, I. & Danchenko, V. (2006) The Heat Conditions of the Cold Pilger Rolling. Metalurgija, 45 (3), 179-184.
  89. Zrnik, J., Mamuzić, I. & Dobatkin, S. (2006) Recent Progress in High Strength Low Carbon Steels. Metalurgija, 45 (4), 323-331.
  90. Mamuzić, I., Longauerova, M. & Štrkalj, A. (2005) The Analysis of Defects on Continuous Cast Billets. Metalurgija, 44 (3), 201-207.
  91. Borisenko, V., Bukhanovskii, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2005) Correlation dependences between short-term/long- term static strength characteristics and creep resistance of tungsten at high temperatures. Strength of materials, 37 (6), 584-592.
  92. Borisenko, V., Bukhanovskii, V., Grechanyuk, N., Grechanyuk, I., Mamuzić, I., Osokin, V. & Rudnitskii, N. (2005) Temperature dependences of static mechanical properties of an MDK-3 laminated composite. Strength of materials, 37 (4), 416-421.
  93. Ćurčija, D. & Mamuzić, I. (2005) Lubricants for the rolling and drawing of metals. Materiali in tehnologije, 39 (3), 61-75.
  94. Mamuzić, I. (2005) Mechanical Properties of Blasted Steel Sheet. Metalurgija, 44 (4), 301-304.
  95. Ćurčija, D. & Mamuzić, I. (2005) Optimising of Lubrication Layer on the Transversal Strip Roughness. Metalurgija, 44 (4), 295-300.
  96. Ćurčija, D. & Mamuzić, I. (2005) Optimisation Process of Strip Cold Rolling. Metalurgija, 44 (3), 221-226.
  97. Ćurčija, D. & Mamuzić, I. (2005) Mathematical Modelling of Metal Drawing Process. Metalurgija, 44 (2), 113-117.
  98. Kvačkaj, T., Vrchovinsky, V., Pokorny, I. & Mamuzić, I. (2005) Nanostructural Formation by Severe Plastic Deformation. Metalurgija, 44 (1), 49-51.
  99. Devčić, N., Mamuzić, I. & Terzić, K. (2005) Greške na bešavnim cijevima. Metalurgija, 44 (1), 53-58.
  100. Goryany, V., Khlyntseva, T., Mamuzić, I. & Radsinsky, V. (2004) Influence of cooling intensity on the structure formation in stripe steel by thermomechanical treatment. Journal of mining and metallurgy. Section: B, Metallurgy, 40 (1), 75-88.
  101. Drujan, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2004) Techno – Economic Indikators of Seamless Tube Production. Metalurgija, 43 (3), 181-186.
  102. Buršak, M., Mamuzić, I. & Mihalikova, M. (2004) Influence of Blasting on Mechanical Properties of Steel Sheet. Metalurgija, 43 (2), 101-105.
  103. Chygyrynskyy, V., Mamuzić, I. & Bergeman, G. (2004) Analysis of the State of Stress and Strain of a Medium under Conditions of Inhomogeneous Plastic Flow. Metalurgija, 43 (2), 87-91.
  104. Goryany, V., Mamuzić, I., Hlyntseva, T. & Radsinsky, V. (2004) Structure Formation in Strip Steel by Thermal Strengthening. Metalurgija, 43 (1), 41-44.
  105. Buršak, M., Mamuzić, I. & Michel, J. (2004) The Influence of the Loading Rate on the Notch Tougness of Light-Gauge Drawn Steel Sheets. Metalurgija, 43 (1), 23-27.
  106. Buhanovski, V., Borisenko, V., Harčenko, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2004) Visokotemperaturnaja pročnost niobievo splava 5VMC s silicidno – keramičeskimi zaščitnim pokritijam, Soobščenie 2: Harakteristiki sekundnoj polzučesti. Problemy pročnosti, 36 (5), 504-510.
  107. Bukhanovskii, V., Borisenko, V., Kharchenko, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2004) HIGH-TEMPERATURE STRENGHT OF NIOBIUM ALLOY 5VMTs WITH A SILICIDE-CERAMIC COATING. PART 2. CHARACTERISTICS OF SHORT-TERM CREEP. Strength of materials, 36 (5), 504-510.
  108. Mamuzić, I. (2004) Hrvatska metalurgija – prošlost, sadašnjost, budućnost. Metalurgija, 43 (1), 3-12.
  109. Bukhanovskii, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2004) Low-Cycle Strength and Cyclic Creep of a Molybdenum-Tungsten Alloy upon high Temperature Repeated Static Loading. Russian metallurgy. Metally, 46 (1), 279-285.
  110. Grechanyuk, I., Mamuzić, I. & Bukhanovski, V. (2004) Production technology and service characteristics of microlayer composite materials for electric contacts of new generation. Kyrgyzstan madaniâty, 37 (1), 49-55.
  111. Bukhanovski, V., Borisenko, A., Kharchenko, K. & Mamuzić, I. (2004) High Temperature Strength of Niobium Alloy 5VMTs with a Silicide Ceramic Coating, Part1. Short Term Strength Characteristics. Strength of materials, 36 (2), 119-129.
  112. Golja, M., Vodopivec, F. & Mamuzić, I. (2004) An Investigation of the hot deformability of low-alloyed steels using torsion tests. Materiali in tehnologije, 38 (3-4), 131-135.
  113. Kovalova, K., Mamuzić, I. & Buršak, M. (2004) Influence of the Cycling Loading Method on the Fatigue Life of Surface-Hardened Steel Sheets. Metalurgija, 43 (4), 335-338.
  114. Jurković, M., Mamuzić, I. & Karabegović, E. (2004) The Sheet Metal Forming with Hydraulic Fluid Pressure. Metalurgija, 43 (4), 315-322.
  115. Mamuzić, I. & Drujan, V. (2004) Mathematical Model of Rolling Tube Blank. Metalurgija, 43 (4), 279-285.
  116. Grynkevych, V., Mamuzić, I. & Danchenko, V. (2004) On Development of Methods of Computer Simulation for Processes of Metal Forming. Metalurgija, 43 (3), 187-192.
  117. Goryany, V., Mamuzić, I., Hlyntseva, T. & Radsinsky, V. (2003) Toplinsko očvršćenje trake niskougljičnog čelika. Metalurgija, 42 (3), 193-196.
  118. Devčić, N. & Mamuzić, I. (2003) 50 godina proizvodnje bešavnih cijevi u Hrvatskoj – Željezari Sisak. Metalurgija, 42 (1), 47-55.
  119. Bukhanovsky, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2003) The Effect of Temperature on Mechanicla Characteristics of Niobium Alloys of the System Nb-W-Mo-Zr. Metalurgija, 42 (2), 85-90.
  120. Bukhanovsky, V., Mamuzić, I. & Borisenko, V. (2003) Međusobni odnos strukture i mehaničkih svojstava niskolegiranih molibdenskih slitina. Metalurgija, 42 (3), 159-166.
  121. Goryany, v., Mamuzić, I. & Radsinsky, V. (2003) Utjecaj hlađenja na otpornost valjaka od krom-nikal čelika. Metalurgija, 42 (4), 245-247.
  122. Shlomchak, G., Mamuzić, I. & Mironenko, N. (2003) Development of the technique for the plastometric experiment of the rheologically complex metals. Metalurgija, 42 (4), 257-259.
  123. Syasev, A., Vesselovskiy, V., Mamuzić, I., Kochubey, A., Syasev, V. & Klim, V. (2003) The nonlinear shaping of the thermomechanical status of two-phases. Materiali in tehnologije, 37 (3-4), 137-143.
  124. Bukhanovsky, V., Mamuzić, I. & Borišenko, V. (2003) The Effect of Thermal Treatment on the Mechanical Properties of Low-Alloyed Molybdenum Alloys over the Wide Range of Temperatures. Metalurgija, 42 (1), 9-14.
  125. Čižmarova, E., Michel, J., Mamuzić, I. & Buršak, M. (2002) Influence of Strain Rate on Properties of Microalloyed S-MC Steel Grades. Metalurgija, 41 (4), 285-290.
  126. Kubikova, L., Kvačkaj, T., Pituch, M. & Mamuzić, I. (2002) Vyvoj mechanickych vlastnosti oceli St 14 a ZStE 260 v zavislosti na hladiacom valcovani. Acta Metallurgica Slovaca, 8 (1), 199-205.
  127. Preloščan, A., Vodopivec, F. & Mamuzić, I. (2002) Fine-grained structural steel with controlled hot rolling. Materiali in tehnologije, 36 (5), 181-185.
  128. Danchenko, V., Mamuzić, I. & Drozhzha, P. (2002) Ingress of the salt Lubricant on a Tube-Mandrel Contact in the Stands Continuous Mill of Tubes. Metalurgija, 41 (2), 93-97.
  129. Kalinushkin, E., Mamuzić, I., Taran, Y. & Tykhonuk, L. (2002) Steels of peritectic type: Peculiarities of structure, alloying technology and use. Metalurgija, 41 (3), 131-138.
  130. Michel, J., Buršak, M. & Mamuzić, I. (2002) Creep Properties of Microalloyed Steels. Metalurgija, 41 (2), 71-76.
  131. Milenin, A., Golovko, A. & Mamuzić, I. (2002) The Application of Three-dimensional Computer Simulation when Developing Dies for Extrusion of Aluminium Shapes. Metalurgija, 41 (1), 53-55.
  132. Buršak, M., Mamuzić, I., Michel, J. & Hidvegny, J. (2001) Strength and Plasticity of Hot and Cold Rolled High Strength Weathering Formable Steel Sheets. Metalurgija, 40 (2), 101-105.
  133. Chygyrynsky, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2001) The Investigation of the Influence of Correcting Stress Component in the Three-dimensional Solution on some Parameters of the Process of the Copuplex Shapes Rolling. Metalurgija, 40 (3), 139-142.
  134. Buršak, M., Bokuvka, O., Mamuzić, I. & Michel, J. (2000) Impact Properties of Microalloyed Steel. Metalurgija, 39 (4), 243-247.
  135. Lester, Y., Mamuzić, I. & Medvedeva, L. (2000) Definition of Fields of Temperature and Stresses in a Sphere During Cooling. Metalurgija, 39 (2), 111-113.
  136. Lester, Y., Mamuzić, I. & Medvedeva, L. (2000) Definition of the Geometrical Characteristics of the Cross Section of Intermediate Continuous Pouring of Steel Production During Cooling. Metalurgija, 39 (1), 41-43.
  137. Juchkov, S., Lochmatov, A., Mamuzić, I., Binkevich, E. & Shynkarenko, V. (1999) The Exploatation of Friction Forces for Improving the Rolling Processes. Kovine, zlitine, tehnologije = Metals, alloys, technologies, 33 (5), 267-270.
  138. Zrnik, J., Kvačkaj, T., Domdeat, S., Prasong, S. & Mamuzić, I. (1999) Controlled Rolling Process of Microalloyed Steel Grade QStE 380 TM. Metalurgija, 38 (1), 13-18.
  139. Kalinuškin, E., Mamuzić, I. & Taran, J. (1999) Effect of the Colling rate on the Hot Ductility and the Mechanism of the Phase Transformation in Solidification of Tool Steels. Metalurgija, 38 (3), 137-141.
  140. Gorbanev, A., Mamuzić, I., Medvedeva, L., Pogrebnoy, S. & Vodopivec, F. (1999) Mathematical Description of the Rod Material Properties. Acta metallurgica Slovaca, 5, 311-316.
  141. Gorbanev, A., Binkevič, E., Sharf, J., Shmidt, R., Unakov, A., Mamuzić, I. & Medvedeva, L. (1999) Simulation of Rolling Process in Low-Temperature Two-Section Block of Modern Wire Rolling Mill. Metalurgija, 38 (4), 215-219.
  142. Vodopivec, F., Rešković, S. & Mamuzić, I. (1999) Evolution of substructure during continuous rolling of microalloyed steel strip. Materials science and technology, 15 (11), 1293-1299.
  143. Binkevich, E., Shynkarenko, V., Vodopivec, F. & Mamuzić, I. (1998) Comparison of Steel and Aluminium Behaviour as Materials for Rings and Wheels. Kovine, zlitine, tehnologije, 32 (6), 447-450.
  144. Binkevič, E., Mamuzić, I., Shynkarenko, V. & Vodopivec, F. (1998) Locking-suppression techniques and their application to the FEM-analysis of processes of deformation of thin-walled objects. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 75 (1-3), 27-32 doi:10.1016/S0924-0136(97)00289-6.
  145. Kvačkaj, T. & Mamuzić, I. (1998) A Quantitative Characterization of Austenite Microstructure after Deformation in Nonrecrystallization Region and Its Influence on Ferrite Microstructure after Transformation. ISIJ international, 38 (11), 1270-1276.
  146. Binkevič, E., Mamuzić, I. & Skorobogatko, A. (1998) Non-stationary Viscoplastic Flow of Material by Metal Forming. Metalurgija, 37 (4), 215-216.
  147. Gorbanev, A., Binkevič, E. & Mamuzić, I. (1998) Regulation of Forces in Inter-stand Spacings by Rolling in Finishing Blocks of Wire Roll Stands. Metalurgija = Metallurgy, 37 (3), 153-157.
  148. Križanić, R., Mamuzić, I. & Nikolić, Đ. (1998) Očvršćivanje visokočvrstog konstrukcijskog zavarljivog čelika bainitnog tipa H-75. Metalurgija, 37 (1), 31-37.
  149. Kvačkaj, T., Hajduk, M., Konvicny, J., Mamuzić, I. & (1998) Evaluation of Metallurgical Characteristics of Hot Rolled Steel Strips in the Finishing Train. Metalurgijagy, 37 (1), 9-13.
  150. Gorjanoj, V., Trbižan, M. & Mamuzić, I. (1998) A contribution to the investigation of the wear resistance of iron rolls. International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 3, 43-50.
  151. Michel, J., Hidveghy, J., Mamuzić, I. & Bursak, M. (1998) Fatigue Properties of Low Carbon Steel Strengthened by Static or Dynamic Work Hardening. Kovine, zlitine, tehnologije, 32 (6), 455-459.
  152. Mamuzić, I., Binkevič, E., Skorobogatko, A. & Shynkarenko, V. (1997) Analysis of Plastic Flow of Hot Metal by Rolling with Figured Passes. Metalurgija, 36 (3), 155-158.
  153. Michel, J., Buršak, M. & Mamuzić, I. (1997) The Microstructure Notch Toughness Relationship of Microalloyed Steels. Metalurgija, 36 (4), 205-209.
  154. Mamuzić, I., Binkevič, E., Binkevič, I. & Medvedeva, L. (1997) Nonstationary Plastic Flow of a Bar with Symmetrical Cuts of Arbitrary Form. Metalurgija, 36 (2), 105-107.
  155. Kvačkaj, T., Zrnik, J. & Mamuzić, I. (1997) Current Manufacturing Trends and Energy Evaluation for Flat Rolled Steel Semiproducts. Metalurgija = Metallurgy, 36 (1), 53-57.
  156. Binkevič, E., Gorbanev, A., Mamuzić, I., Medvedeva, L. & Shynkarenko, V. (1997) Inertial Forces at Deformation Site by Rolling in Modern High-speed Finishing Mill Stands. Metalurgija, 36 (4), 235-238.
  157. Zrnik, J., Wangyao, P., Vrchovinsky, V., Hornak, P. & Mamuzić, I. (1997) Deformation Behavior of Wrought Nickel Base Superalloy in Conditions of Thermomechanical Fatigue. Metalurgija = Metallurgy, 36 (4), 225-228.
  158. Križanić, R., Mamuzić, I., Nikolić, Đ. & Kvačkaj, T. (1997) Deformation Properties of High-strength Structural Bainite H-75 Steel. Metalurgija, 36 (4), 219-224.
  159. Kvačkaj, T. & Mamuzić, I. (1996) Energeticke posudenie novych technology pre vyrobe ocelovych pasov. Acta metallurgica Slovaca, 2 (3), 196-202.
  160. Michel, J., Buršak, M. & Mamuzić, I. (1996) Influence of Strain Rate on Mechanical Properties of Microalloyed Steels. Metalurgija, 35 (2), 69-72.
  161. Zrnik, J., Yu, Y., Wang, J., Žitnansky, M., Mamuzić, I. & Hornak, P. (1996) Creep Fatigue Behaviour of Directionally Solidified Nickel Base Superalloy. Metalurgija = Metallurgy, 35 (1), 11-15.
  162. Šimon, A. & Mamuzić, I. (1996) High Strength Steel for Wide Range Use. Metalurgija, 35 (1), 3-6.
  163. Shlomchak, G., Melnik, A. & Mamuzić, I. (1996) Rheological Complexity of Metals and Anomalies of their Deformation. Metalurgija, 35 (2), 83-86.
  164. Mamuzić, I., Shynkarenko, V. & Binkevich, I. (1996) Finite Elements Stiffness Matrices Conditionality Improvement in the Analysis of Forming Processes via the Orthogonalizing of the Shape Functions. Metalurgija, 35 (2), 79-82.
  165. Slomchack, G., Milenin, A., Mamuzić, I. & Vodopivec, F. (1996) A mathematical model of the formation of the plastic deformation zone in the rolling of rheologically complex metals and alloys. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 58 (2-3), 184-188 doi:10.1016/0924-0136(95)02099-3.
  166. Kvačkaj, T. & Mamuzić, I. (1996) Energeticke posudenie novych technologii pre vyrobu ocel’ovych pasov. Acta metallurgica Slovaca, 2 (3), 196-202.
  167. Mamuzić, I., Komarov, A. & Shynkarenko, V. (1996) Finite Elements for Analysis of Sheet Forming Processes. Metalurgija, 35 (3), 139-144.
  168. Mamuzić, I., Medvedeva, L. & Skorobogatko, A. (1996) FEM Investigation of the Parameters of the Local Plastic Deformations of an Inhomogeneous Bar. Metalurgija = Metallurgy, 35 (1), 27-29.
  169. Mamuzić, I. (1995) Tehnološki razvoj u Hrvatskoj : ograničenja i perspektive na primjeru metalurgije. Hrvatsko gospodarstvo : glasilo Hrvatske gospodarske komore, 68, 42-46.
  170. Shlomchack, G., Mamuzić, I. & Vodopivec, F. (1995) Optical modelling of non-stationary rolling process. Materials science and technology, 11 (3), 312-316.
  171. Zrnik, J., Zitnansky, M. & Mamuzić, I. (1995) On the creep deformation of single crystal Ni base superalloy CMSX-3. Metalurgija, 34 (1-2), 7-12.
  172. Zrnik, J., Hazlinger, M., Mamuzić, I. & Zitnansky, M. (1995) Effect of structural characteristics of strengthening phase on creep/fatigue behavior of single crystal nickel base superalloys. Metalurgija, 34 (3), 61-66.
  173. Mamuzic, I., Binkevich, I. & Shynkarenko, V. (1995) Application of finite elements method for the analysis of coils of thin cold-rolled strip. Metalurgija, 34 (4), 151-153.
  174. Kvačkaj, T. & Mamuzić, I. (1995) Mathematic description of austenite dynamic recrystallization in C-Mn base low carbon steel. Metalurgija, 34 (4), 139-143.
  175. Micheľ, J., Mamuzić, I. & Buršak, M. (1995) Resistance to brittle fracture by micro-alloyed steels. Metalurgija, 34 (3), 73-77.
  176. Mamuzić, I. (1995) 6000 years of metallurgy in Croatia. Študijine zvesti archrologicheho ustavu Slovenskej vied, 34, 135-143.
  177. Mamuzić, I., Drujan, V. & Garan, I. (1994) Odborne systemy v ekologii hutnictva. Hutnicke listy, 39 (6), 5-7.
  178. Šimon, A. & Mamuzić, I. (1994) Microstructure and properties of microalloyed steel sheet with yield, strength exceding 620 MPa. Metalurgija, 33 (4), 137-140.
  179. Michel, J., Mamuzić, I. & Buršak, M. (1994) Relations between criteria describing resistance to brittle fracture and their utilization for evaluation micro-alloyed steels. Metallurgy and new materials research, 2 (4), 11-22.
  180. Shlomchack, G., Mamuzić, I. & Vodopivec, F. (1994) Rheological similarity of metals and alloys. Journal of materials processing technology, 40 (3-4), 315-325 doi:10.1016/0924-0136(94)90458-8.
  181. Golja, M., Mamuzić, I. & Fridrih, H. (1994) Contribution to investigation of three- dimensional flow of materials and deformation in hollow shell crossrolling. Metalurgija, 33 (1), 19-22.
  182. Šimon, A. & Mamuzić, I. (1994) Structure and properties of stripped microalloyed steel with yield stress over 620 MPa. Metallurgy and new materials research, 2 (1-2), 80-86.
  183. Schlomchak, G., Mamuzić, I. & Vodopivec, F. (1994) The role of contact friction and rheology in the deformation at plastometric tests of rheologically complex materials. Kovine zlitine tehnologije, 28 (4), 579-582.
  184. Schlomchak, G., Mamuzić, I. & Vodopivec, F. (1994) Deformation anomalies of higher order during the plastic extention of rheolo-gically complex materials. Kovine zlitine tehnologije, 28 (4), 583-587.
  185. Lezinskaya, J., Mamuzić, I., Parilak, L. & Vodopivec, F. (1994) Structure and properties of the metal of tubes produced from centrifugally vacuum cast austenitic stainless-steel billets. Kovové materiály, 32 (6), 515-521.
  186. Mamuzić, I. & Goryanoy, V. (1994) Doprinos izradi konstrukcije kalupa za lijevanje valjaka. Ljevarstvo (1954), 36 (2), 37-40.
  187. Schlomchak, G., Mamuzić, I. & Vodopivec, F. (1993) The rheological model of deformation nidus in the process of rolling. Kovine zlitine tehnologije, 27 (4), 295-300.
  188. Shlomchak, G. & Mamuzić, I. (1993) Optičko modeliranje nesimetričnog procesa valjanja. Metalurgija, 32 (3), 77-80.
  189. Mamuzić, I. & Turk, R. (1993) Directions for research and technology of the plastic metal and alloy forming. Metalurgija, 32 (4), 167-176.
  190. Druyan, V., Garan, V. & Mamuzić, I. (1993) Formation of knowledge bases of expert systems for applied problems in ferrous metallurgy. Metalurgija, 32 (1-2), 27-30.
  191. Mironova, O., Druyan, V. & Mamuzić, I. (1993) Strukturne promjene u niskougljičnim čelicima kod termo¬mehaničke obrade. Metalurgija, 32 (1-2), 7-15.
  192. Križanić, R., Hensel, A., Mamuzić, I. & Nikolić, Đ. (1993) Umformeigenschaften eines hochfesten Bainitbausthals. Metalurgija, 32 (3), 69-75.
  193. Mamuzić, I. (1993) Metalni proizvodi u naftnim i petrokemijskim postrojenjima. Metalurgija, 32 (1-2), 31-35.
  194. Mamuzić, I., Goryanoy, V. & Tomašević, S. (1993) Toplinski umor lijevanog čelika. Ljevarstvo : glasilo Hrvatskog udruženja za ljevarstvo, 35 (3), 107-111.
  195. Buršak, M., Michel, J. & Mamuzić, I. (1993) Properties analysis of the St 52-3 grade steel after thermo-mechanical treatment. Metalurgija, 32 (4), 135-139.
  196. Mamuzić, I., Turk, R. & Balakin, V. (1992) Modeliranje procesa plastične prerade metala. Metalurgija, 31 (1), 15-20.
  197. Garan, V., Druyan, V. & Mamuzić, I. (1992) Ekspertni sustavi i njihova primjena u metalurgiji. Metalurgija, 31 (4), 125-129.
  198. Križanić, R., Mamuzić, I. & Nikolić, Đ. (1992) Određivanje deformacijskog otpora visokočvrstog zavarivog konstrukcijskog čelika bainitnog tipa. Metalurgija, 31 (2-3), 61-66.
  199. Golja, M. & Mamuzić, I. (1992) Istraživanje naprezanja tečenja i granične deformacije čelika za cijevi metodom toplog uvijanja i hladnog razvlačenja. Strojarstvo : časopis za teoriju i praksu u strojarstvu, 34 (1-2), 31-36.
  200. Mamuzić, I., Garan, V. & Druyan, V. (1992) Application of expert systems in the production of tubes by cold working. Transcation of the Technical University of Košice, 2 (2), 5-12.
  201. Billi, J. & Mamuzić, I. (1992) Supplement to the investigation of two-phase alfa + beta titanium alloys. Metalurgija, 31 (2-3), 49-52.
  202. Schlomchak, G., Mamuzić, I. & Vodopivec, F. (1992) Lead as a rheological model for investigation hot rolling processes. Transactions of the Technical University of Košice, 3 (4), 331-335.
  203. Iharos, B. & Mamuzić, I. (1991) Određivanje sile vučenja kod hladnog vučenja čeličnih cijevi. Metalurgija, 30 (4), 137-141.
  204. Mamuzić, I., Golja, M. & Križanić, R. (1991) Doprinos istraživanjima utjecaja oligoelemenata na plastičnost čelika. Metalurgija, 30 (4), 131-135.
  205. Mamuzić, I. & Hensel, A. (1990) Razvojne tendencije tehnologije plastične prerade metala. Metalurgija, 29 (2-3), 45-52.
  206. Mamuzić, I. & Balenović, M. (1988) Mogućnost proizvodnje kotlovskih cijevi u Jugoslaviji. Termotehnika, 14 (3-4), 335-352.
  207. Mamuzić, I. (1988) Mogućnost proizvodnje kotlovskih šavnih cijevi u Jugoslaviji. Čelik, 24 (132), 9-14.
  208. Čižman, V., Mujezinović, A. & Mamuzić, I. (1987) Stanje i razvojne tendencije tehnologije plastične prerade čelika u nas i u svijetu. Čelik, 23 (127), 5-15.
  209. Golja, M. & Mamuzić, I. (1987) Analitičko određivanje prirodnog deormacijskog otpora. Metalurgija, 26 (2-3), 53-58.
  210. Ćurčija, D. & Mamuzić, I. (1983) Utjecajni faktori na sloj maziva kod hladnog valjanja. Tehnika : rudarstvo, geologija i metalurgija, 34 (8), 1075-1078.
  211. Mamuzić, I. (1983) Prednosti i nedostaci primjene Lambovih valova pri ispitivanju sučeonih zavara. Defektoskopija materijala, 2 (6-7), 11-19.
  212. Ćurčija, D. & Mamuzić, I. (1981) Doprinos određivanju sloja maziva kod hladnog valjanja. Tehnika : rudarstvo, geologija i metalurgiaj, 32 (10), 1459-1462.
  213. Mamuzić, I. (1981) Zavisnost ultrazvučnog prigušivanja i svojstava lijevanog materijala. Ljevarstvo (1954), 28 (1), 3-10.
  214. Mamuzić, I. (1978) Zahtjevi i metalurška svojstva bušaćih cijevi (drill pipes). Metalurgija, 17 (2), 15-24.
  215. Mamuzić, I. (1977) Einige probleme bei der Herstellung von geschweisen Rohren in Hüttenwerke Sisak. Neue Hütte, 22 (3), 113-118.
  216. Mamuzić, I. (1977) Cijevi za geološka istraživanja. Metalurgija, 16 (1), 21-28.
  217. Mamuzić, I. & Malina, M. (1977) Izrada geoloških cijevi u Željezari Sisak. Metalurgija, 16 (2), 19-28.
  218. Mamuzić, I. & Butorac, J. (1977) Proračun snage i praćenja toka materijala pri procesu bušenja. Metalurgija, 16 (4), 21-30.
  219. Mamuzić, I. & Krakar, Z. (1970) Nedestruktivne metode za kontrolu uloška u valjaonici bešavnih cijevi. Metalurgija, 9 (4), 211-225.
  220. Mamuzić, I. (1970) Primjena Lambovih valova za kontrolu sučeonih zavara na tankostjenim predmetima. Zavarivanje, 13 (8), 246-252.
  221. Mamuzić, I. (1968) Kontrola zavarenih spojeva na cijevnim konstrukcijama. Metalurgija, 7 (1-2), 7-13.
  222. Mamuzić, I. (1966) Defektoskopija metala s osvrtom na ultrazvuk. Metalurgija, 5 (2-3), 19-40.
  223. Mamuzić, I. (1966) Ispitivanje zavarenih spojeva ultrazvukom. Zavarivanje, 9 (2), 26-32.
Stručni radovi
  1. Mamuzić, I. & Juraga, I. (2017) Više od pola stoljeća plodonosnog rada. Zavarivanje, 60 (5/6), 152-153.
  2. Mamuzić, I. (2012) Success raises expectation: Print of Monography also with »Bibliography of Journal Metalurgija 1962 – 2012«. Metalurgija, 51 (1), 5-8.
  3. Globa, L., Novogrudska, R. & Mamuzić, I. (2012) Development of a model for the internet portal “Strength of materials”. Materiali in tehnologije, 46 (4), 407-410.
  4. Mamuzić, I. (2011) 50-a godina tiskanja časopisa Metalurgija. Metalurgija, 50 (1), 3-7.
  5. Kharlamov, Y., Dal, V., Mamuzić, I., Lopata, L. & Pisarenko, G. (2010) The selection and development of tribological coatings. Materiali in tehnologije, 44 (5), 283-287.
  6. Babutsky, A., Chrysanthou, A., Ioannou, J. & Mamuzić, I. (2010) Correlation between corrosion resistance and hardness scattering of structural metals treated by pulse electric current. Materiali in tehnologije, 44 (2), 99-102.
  7. Mamuzić, I. (2009) Hrvatsko metalurško društvo (HMD) – 55. obljetnica utemeljenja (1. dio). Zavarivanje, 52 (1/2), 35-38.
  8. Mamuzić, I. (2009) Hrvatsko metalurško društvo (HMD) – 55. obljetnica utemeljenja (2. dio). Zavarivanje, 52 (3/4), 127-130.
  9. Mamuzić, I. (2003) Četrdeset peta obljetnica utemeljenja Hrvatskog metalurškog društva (HMD). Metalurgija, 42 (4), 215-222.
  10. Kochubey, A., Syasev, A., Veselovskiy, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2002) Mathematical Modelling of Metallurgical Processes with Usage of the Theory of Increasing Bodies. Acta metallurgica Slovaca, 8 (3), 308-320.
  11. Veselovskiy, V., Kochubey, A., Syasev, A., Mamuzić, I., Klim, E. & Syasev, V. (2002) Approximate Methods of the Solution of Non-Linear Problems Thermomechanics with Driving Border. Acta metallurgica Slovaca, 8 (3), 321-335.
  12. Mamuzić, I. (2002) The Fortieth Anniversary of the Journal Metalurgija. Metalurgija, 41 (1), 3-12.
  13. Grechanyak, N., Mamuzić, I. & Shpak, P. (2002) Modern Electron-Beam Technologies of Melting and Evaporation of Materials in Vacuum by used “Gekont”-Company, Ukraine. Metalurgija, 41 (2), 125-128.
  14. Kvačkaj, T., Pokorny, I., Novy, Z., Pivovarnik, T., Harrer, O. & Mamuzić, I. (2001) Fyzikalne a matematicke simulacie procesov valcovania Ni superzlitiny typu – Hastelloy-N. Acta Metallurgica Slovaca, 7 (3), 334-342.
  15. Mamuzić, I., Buršak, M. & Hidvegny, J. (2001) Mechanicke vlastnosti ocele KODUR E 700TS v podmienkach dynamickeho namahania a možnosti ich modifikacie tepelnym spracovanim. Acta Metallurgica Slovaca, 7 (3), 326-333.
  16. Mamuzić, I. (1998) Međunarodni simpozij hrvatskih metalurga “Stanje i razvitak plastične obrade kovina i slitina” (Zaključci). Metalurgija, 37 (4), 195-198.
  17. Mamuzić, I. (1997) Trideset pet godina časopisa Metalurgija. Metalurgija, 36 (2), 71-76.
  18. Jakšić, D., Mamuzić, I., Golja, M. & Curić, M. (1995) Utjecaj hladne deformacije na mehanička svojstva aluminijske legure Al-Cu-Bi-Pb. Metalurgija, 34 (1-2), 43-46.
  19. Mamuzić, I. (1993) Hrvatsko metalurško društvo – aktivnosti i zadaci. Metalurgija, 32 (1-2), 55-57.
  20. Mamuzić, I. (1991) Trideseta godina izdavanja časopisa Metalurgija. Metalurgija, 30 (3), 57-61.
  21. Mamuzić, I. (1990) 30 godina visokoškolske nastave i organiziranog znanstveno-istraživačkog rada u Sisku. Metalurgija, 29¸ (4), 91-93.
  22. Golja, M. & Mamuzić, I. (1989) Doprinos određivanju naprezanja tečenja metala pomoću računala. Metalurgija, 28 (2), 73-76.
  23. Mamuzić, I. (1988) I kompjutori i cijevi. Danas, 7 (2), 39-43.
  24. Mamuzić, I. (1987) godina izdavanja časopisa Metalurgija. Metalurgija, 26 (2-3), 39-43.
  25. Mamuzić, I. (1986) Prilog koncipiranju novog nastavnog plana na Metalurškom fakultetu Sisak. Metalurgija, 25 (2), 77-81.
  26. Mamuzić, I., Butorac, J. & Iharoš, B. (1985) Vlastita iskustva pri preradi bešavnih cijevi iz čelika Č.4146 za kotrljajuće ležajeve. Čelik, 21 (114), 21-27.
  27. Alduk, S., Mamuzić, I. & Malina, M. (1980) Iskustva pri usvajanju proizvodnje bušaćih cijevi (Drill Pipe) u Željezari Sisak. Metalurgija, 19 (1-2), 31-38.
  28. Mamuzić, I. & Malina, M. (1979) Usvajanje proizvodnje bušaćih šipki. Metalurgija, 18 (4), 21-26.
  29. Mamuzić, I. (1971) Primjena stiloskopske kontrole u zavarivanju. Zavarivanje, 14 (1), 9-21.
  30. Mamuzić, I. (1969) Stiloskopske metode u metalurgiji (II.). Metalurgija, 8 (1-2), 15-20.
  31. Mamuzić, I. (1968) Stiloskopska kontrola u metalurgiji (I.). Metalurgija, 7 (3-4), 19-27.
  32. Mamuzić, I. (1965) Detekcija grešaka u stjenci cilindra preše 750 t. Zavarivanje, 8 (2), 37-41.
Drugi radovi u časopisima
  1. Mamuzić, I. (2025) Zahvala recenzentima, Metalurgija 63 (2024) 1-4, 1-496. Metalurgija, 64 (1-2), 111-111.
  2. Mamuzić, I. (2025) Three most important books – monographs published by the Croatian Metallurgical Society. Metalurgija, 64 (1-2), 243-243.
  3. Mamuzić, I. (2025) The third Certificate to Croatian Metallurgical Society (CMS) for successfully business (2020, 2021, 2022 y). Metalurgija, 64 (1-2), 244-244.
  4. Mamuzić, I. (2024) Pravilnik časopisa Metalurgija. Metalurgija, 63 (3-4), 475-476.
  5. Mamuzić, I. (2024) Call for 18th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society (SHMD `2025). Metalurgija, 63 (3-4), 472-474.
  6. Mamuzić, I. (2024) Djelatnost Hrvatskog metalurškog društva (HMD) u 2023. god., uključujući i međunarodna. Metalurgija, 63 (3-4), 493-495.
  7. Mamuzić, I. (2024) Budućnost Hrvatskog metalurškog društva (HMD). Metalurgija, 63 (3-4), 323-328.
  8. Mamuzić, I. (2024) Program djelatnosti Hrvatskog metalurškog društva (HMD) u 2025. god.. Metalurgija, 63 (3-4), 496-496.
  9. Mamuzić, I. (2024) Treće Priznanje Hrvatskom metalurškom društvu (HMD) za uspješno poslovanje (2020., 2021., 2022. god.). Metalurgija, 63 (2), 301-302.
  10. Mamuzić, I. (2024) Program djelatnosti Hrvatskog metalurškog društva (HMD) u 2024. god. Metalurgija, 63 (2), 300-300.
  11. Mamuzić, I. (2024) U spomen Josip Črnko (1953. – 2023.). Metalurgija, 63 (1), 132-132.
  12. Mamuzić, I. (2023) Zahvala recenzentima, Metalurgija 62 (2023) 1-4, 3-500. Metalurgija, 62 (3-4), 499-500.
  13. Mamuzić, I. (2023) Godišnja skupština Hrvatskog metalurškog društva (HMD), 2023. god.. Metalurgija, 62 (3-4), 488-488.
  14. Mamuzić, I. (2023) Survey of 16th Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society “Materials and Metallurgy”. Metalurgija, 62 (3-4), 334-334.
  15. Mamuzić, I. (2023) 17th Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society “Materials and Metallurgy”. Metalurgija, 62 (3-4), 331-333.
  16. Mamuzić, I. (2023) Rule book of the Journal Metalurgija. Metalurgija, 62 (2), 306-306.
  17. Mamuzić, I. (2023) Priznanje Hrvatskom metalurškom društvu (HMD) za uspješno poslovanje. Metalurgija, 62 (2), 307-308.
  18. Mamuzić, I. (2023) Program djelatnosti Hrvatskog metalurškog društva (HMD) – 2023. god.. Metalurgija, 62 (1), 176-176.
  19. Mamuzić, I. (2023) Izborna skupština Hrvatskog metalurškog društva (HMD). Metalurgija, 62 (1), 175-175.
  20. Mamuzić, I. (2023) Zapisnik sa uredničkog odbora časopisa Metalurgija. Metalurgija, 62 (1), 173-174.
  21. Mamuzić, I. (2023) 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society „Materials and Metallurgy“. Metalurgija, 62 (1), 8-10.
  22. Mamuzić, I. (2023) Obljetnice Hrvatske metalurgije. Metalurgija, 62 (1), 3-7.
  23. Mamuzić, I. (2022) Survey of 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society (CMS). Metalurgija, 61 (3-4), 895-896.
  24. Mamuzić, I. (2022) Časopis Metalurgija 1962. – 2022. god. – lista autora i suautora. Metalurgija, 61 (3-4), 851-887.
  25. Mamuzić, I. (2022) Acknowledgement to reviewers Metalurgija 61 (2022) 1-4, 1–896. Metalurgija, 61 (3-4), 888-888.
  26. Mamuzić, I. (2022) Časopis Metalurgija 1962.–2022. god. – lista objavljenih radova. Metalurgija, 61 (2), 401-546.
  27. Mamuzić, I. (2022) Časopis Metalurgija 1962. – 2022. god. – lista tijela i suradnika. Metalurgija, 61 (2), 395-400.
  28. Mamuzić, I. (2022) Godišnja skupština Hrvatskog metalurškog društva (HMD). Metalurgija, 61 (1), 144-144.
  29. Mamuzić, I. (2021) In memoriam: Prof., dr. sc. Josip Krajcar, 1927. – 2020.. Metalurgija, 60 (3-4), 463-464.
  30. Mamuzić, I. (2021) In memoriam: Prof., dr. sc. Franc Vodopivec, 1931. – 2021.. Metalurgija, 60 (3-4), 461-462.
  31. Mamuzić, I. (2021) First circular – call for papers: 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society “Materials and Metallurgy” SHMD `2022. Metalurgija, 60 (1-2), 3-5.
  32. Mamuzić, I. (2021) Acknowledgement to reviewers, Metalurgija 60 (2021) 1-4, 1-464. Metalurgija, 60 (3-4), 284-284.
  33. Mamuzić, I. (2021) Acknowledgement to reviewers. Metalurgija, 60 (1-2), 6-6.
  34. Mamuzić, I. (2020) Zapisnik sastanka Međunarodnog uredničkog odbora časopisa Metalurgija. Metalurgija, 59 (4), 590-591.
  35. Mamuzić, I. (2020) Survey of 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society (CMS) – SHMD ʼ2020. Metalurgija, 59 (4), 592-592.
  36. Mamuzić, I. (2020) Godišnja skupština Hrvatskog metalurškog društva (HMD). Metalurgija, 59 (1), 144-144.
  37. Mamuzić, I. (2020) Godišnja skupština Hrvatskog metalurškog društva (HMD). Metalurgija, 59 (4), 589-589.
  38. Mamuzić, I. (2019) 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – First circular – call for paper. Metalurgija, 58 (1-2), 3-6.
  39. Mamuzić, I. (2019) Dopis Ministarstvu znanosti i obrazovanja, ministrici prof. dr. sc. Blaženki Divjak. Metalurgija, 58 (1-2), 174-176.
  40. Mamuzić, I. (2019) Survey of 13th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society (CMS), June 24-29 2018. Metalurgija, 58 (1-2), 171-173.
  41. Mamuzić, I. (2019) Acknowledgement to reviewers. Metalurgija, 58 (3-4), 352-352.
  42. Mamuzić, I. (2019) Minutes of the meeting of the Editorial Board of the Journal Metalurgija 25, June, 2018. Metalurgija, 58 (1-2), 169-170.
  43. Mamuzić, I. (2018) Annual Assambly of Croatian Metallurgical Society (CMS). Metalurgija, 57 (1-2), 18-18.
  44. Mamuzić, I. (2018) Osvrt o knjizi – Đuro Tadić “Željezara Sisak, Tvornica čelika i života”. Metalurgija, 57 (4), 371-374.
  45. Mamuzić, I. (2018) Election assambly of Croatian Metallurgical Society (CMS). Metalurgija, 57 (4), 376-376.
  46. Mamuzić, I. (2018) Acknowledgement to reviewers, Metalurgija 57 (2018) 1-4, 1-376. Metalurgija, 57 (4), 375-375.
  47. Mamuzić, I. (2017) Survey of 12th International Symposium of CMS, SHMD `2016, “Materials and Metallurgy”, Šibenik. Metalurgija, 56 (1-2), 287-288.
  48. Mamuzić, I. (2017) Minutes of the Meeting of the Editorial Board of the Journal Metalurgija. Metalurgija, 56 (1-2), 285-286.
  49. Mamuzić, I. (2017) Annual Assambly of the Croatian Metallurgical Society (CMS) 2016. Metalurgija, 56 (1-2), 284-284.
  50. Mamuzić, I. (2017) Acknowledgement to reviewers, Metalurgija 55 (2016) 1-4, 1-864. Metalurgija, 56 (1-2), 283-283.
  51. Mamuzić, I. (2017) Acknowledgement to reviewers, Metalurgija 56 (2017) 1-4, 1-432. Metalurgija, 56 (3-4), 432-432.
  52. Mamuzić, I. (2016) Annual Assambly of CMS. Metalurgija, 55 (1), 143-143.
  53. Mamuzić, I. (2016) Acknowledgement to reviewers Metalurgija 54 (2015) 1-4, 1-744. Metalurgija, 55 (1), 144-144.
  54. Mamuzić, I. (2016) 13th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society »Materials and Metallurgy« – SHMD `2018, Croatia, Šibenik, June, 24 – 28, 2018 – First Circular – Call for Papers. Metalurgija, 55 (4), 862-864.
  55. Mamuzić, I. (2015) Acknowledgement to reviewers 53 (2014). Metalurgija, 54 (1), 254-254.
  56. Mamuzić, I. (2015) Survey of 11th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society, SHMD ‘2014. Metalurgija, 54 (1), 307-308.
  57. Mamuzić, I. (2015) 12th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society, June 19-23, 2016 – First circular – Call for papers. Metalurgija, 54 (1), 5-7.
  58. Mamuzić, I. (2015) Election assambly of Croatian Metallurgical Society. Metalurgija, 54 (1), 8-8.
  59. Mamuzić, I. (2015) Minutes of the Meeting of the Editorial Board of Journal Metalurgija, June 23, 2014. Metalurgija, 54 (1), 9-10.
  60. Mamuzić, I. (2014) Annual Assambly of Croatian Metallurgical Society (CMS). Metalurgija, 53 (2), 148-148.
  61. Mamuzić, I. (2014) Acknowledgement to Reviewers 52 (2013) 1-4. Metalurgija, 53 (1), 4-4.
  62. Mamuzić, I. (2013) Annual Assambly of Croatian Metallurgical Society (CMS). Metalurgija, 52 (1), 4-4.
  63. Mamuzić, I. (2013) Acknowledgement to reviewers 51 (2012). Metalurgija, 52 (1), 138-138.
  64. Mamuzić, I. (2013) Survey of 10th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society (CMS) SHMD `2012. Metalurgija, 52 (1), 143-144.
  65. Mamuzić, I. (2013) Minutes of the meeting of the Editorial Board of the Journal Metalurgija. Metalurgija, 52 (1), 9-10.
  66. Mamuzić, I. (2013) First circular – call for papers / SHMD ’2014. – 11th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society. Metalurgija, 52 (1), 5-8.
  67. Mamuzić, I. (2012) Monograph “Metallurgy, always prosperity for humanity”. Metalurgija, 51 (4), 436-436.
  68. Mamuzić, I. (2011) Acknowledgement to reviewers for 2010. Metalurgija, 50 (2), 132-132.
  69. Mamuzić, I. (2011) Acknowledgement to Reviewers for 2010. Metalurgija, 50 (1), 8-8.
  70. Mamuzić, I. (2011) Survey of 9th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society (CMS) – SHMD ´2010. “Materials and Metallurgy”. Metalurgija, 50 (1), 71-72.
  71. Mamuzić, I. (2011) Acknowledgement to Reviewers for 2011. Metalurgija, 50 (4), 244-244.
  72. Mamuzić, I. (2011) 10th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society “Materials and Metallurgy” SHMD ‘2012 : First Circular – Call for Papers. Metalurgija, 50 (2), 75-80.
  73. Mamuzić, I. (2010) 150th anniversary of VDEh, Stahl Institute. Stahl und Eisen, 130 (11), 74-74.
  74. Mamuzić, I. (2010) Acknowledgement to reviewers. Metalurgija, 49 (1), 72-72.
  75. Mamuzić, I. (2010) Minutes of the Meeting of the Editorial Board of the Journal Metalurgija, held on June 21st 2010. Metalurgija, 49 (4), 291-292.
  76. Mamuzić, I. (2010) Annual Election Assambly of Croatian Metallurgical Society. Metalurgija, 49 (4), 330-330.
  77. Mamuzić, I. (2010) Rule Book of the Journal Metalurgija. Metalurgija, 49 (4), 293-294.
  78. Mamuzić, I. (2009) Acknowledgements to Reviewers for 2008. Metalurgija, 48 (1), 14-14.
  79. Mamuzić, I. (2009) First Circular – Call for Papers, 9th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society SHMD’ 2010. Metalurgija, 48 (1), 3-8.
  80. Mamuzić, I. (2009) Acknowledgements to Reviewers for 2009. Metalurgija, 48 (4), 228-228.
  81. Mamuzić, I. (2008) List of reviewers of the articles published in journal Metallurgy in 2007. Metalurgija, 47 (1), 64-64.
  82. Mamuzić, I. (2008) Announcement of the 8th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society, SHMD ‘2008. Metalurgija, 47 (1), 3-8.
  83. Mamuzić, I. (2008) Minutes of the Meeting of the Editorial Board of Journal Metalurgija, held on June 23rd 2008. Metalurgija, 47 (4), 291-294.
  84. Mamuzić, I. (2007) Announcement of the 8th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society, SHMD ‘2008. Metalurgija, 46 (1), 3-8.
  85. Mamuzić, I. (2007) Additional important warning to authors of journal Metalurgija. Metalurgija, 46 (2), 148-148.
  86. Mamuzić, I. (2007) 8th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society. Metalurgija, 46 (1), 3-8.
  87. Mamuzić, I. (2006) 7th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society SHMD 2006. “Materials and Metallurgy”. Metalurgija, 45 (3), 185-188.
  88. Mamuzić, I. (2006) Popis recenzenata članaka objavljenih u časopisu Metalurgija u 2004. godini. Metalurgija, 45 (2), 92-92.
  89. Mamuzić, I. (2006) Minutes of the Meeting of the Editorial Board of Journal Metalurgija. Metalurgija, 45 (4), 277-278.
  90. Mamuzić, I. (2006) Popis recenzenata članaka objavljenih u časopisu Metalurgija u 2006. godini. Metalurgija, 45 (4), 352-352.
  91. Mamuzić, I. (2006) Popis recenzenata članaka objavljenih u časopisu Metalurgija u 2005. godini. Metalurgija, 45 (2), 102-102.
  92. Mamuzić, I. (2006) Survey of 7th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society. Metalurgija, 45 (4), 271-275.
  93. Mamuzić, I. (2005) 7th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgilac Society “ Materials and Metallurgy, Croatia, Šibenik, June 18 – 22.2006. Metalurgija, 44 (2), 83-89.
  94. Mamuzić, I. (2005) Amendments to the Rule Book of the Journal Metalurgija. Metalurgija, 44 (1), 12-12.
  95. Mamuzić, I. (2005) ISPRAVAK: Utemeljenje Hrvatskog metalurškog društva (HMD) u 1952. god. a ne u 1957. god.. Metalurgija, 44 (1), 3-6.
  96. Mamuzić, I. (2005) 6th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society “Materials and Metallurgy”. Metalurgija, 44 (1), 7-11.
  97. Mamuzić, I. (2005) List of the reviewers of journal Metalurgija in 2003. Metalurgija, 44 (2), 160-160.
  98. Mamuzić, I. (2004) Minutes of the Meeting of Editorial Board of the Journal Metalurgija. Metalurgija, 43 (4), 278-278.
  99. Mamuzić, I. (2004) 6th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society SHMD 2004. Materials and Metallurgy. Metalurgija, 42 (1), 13-16.
  100. Mamuzić, I. (2004) U spomen Vladimiru Mihajloviću Drujanu. Metalurgija, 43 (3), 142-142.
  101. Mamuzić, I. (2003) 6th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2004. Metalurgija, 42 (2), 79-84.
  102. Mamuzić, I. (2003) Minutes of the Meeting of Editorial Board of the Journal Metalurgija. Metalurgija, 42 (1), 75-76.
  103. Mamuzić, I. (2002) 5th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2002. Metalurgija, 41 (4), 279-283.
  104. Mamuzić, I. & Lopatič, J. (2001) List of papers published in journal Metalurgija from 1962 until 2001. Metalurgija, 40 (spec. issue), 271-321.
  105. Mamuzić, I. (2001) List of Boards and co-workers of the journal Metalurgija. Metalurgija, 40 (spec. issue), 265-269.
  106. Mamuzić, I. (2001) Četrdeseta obljetnica tiskanja časopisa METALURGIJA. Metalurgija, 40 (spec. issue), 251-260.
  107. Mamuzić, I. & Lopatič, J. (2001) List of Authors. Metalurgija, 40 (spec. issue), 323-329.
  108. Mamuzić, I. (2001) Riječ glavnog i odgovornog urednika. Metalurgija, 40 (1), 3-4.
  109. Mamuzić, I. (2001) 4th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society, “Materials and Metallurgy”. Metalurgija, 40 (1), 61-63.
  110. Mamuzić, I. (2001) Važeni čitatelia. Acta metallurgica Slovaca, 7 (1), 5-7.
  111. Mamuzić, I. (1999) Međunarodni simpozij hrvatskih metalurga “Materijali i metalurgija”. Metalurgija, 38 (4), 199-204.
  112. Mamuzić, I. (1997) List of Papers Published in Journal “Metalurgija” from 1962 until 1996. Metalurgija, 36 (spec. issue), 275-310.
  113. Mamuzić, I. (1997) List of papers published in journal Metalurgija until 1979. Metalurgija, 36 (2), 119-132.
  114. Mamuzić, I. (1997) List of papers published in journal Metalurgija 1990-1996. Metalurgija, 36 (4), 247-258.
  115. Mamuzić, I. (1997) List of papers published in journal Metalurgija 1980.-1989.. Metalurgija, 36 (3), 187-196.
  116. Mamuzić, I. (1997) List of Authors. Metalurgija, 36 (spec. issue), 311-315.
  117. Mamuzić, I. (1997) međunarodni simpozij hrvatskih metalurga “Stanje i razvitak plastične obrade kovina i slitina”. Metalurgija, 36 (3), 135-140.
  118. Mamuzić, I. & Hensel, A. (1996) Symposium der kroatischen Metallurgie. Stahl und Eisen, 116 (9), 41-42.
  119. Mamuzić, I. (1995) Međunarodni simpozij hrvatskih metalurga: “Stanje i razvitak plastične obrade kovina i slitina”. Metalurgija, 34 (3), 57-60.
  120. Hansel, A. & Mamuzić, I. (1994) Simposium der Kroatischer Metallurger. Stahl und Eisen, 114 (6), 80-80.
  121. Mamuzić, I. (1993) Simpozij hrvatskih metalurga. Metalurgija, 32 (4), 122-122.
  122. Mamuzić, I. (1977) savjetovanje valjaoničara Jugoslavije. Metalurgija, 16 (4), 39-41.
  123. Mamuzić, I. (1976) Savjetovanje o toploj i hladnoj preradi cijevi iz čelika i obojenih metala. Metalurgija, 15 (3-4), 33-34.

Radovi u zbornicima skupova

Znanstveni radovi u zbornicima skupova
  1. Kliber, J., Kunčicka, L. & Mamuzić, I. (2013) Review of peak stress setting. U: Kliber, J. (ur.) METAL 2013 : Summaries of Lectures. Brno, str. 37-44.
  2. Mamuzić, I. (2012) 9000 godina metalurgije. U: Mirsada Oruč, Milenko Rimac, Neira Delić, Faik Čičak (ur.) Zbornik radova, Okrugli sto – Značaj i uloga Metalurškog instituta “Kemal Kapetanović” Zenica u razvoju obrazovnog i privrednog sistema BiH : povodom 50 godina postojanja i rada Metalurškog instituta. Zenica, Univerzitet u Zenici, Metalurški institut, str. 15-24.
  3. Lackova, P., Hagarova, M. & Mamuzić, I. (2012) Tests of paintings applied on the KONOX 315 S steel. U: J. Kocich (ur.) Proceedings “Corrosion in power industry 2012”. Košice, Technical University of Košice, Faculty of Metallurgy, str. 81-84.
  4. Drozd, K., Horsinka, J., Kliber, Jori, Černi, Martin, Ostroushko, D. & Mamuzić, I. (2011) Study of development of strain in plane strain compression test. U: Kliber, J. (ur.) Metal 2011. Hradec nad Moravici, Tanger, str. 55-62.
  5. Ćurčija, D. & Mamuzić, Ilija , Brušak, M. (2010) The lubricating layer modelling and simulating at band dressing. U: Grilec, K. & Marić, G. (ur.) MATRIB 2010. Vela Luka, Hrvatsko društvo za materijale i tribologiju, str. 1-12.
  6. Kliber, J., Drozd, K. & Mamuzić, I. (2009) Plastometricke vysledky napetovo-deformačnih chovani a stupne zmekčeni feromanganove twip oceli. U: Kliber, J. (ur.) METAL 2009. Hradec nad Moravici, TANGER, str. 19-21.
  7. Ćurčija, D., Mamuzić, I. & Buršak, M. (2009) Modeliranje mazivoga sloja kod dresiranja trake. U: Grilec, K. & Marić, G. (ur.) MATRIB 2009. Zagreb, Hrvatsko društvo za materijale i tribologiju, str. 1-12.
  8. Kliber, J. & Mamuzić, I. (2009) Torsion plastomer results used for determination of degree of softening in steel. U: Proceedings of International Conference on Progresivnyje technologii plasticeskoj deformaciji. Moskva, MISIS Moskva, OOOTrumpf, str. 445-451.
  9. Barišić, B., Mamuzić, I. & Čep, R. (2009) Production Supported by Combination of Different Software in Sheet Metal Forming. U: Čosić, P. (ur.) Management of Technology – Step to Sustainable Production. Zagreb.
  10. Štaba, J., Mamuzić, I. & Bernathova, I. (2009) Vplyv deformacie na degradaciu pozinkovanej vrstvy. U: Halama, M. & Ševičkova, J. (ur.) Korozia uložnych zariadeni 2009 : Zbornik. Košice, Technical Universyti of Košice, str. 124-132.
  11. Aksenova, S., Kliberb, J., Fabíkc, R. & Mamuzić, I. (2008) An Experimental And Computer Study Of The Influence Of Deformation Conditions On Microalloyed Strip Steel Microstructure Evolution. U: Kliber, J. (ur.) 17th International Metallurgical & Materials Conference Proceedings : METAL 2008. Hradec nad Moravicí, Češka, 19, 7.
  12. Buršak, M., Mamuzić, I. & Bernatova, I. (2008) Analyza pričiny porušenia potrubia pomocneho vstreku. U: Maria Mihalikova, J. (ur.) Material v inžinierskej praxi 2008. Košice, tehnical University of Košice, Faculty of Metallurgy, str. 155-158.
  13. Voločko, A. & Mamuzić, I. (2008) Kompozicionnye aljuminievye materialy armirovannye dispersnymi časticami, perospektivy iz sozdanija. U: P. A. Vitjaz & N. V. Spiridonov (ur.) Sovremennye metody i tehnologii sozdanija i obrabotki materijalov : kniga 1 : mnogofunkcionaljnye materialy v sovremennoj tehnike, mikro- i nanoelektronike. Minsk, Fti Nan, str. 81-86.
  14. Gajdzica, T., Kliber, J., Žáček, O. & Mamuzić, I. (2007) Válcování za studena trip oceli po termomechanickém zpracování. U: Kliber, J. (ur.) METAL 2007. Hradec nad Moravici, TANGER, 148, 11.
  15. Gajdzica, T., Aksenov, S., Kliber, J., Svider, R. & Mamuzić, I. (2007) Vliv ohřevu z hlediska přípravy materiálu k válcování vytypovaných značek Cr-Mo ocelí. U: Kliber, J. (ur.) METAL 2007. Hradec nad Moravici, TANGER.
  16. Rešković, S., Vodopivec, F., Novosel-Radović, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2003) Recrystallization during the final rolling niobijum microalloyed steel. U: Cebalo, R. & Schulz, H. (ur.) CIM 2003 Computer Integrated Manufacturing and High Speed Machining. Zagreb, Croatian Association of Production Engineering, str. IV 86-92.
  17. Rešković, S., Vodopivec, F., Parilak, L. & Mamuzić, I. (2000) Niobium Influence on Microalloyed Hot Torsion Steel Natural Deformation Resistance and Fracture. U: Cebalo, R. & Schulz, H. (ur.) Proceedings of 6th International Scientific Conference on Production Engineering “Computer Integrated Manufacturing and High Speed Machining”. Zagreb, Croatian Association of Production Engineering.
  18. Mamuzić, I. (1999) Research of the residual elements influence on the steel plasticity. U: Zrnik, J. (ur.) Proceedings of the 1st International Conference “Physical Metallurgy and Fracture of Materials ’99”. Košice, Technical University in Košice, str. 20-25.
  19. Rešković, S., Vodopivec, F., Novosel- Radović, V. & Mamuzić, I. (1999) The influence of a hot plastic deformation on the crystal latice distortion change of a thermomechanical treatment microalloyed steel. U: Cebalo, R. & Schulz, H. (ur.) Proceedings of 5th International Scientific Conference on Production Engineering CIM ’99. Zagreb, Croatian Association of Production Engineering, str. 121-129.
  20. Rešković, S., Vodopivec, F., Mamuzić, I. & Novosel-Radović, V. (1997) Ispitivanje substrukturnih promjena čelika metodom rendgenske difrakcije. U: Krstelj, V. (ur.) Zbornik radova međunarodne konferencije : Ispitivanje materijala. Zagreb, Hrvatsko društvo za kontrolu bez razaranja, str. 289-294.
  21. Rešković, S., Vodopivec, F. & Mamuzić, I. (1997) Precipitation of niobium in the final high-temperature thermomechanical treatment. U: Cebalo, R. (ur.) CIM’97 – Computer Integrated Manufacturing and High Speed Machining. Opatija, Hrvatska, Hrvatska zajednica proizvodnog strojarstva.
  22. Mamuzić, I. & Goryanoy, V. (1996) Doprinos izradi konstrukcije kalupa za lijevanje valjaka. U: Galić, m. (ur.) Zbornik predavanja sa Znanstveno-stručnog ljevačkog skupa. Zagreb, Savez ljevača Hrvatske, str. 63-70.
  23. Zrnik, J., Vrchovinsky, V. & Mamuzić, I. (1995) On creep deformation behaviour of wrought nickel base superalloy. U: Longauerova, M. (ur.) Proceeding of the 9th Symposium of Metallography “Metallography ´95”. Stara Lesna, Košice, Faculty of Metallurgy : Slovak Matallurgical Society, str. 226-229.
  24. Mamuzić, I., Zrnik, J. & Kvačkaj, T. (1995) Recent development research and technologies of the plastic metals and alloys forming. U: Majerčak, Š. & Mihok, L. (ur.) Proceeding of the International conference metallurgy EAST-WEST ´95. Stara Lesna, Slovak Metallurgical Society, str. 104-112.
  25. Kvačkaj, T., Zrnik, J. & Mamuzić, I. (1995) Manufacturing and processing trends of flat rolled steel semiproducts. U: Wangyao, P. (ur.) Proceedings of the 2nd Regional Conference on present and future of steel industries in the Asian-Pacific countries “Modern concept“ of intergated steel mill. Bangkok, Chulalongkorn University Bangkok, str. 10-13.
  26. Rešković, S., Križanić, R. & Mamuzić, I. (1995) Mogućnost proizvodnje kotlovskih šavnih cijevi u Hrvatskoj. U: Roko Cebalo (ur.) međunarodno savjetovanje proizvodnog strojarstva, CIM ’95. Zagreb, Hrvatska zajednica proizvodnog strojarstva, str. A-35.
  27. Golja, M. & Mamuzić, I. (1994) Matematički model hlađenja čelične cijevnice. U: Šurina, T. (ur.) Proceedings of the 39th International Annual Conference KOREMA Informatics, CAD/CAM and Numerical Methods. Zagreb, KOREMA, str. 471-474.
  28. Križanić, R., Hensel, A., Mamuzić, I. & Nikolić, Đ. (1994) Istraživanja deformacijskog otpora visokočvrstog zavarljivog konstrukcijskog čelika. U: Šurina, T. (ur.) Zbornik radova s 12. Međunarodnog savjetovanja BIAM ´94. Zagreb, Korema, str. I-17.
  29. Mamuzić, I. (1994) 6000 godina metalurgije na području Hrvatske. U: Muljević, V. (ur.) Razvitak i dostignuća tehničkih područja u Hrvatskoj. Zagreb, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, str. 233-259.
  30. Mamuzić, I., Binkevich, I. & Medvedeva, L. (1994) The determation of the plan strain plastic flow parameters using nonliner programming technique. U: Kliber, J. (ur.) Proceedings of the 6th International conference of formability`94. Ostrava, Tanger Ltd., str. 382-389.
  31. Mamuzić, I. (1994) Perspektiva razvoja u Hrvatskoj : primjer metalurgije. U: Malogorski, I. (ur.) Zbornik radova sa skupa Tehnološki centri, poslovni i inovacijski centri u Hrvatskoj: perspektiva razvoja. Brtonigla, Ministarstvo znanosti, obrazovanja i tehnologije Hrvatske, Hrvatska gospodarska komora, str. 30-32.
  32. Binkevich, I., Mamuzić, I. & Medvedeva, L. (1994) The investigation of the metal forming processes using nonlinear programming technique. U: Sović, J. & Vranković, N. (ur.) Proceeding of the 1st Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics. Pula, Hrvatsko društvo za mehaniku, str. 505-511.
  33. Mamuzić, I. & Goryanoy, V. (1994) Istraživanje otpornosti trošenja lijevanih valjaka. U: Šurina, T. (ur.) Zbornik radova s 12. Međunarodnog savjetovanja BIAM ´94. Zagreb, Korema, str. I/8-I/11.
  34. Mamuzić, I., Drujan, V. & Garan, V. (1993) The expert system in ecology of metallurgy. U: Majerčak, Š. (ur.) Proceeding of the International Conference “Metallurgy EAST-WEST ´93”. Košice, Slovak Metallurgical Society, str. 170-179.
  35. Križanić, R., Mamuzić, I. & Nikolić, Đ. (1992) Visokotemperaturni termomehanički uvjeti valjanja TVT od visokočvrstog konstrukcijskog čelika bainitnog tipa. U: Šurina, T. (ur.) Zbornik radova s 11. Međunarodnog savjetovanja BIAM ´92. Zagreb, KOREMA, str. 22-27.
  36. Mamuzić, I. (1992) Metalni proizvodi, posebice cijevi, suvremena dostignuća za primjenu u naftnim i petrokemijskim postrojenjima. U: Kralj, M. (ur.) Zbornik radova s Međunarodnog savjetovanja “Materijali i zavarivanje u naftnim i petrokemijskim postrojenjima”. Sisak, Hrvatsko društvo ta tehniku zavarivanja, str. 45-57.
  37. Golja, M., Mamuzić, I. & Kolar, Ž. (1991) Prilog istraživanjima naprezanja tečenja čelika metodom Holomana. U: Alfirević, I. (ur.) Zbornik radova sa 7. jugoslavenskog simpozija o plastičnosti. Pula, Društvo za mehaniku RH, str. 238-242.
  38. Križanić, R., Mamuzić, I. & Nikolić, Đ. (1991) Deformacijski otpor visokočvrstog konstrukcijskog čelika bainitnog tipa. U: Alfirević, I. (ur.) Zbornik radova sa 7. jugoslavenskog simpozija o plastičnosti. Pula, Društvo za mehaniku RH, str. 247-253.
  39. Terzić, K. & Mamuzić, I. (1990) Usavršavanje kvalitete zavara šavnih cijevi. U: Čizman, V. & Mišković, B. (ur.) Zbornik del 9. Posvetovanja valjarjev Jugoslavije. Štore, Splošno združenje črne metalurgije Jugoslavije, str. 473-482.
  40. Samardžija, V. & Mamuzić, I. (1990) Doprinos usvajanju proizvodnje bešavnih cijevi iz čelika Č.4146 za kotrljajuće ležajeve. U: Čizman, V. & Mišković, B. (ur.) Zbornik del 9. Posvetovanja valjarjev Jugoslavije. Štore, Splošno združenje črne metalurgije Jugoslavije, str. 441-451.
  41. Hansel, A. & Mamuzić, I. (1990) Tehnološki razvoj u plastičnoj preradi metala. U: Čizman, V. & Mišković, B. (ur.) Zbornik del 9. Posvetovanja valjarjev Jugoslavije. Štore, Splošno združenje črne metalurgije Jugoslavije, str. 1-22.
  42. Mamuzić, I. (1990) Obrazovanje u funkciji racionalizacije i unapređivanje tehnoloških procesa. U: Mišković, B. & Stankovski, V. (ur.) Zbornik radova sa konferencije Unapređivanje i racionalizacija tehnoloških procesa u rudarstvu, geologiji i metalurgiji. Beograd, Savez inženjera i tehničara rudarske, geološke i metalurške struke Jugoslavije, str. 256-260.
  43. Golja, M. & Mamuzić, I. (1989) Doprinos određivanju naprezanja tečenja i granične deformacije čelika na povišenim temperaturama. U: Alfirević, I. (ur.) Zbornik radova sa 6. jugoslavenskog simpozija o plastičnosti. Opatija, Društvo za mehaniku SRH, str. 201-206.
  44. Mamuzić, I. (1989) Istraživanje optimalnog područja prerade i uzroka smanjenja plastičnosti za čelik 35 NCD16. U: Mišković, B. & Blečić, S. (ur.) Zbornik radova sa 6. međunarodnog simpozija o plastičnosti i otporu deformacije metala. Titograd ; Nikšić, Tehnički fakultet Titograd : Željezara “Boris Kidrić“ : Kombinat aluminija Titograda, str. 171-188.
  45. Križanić, R., Mamuzić, I. & Nikolić, Đ. (1989) Deformacioni otpor visoko-čvrstog bainitnog čelika. U: Mišković, B. & Blečić, S. (ur.) Zbornik radova sa 6. Međunarodnog simpozija o plastičnosti i otporu deformacije metala. Titograd : Nikšić, Tehnički fakultet Titograd, Željezara “Boris Kidrić“, Kombinat aluminija Titograda, str. 304-314.
  46. Križanić, R., Mamuzić, I. & Nikolić, Đ. (1989) Plastičnost visokočvrstog konstrukcijskog čelika bainitnog tipa. U: Alfirević, I. (ur.) Zbornik radova sa 6. jugoslavenskog simpozija o plastičnosti. Opatija, Društvo za mehaniku SRH, str. 207-211.
  47. Križanić, R., Mamuzić, I. & Preloščan, A. (1988) Istraživanje plastičnosti niskolegiranog bainitnog čelika H-75. U: Mišković, B. (ur.) Zbornik radova s Međunarodnog savjetovanja o suvremenoj proizvodnji i tendenciji razvoja kvalitetnih čeličnih limova i traka. Smederevo, Opće udruženje crne metalurgije Jugoslavije, str. 128-136.
  48. Iharoš, B. & Mamuzić, I. (1987) Određivanje granične redukcije po provlaci kod hladnog vučenja čeličnih cijevi. U: Mišković B., Č. (ur.) Zbornik radova sa 8. savjetovanja valjaoničara Jugoslavije. Zenica, Opće udruženje crne metalurgije Jugoslavije, str. 215-223.
  49. Iharoš, B. & Mamuzić, I. (1987) Određivanje krivulje tečenja materijala zatezanjem. U: Alfirević, I. (ur.) Zbornik radova s 5. jugoslavenskog simpozija o plastičnosti. Lipik, Društvo za mehaniku Republike Hrvatske, str. 235-242.
  50. Golja, M., Mamuzić, I. & Kostelac, M. (1987) Optimizacija valjanja cijevi na pilger stanu. U: Mišković B., Č. (ur.) Zbornik radova s 8. savjetovanja valjaoničara Jugoslavije. Zenica, Opće udruženje crne metalurgije Jugoslavije, str. 229-235.
  51. Križanć, R. & Mamuzić, I. (1987) Valjanje cijevi na IRS-u poslije nove kalibracije valjaka. U: Mišković B., Č. (ur.) Zbornik radova s 8. savjetovanja valjaoničara Jugoslavije. Zenica, Opće udruženje crne metalurgije Jugoslavije, str. 224-228.
  52. Mamuzić, I., Golja, M. & Kostelac, M. (1987) Plastičnost i deformacijski otpor materijala na povišenim temperaturama. U: Alfirević, I. (ur.) Zbornik radova s 5. jugoslavenskog simpozija o plastičnosti. Lipik, Društvo za mehaniku Republike Hrvatske, str. 243-250.
  53. Čižman, V., Mujezinović, A. & Mamuzić, I. (1987) Stanje i razvojne tendencije plastične prerade čelika u nas i u svijetu. U: Mišković B., Č. (ur.) Zbornik radova s 8. savjetovanja valjaoničara Jugoslavije. Zenica, Opće udruženje crne metalurgije Jugoslavije, str. 5-22.
  54. Mamuzić, I., Butorac, J. & Golja, M. (1986) Prilog određivanju plastičnosti krom-molibdenskih čelika. U: Mišković, B. & Blečić, S. (ur.) Zbornik referata s 5. Međunarodnog simpozija o plastičnosti i otporu deformacije metala. Nikšić : Titograd, Željezara“Boris Kidrić“, Nikšić, Kombinat aluminija Titograd, Metalurški fakultet, Titograd, str. 140-157.
  55. Mamuzić, I. & Seper, R. (1986) Sondiranje ultrazvukom Al-legure. U: Fertilio, A. (ur.) Zbornik radova s Međunarodnog savjetovanja o “Pravcima razvoja i problematike kontrole bez razaranja”. Sarajevo, Jugoslavensko društvo za ispitivanje bez razaranja, str. 121-127.
  56. Mamuzić, I., Golja, M. & Crnković, M. (1985) Optimization of pilger stand work the rolling train for heavy products. U: Kliber, J. (ur.) Proceedings of the 6th Nation-wide conference with international participation “The development in production in seamless steel tubes and pipe and its technologies”. Prag ; Pilzen, CSTS, The House of technologi CSTS, str. 2-10.
  57. Mamuzić, I. (1985) Obrazovanje u metalurgiji. U: Bonifačić, A. (ur.) Zbornik radova, Obrazovanje za vlastiti tehnološki razvoj. Zagreb, Savez inženjera i tehničara Hrvatske, str. 170-177.
  58. Golja, M. & Mamuzić, I. (1985) Doprinos istraživanjima vrsta maziva u proizvodnji bešavnih cijevi. U: Mišković, B. & Stanovski, V. (ur.) Zbornik radova sa 7. Savjetovanja valjaoničara Jugoslavije. Mavrovo, Opće udruženje crne metalurgije Jugoslavije, str. 50-56.
  59. Mamuzić, I., Balenović, M. & Golja, M. (1984) Determination of plasticity of steel N-80 by torsion test and its important for practice. U: Blečić, S. & Mišković, N. (ur.) Zbornik radova sa 4. Međunarodnog simpozija o plastičnosti i otporu deformacije. Titograd, Nikšić, Metalurški fakultet Titograd, Željezara “Boris Kidrić“ Nikšić, Kombinat aluminija Titograd, str. 115-128.
  60. Balenović, M. & Mamuzić, I. (1984) Utjecaj normalizacije na svojstva bešavnih cijevi kvalitete N-80. U: Božić, B. (ur.) Zbornik radova sa 3. Jugoslavenskog simpozija o metalurgiji. Beograd, Savez inženjera i tehničara metalurške struke, Jugoslavenski komitet za crnu i obojenu metalurgiju, Komitet za termičku obradu Jugoslavije, str. 80-87.
  61. Balenović, M. & Mamuzić, I. (1983) Ocjena plastičnosti sitnozrnatog čelika legiranog s vanadijem metodom razvlačenja u toplom. U: Alfirević, I. (ur.) Zbornik radova s 3. jugoslavenskog simpozija o teoriji plastičnosti. Plitvice, Društvo za mehaniku RH, str. 127-136.
  62. Lalović, M., Mamuzić, I. & Blečić, S. (1982) Prilog ispitivanju utjecajnih parametara na specifični pritisak metala na valjke kod toplog valjanja čelika. U: Mišković, B. (ur.) Zbornik radova s 3. Savjetovanja o plastičnosti i otporu deformaciji metala. Titograd, Nikšić, Igalo, Metalurški fakultet, SOUR TF Titograd, Željezara “Bo¬ris Kidrić” Nikšić, Kombinat aluminija Titograd, str. 158-167.
  63. Križanić, R. & Mamuzić, I. (1982) Utjecaj oligoelemenata na plastičnost čelika za trake. U: Alfirević, I. (ur.) Zbornik radova s 2. jugoslavenskog simpozija o teoriji plastičnosti. Plitvice, Društvo za mehaniku RH, str. 120-129.
  64. Mamuzić, I., Lazarević, M., Golja, M. & Kostelac, M. (1982) Utjecaj polazne strukture i sadržaja oligoelemenata na plastičnost čelika. U: Alfirević, I. (ur.) Zbornik radova s 2. jugoslavenskog simpozija o teoriji plastičnosti. Plitvice, Društvo za mehaniku RH, str. 184-192.
  65. Mamuzić, I. & Butorac, J. (1981) Istraživanje sposobnosti obradivosti u toplom stanju čelika Č.4784. U: Alfirević, I. (ur.) Zbornik radova s 1. jugoslavenskog simpozija o teoriji plastičnosti. Plitvice, Društvo za mehaniku SRH, str. 32-40.
  66. Lalović, M., Mamuzić, I. & Blečić, S. (1981) Ispitivanje utjecaja temperature na specifični pritisak metala na valjke. U: Živković, Ž. (ur.) Zbornik radova s Oktobarskog savjetovanja rudara i metalurga. Bor, Tehnički fakultet Bor, Institut za bakar Bor, str. 534-549.
  67. Lalović, M. & Mamuzić, I. (1981) Rezultati ispitivanja specifičnog pritiska metala na valjke kod toplog valjanja čelika Č.4372 i Č.430. U: Mišković, B. & Opačak, P. (ur.) Zbornik radova sa 6. Savjetovanja valjaoničara Jugoslavije. Smederevo, Opće udruženje crne metalurgije Jugoslavije, str. 110-118.
  68. Mamuzić, I., Lazarević, M., Golja, M. & Kostelac, M. (1981) Utjecaj oligoelemenata na plastičnost čelika. U: Mišković, B. & Opačak, P. (ur.) Zbornik radova sa 6. Savjetovanja valjaoničara Jugoslavije. Smederevo, Opće udruženje crne metalurgije, str. 10-19.
  69. Mamuzić, I., Butorac, J. & Golja, M. (1980) Plastičnost čelika u ovisnosti strukture i stupnja prerade. U: Mišković, B. & Blečić, S. (ur.) Zbornik radova sa 2. Savjetovanja o plastičnosti i otporu metala i deformacije. Titograd, Metalurški fakultet, SOUR TE Titograd, Željezara Boris Kidrić Nikšić, Kombinat aluminija, Titograd, str. 50-58.
  70. Mamuzić, I. & Butorac, J. (1979) Utjecaj oligoelemenata na kvalitet uloška i cijevi. U: Lipovac, I. & Krajcar, J. (ur.) Zbornik radova s 2. Međunarodnog kolokvija “Uložak za bešavne cijevi”. Sisak, Društvo inženjera i tehničara Željezare Sisak, str. 90-101.
  71. Mamuzić, I. (1979) Termička obrada bešavnih cijevi Č.3131. U: Česarević, A. (ur.) Zbornik radova sa 5. Jugoslavenskog savjetovanja “Termička obrada metala”. Maribor, Jugoenergetik, str. 90-99.
  72. Mamuzić, I. (1978) Mogućnost za proizvodnju čelika za kotlovske cijevi u Jugoslaviji. U: Janjić, J. (ur.) Zbornik radova, Eksplotaciona kontrola metala, cijevnih sistema kotlova i parovoda. Kupari, Zajednica jugoslavenske elektroprivrede, str. 22-27.
  73. Mamuzić, I. (1978) Termička obrada bešavnih cijevi u Željezari Sisak. U: Cesarević, A. (ur.) Zbornik radova sa 4. Jugoslavenskog savjetovanja “Termička obrada metala”. Kopar, Jugoenergetik, str. 170-180.
  74. Mamuzić, I. & Preloščen, A. (1978) Kvalitet kotlovskih cijevi i problematike njihove proizvodnje u Jugoslaviji. U: Markušić, B. (ur.) Zbornik radova sa Savjetovanja o ekonomici i izgradnji pogona i održavanju energetskih postrojenja. Primošten, Savez energetičara Hrvatske i DESBR Siska, str. 299-312.
  75. Mamuzić, I. (1978) Istraživanje toka materijala pri kosom valjanju. U: Božić, B. (ur.) Zbornik radova “Prerada metala u plastičnom stanju” sa Jugoslavenskog simpozija o metalurgiji. Beograd, Savez inženjera i tehničara rudarske, geološke i metalurške struke Jugoslavije, Jugoslavenski Komitet za crnu i obojenu metalurgiju i termičku obradu, str. 179-184.
  76. Mamuzić, I. (1977) Prilog istraživanjima utjecaja oligoelemenata na plastičnost čelika. U: Mišković, B. & Čižman, V. (ur.) Zbornik radova s 4. Savjetovanja valjaoničara Jugoslavije. Sisak, Opće udruženje crne metalurgije Jugolavije, str. 37-46.
  77. Mamuzić, I. (1977) Procjena sivog lijeva ultrazvukom. U: Pajević, M. (ur.) Zbornik radova s 5. Kongresa ljevača Jugoslavije. Split, Savez organizacije ljevača Jugoslavije, str. 55-70.
  78. Mamuzić, I. & Butorac, J. (1977) Istraživanje toka materijala pri bušenju na preši. U: Mišković, B. & Čižman, V. (ur.) Zbornik radova s 4. Savjetovanja valjaoničara Jugoslavije. Sisak, Udruženje Jugoslavenskih željezara, str. 70-77.
  79. Pavlović, P. & Mamuzić, I. (1976) Utjecaj oligoelemenata na kvalitet čelika za cijevi te postavljanje kretanja oligoelemenata. U: Eckstein, V. & Hensel, A. (ur.) Zbornik radova, Berg und Hütten Tag, Teil II.. Freiberg, Bergakademie Freiberg, str. 25-42.
  80. Mamuzić, I. (1974) Primjena energije ultrazvuka u procesu hladnog vučenja. U: Čižman, V. & Mišković, B. (ur.) Zbornik radova sa 3. Savjetovanja valjaoničara Jugoslavije. Jesenice, Udruženje Jugoslavenskih željezara, str. 91-98.
  81. Mamuzić, I. (1974) Određivanje veličine greške u sivom lijevu sondiranjem ultrazvukom. U: Lipovac, I. (ur.) Zbornik radova sa 6. savjetovanja – ispitivanje bez razaranja u crnoj metalurgiji. Haludovo, Jugoslavensko društvo za ispitivanje bez razaranja, str. 54-63.
  82. Mamuzić, I. & Krakar, V. (1970) Kontrola uloška nedestruktivnim metodama. U: Markušić, B. (ur.) Zbornik radova 1. Međunarodnog kolokvija “Uložak za bešavne cijevi”. Sisak, Društvo inženjera i tehničara Željezare Sisak, str. 175-184.
  83. Mamuzić, I. (1967) Ovisnost brzine ultrazvuka o osobinama sivog lijeva. U: Šipek, M. (ur.) Zbornik radova 2. Međunarodnog simpozija o defektoskopiji u SFRJ. Trebinje, Udruženje Jugoslavenskih željezara, str. 40-47.
  84. Mamuzić, I. (1965) Određivanje kvalitete magnetske emulzije. U: Božiček, B. & Lipovac, I. (ur.) Zbornik radova 1. Međunarodnog simpozija o defektoskopiji u SFRJ. Opatija, Udruženje Jugoslavenskih željezara, str. 75-83.
Stručni radovi u zbornicima skupova
  1. Golja, M., Mamuzić, I. & Žunić, S. (1990) Analiza kalibracije reduciranog stana pri proizvodnji bešavnih cijevi. U: Čizman, V. & Mišković, B. (ur.) Zbornik del 9. Posvetovanja valjarjev Jugoslavije. Štore, Splošno združenje črne metalurgije Jugoslavije, str. 283-292.
  2. Mamuzić, I., Butorac, J. & Iharoš, B. (1985) Vlastita iskustva pri proizvodnji bešavnih cijevi iz čelika Č.4146 za kotrljajuće ležajeve. U: Mišković, B. & Stankovski, V. (ur.) Zbornik radova sa 7. Savjetovanja valjaoničara Jugoslavije. Mavrovo, Opće udruženje crne metalurgije Jugoslavije, str. 37-44.
  3. Kostelac, M. & Mamuzić, I. (1984) Optimalizacija kalibracije valjaka forming stana u Valjaonici šavnih cijevi Željezare Sisak. U: Mišković, B. & Možić, B. (ur.) Zbornik radova s 3. Simpozija o metalurgiji. Beograd, Savez inženjera i tehničara rudarske, geološke i metalurške struke Jugoslavije : Jugoslavenski komitet za crnu i obojenu metalurgiju i termičku obradu, str. 555-561.
  4. Mamuzić, I. & Marković, I. (1981) Usporedba raznih kalibracija pilger valjaka. U: Mišković, B. & Opačak, P. (ur.) Zbornik radova sa 6. Savjetovanja valjaoničara Jugoslavije. Smedeevo, Opće udruženje crne metalurgije Jugoslavije, str. 98-106.
  5. Lalović, M., Mamuzić, I. & Blečić, S. (1981) Metode ispitivanja specifičnog pritiska metala na valjke kod toplog valjanja čelika. U: Mišković, B. & Opačak, P. (ur.) Zbornik radova sa 6. Savjetovanja valjaoničara Jugoslavije. Smederevo, Opće udruženje crne metalurgije Jugoslavije, str. 100-107.
  6. Logomerec, V., Markotić, A., Kovačić, S., Pavlović, P., Mamuzić, I., Krajcar, J. & Blažević, Z. (1980) Crna i obojena metalurgija. U: Fleš, D. (ur.) Zbornik radova sa Savjetovanja “Materijali i društveni razvoj SRH” do 2000. godine. Zagreb, Jugoslavenska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti, str. 5-25.
  7. Mamuzić, I. & Sokol, D. (1979) Kalibracija valjaka forming stana. U: Čižman, V. (ur.) Zbornik radova s 5. Savjetovanja valjaoničara Jugoslavije. Ravne na Koroškem, OUCMJ, str. 70-78.
  8. Malina, M. & Mamuzić, I. (1979) Pregled dostignuća u usvajanju proizvodnje bušaćih šipki i bušaćih cijevi u Željezari Sisak. U: Čižman, V. (ur.) Zbornik radova s 5. Savjetovanja valjaoničara Jugoslavije. Ravne na Koruškem, Opće udruženje crne metalurgije Jugoslavije, str. 182-188.
  9. Mamuzić, I., Balenović, M. & Dragaš, M. (1978) Primjena bešavnih i šavnih cijevi u građevinarstvu. U: Pajević, M. (ur.) Zbornik radova sa Savjetovanja “Cijevi i cijevovodi u građevinarstvu”. Beograd, Društvo građevinara Srbije, str. 20-26.

Sažeci u zbornicima skupova

Sažeci u zbornicima i časopisima
  1. Trehub, M., Trehub, Yu., Mamuzić, I. (2025) Land management for the metallurgy industry. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 233-233.
  2. Nazarenko, V., Brui, H., Kuchin, O., Mamuzić, I. (2025) Surveying instrumental observations of displacement of mine workings contours. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 233-233.
  3. Yankin, O., Zuska, A., Hoichuk, A., Mamuzić, I. (2025) Geodetic determination of geometrical parameters of overhead cranes in metallurgical enterprises. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 233-233.
  4. Kamenets, V., Piliuhyn, V., Gavrytskov, Y., Mamuzić, I. (2025) Use of low-alloy steels in production of mine frame supports. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 233-233.
  5. Vozna, N., Mamuzić, I. (2025) Theory of structuring multifunctional elements of complex іnformation and measurement systems. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 233-233.
  6. Segin, A. I., Mamuzić, I. (2025) Construction of correlation models of periodic processes in the polar coordinate system. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 234-234.
  7. Segin, A. I., Popyk, Y. I. Mamuzić, I. (2025) System of automatic translation of verbal audio streams in real time. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 234-234.
  8. Vozna, N., Zastavnyy, O., Mamuzić, I. (2025) Information and measurement system of microclimate control based on wireless sensor networks. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 234-234.
  9. , I., Sydor, A., Vozna, N., Mamuzić, I. (2025) Peculiarities of the influence of external dynamic factors on the functional characteristics of high-voltage electrical networks. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 234-234.
  10. Mamuzić, I., Shvachych, G. G., Shcherbyna, P. O. (2025) Study of neural network topologies of network sensor cluster data analysis. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 234-234.
  11. Mamuzić, I., Shvachych, G. G., Shcherbyna, P.O. (2025) Improvement of the cluster structure of network sensors with connection to a distributed system. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 234-234.
  12. Mamuzić, I., Shvachych, G. G., Shcherbyna, P. O. (2025) Multiprocessor system and cluster of network sensors in the problem of metal heat treatment. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 234-234.
  13. Mamuzić, I., Shvachych, G. G., Shcherbyna, P. O. (2025) Features of using a cluster of network sensors in the problem of heat treatment of metal. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 234-234.
  14. Mamuzić, I., Shvachych, G. G., Shcherbyna, P. O. (2025) Modified technological process for heat treatment of long products. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 235-235.
  15. Vozna, N., Mamuzić, I. (2025) The theory of structuring multifunctional data. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 235-235.
  16. Vozna, N., Mamuzić, I. (2025) Application of structuring theory to estimate amino acid structures. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 235-235.
  17. Vozna, N., Mamuzić, I. (2025) A method of statistical processing of RGB pixel data of color images. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 235-235.
  18. Vozna, , N., Dunets, A., Shevchuk, V., Vozniak, V., Mamuzić, I. (2025) Automation of technological processes in the oil and gas industry. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 235-235.
  19. Zheldak, T. A., Mamuzić, I. (2025) Mathematical model of an order implementation plan construction of a metallurgical enterprise with a wide range of finished products. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 235-235.
  20. Zheldak, T. A., Mamuzić, I. (2025) Mathematical model of the metal amount minimization used to produce a certain order in two-stage rolling production. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 235-235.
  21. Zheldak, T. A., Mamuzić, I. (2025) Application of inverse dependencies in mathematical models of complex objects and systems. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 235-235.
  22. Zheldak, T. A., Mamuzić, I. (2025) A hybrid optimization method based on artificial immune systems modelling with adaptation. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 236-236.
  23. Zheldak, T. A., Mamuzić, I. (2025) Recommendation systems of the converter operator in the processes of steel refining and deoxidation. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 236-236.
  24. Vozna, N., Mamuzić, I. (2025) A new look at structuring multifunctional elements composition. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 236-236.
  25. Vozna, N., Maslyak, B., Mamuzić, I. (2025) Ontological approach to creating subject-oriented technologies in the field of IoT. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 236-236.
  26. Vozna, N., Mamuzić, I. (2025) Analysis of structures based on euclidean distance in 2D-hamming space. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 236-236.
  27. Zastavnyy, O., Segin, A., Mamuzić, I. (2025) Promising communication protocols for IOT. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 236-236.
  28. Davletova, A., Mamuzić, I. (2025) Research on methods to enhance security and reliability of information exchange in communication networks. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 236-236.
  29. Kulyna, S., Mamuzić, I. (2025) The main tasks and principles of digital forensics in the conditions of war. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 237-237.
  30. Shvachych, G. G., Ievlanov, M. V., Havrilov, R.O., Mamuzić, I. (2025) Web-based platform developing features for software installation. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 237-237.
  31. Shvachych, G. G., Moroz, B. I., Havrilov, R.O., Mamuzić, I. (2025) Web-based platform development for optimizing the performance of desktop and mobile software. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 237-237.
  32. Shvachych, G. G., Shyrin, A. L., Karpova, T. P., Mamuzić, I. (2025) Web application development is used to promote a company in the digital space. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 237-237.
  33. Shvachych, G. G., Hulina, I.G., Kuznetsov, B. V., Mamuzić, I. (2025) Securing features of an enterprise website from cyber threats. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 237-237.
  34. Shvachych, G. G., Ievlanov, M. V., Aleksieiev, M. O., Mamuzić, I. (2025) Research on methods of protecting enterprise websites from cyberattacks. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 237-237.
  35. Shvachych, G. G., Meshcheriakov, L. I., Pobochii, I. A., Mamuzić, I. (2025) Features of using the Figma computer platform in website development to promote a company in the digital space. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 238-238.
  36. Shvachych, G. G., Aleksieiev, M. O., Martynenko, A. A., Mamuzić, I. (2025) The use of non-relational databases in processing hierarchical data structures. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 238-238.
  37. Shvachych, G. G., Pobochii, I. A., Friman, Y. M., Mamuzić, I. (2025) Integration features of web applications with payment systems. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 238-238.
  38. Shvachych, G. G., Moroz, D. M., Martynenko, A. A., Mamuzić, I. (2025) Gaming application development to improve reactionary skills and train coordination. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 238-238.
  39. Shvachych, G. G., Moroz, B. I., Kabak, L. V., Mamuzić, I. (2025) Computer technologies usage for game application simulation. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 238-238.
  40. Shvachych, G. G., Moroz, B. I., Aleksieiev, O. M., Mamuzić, I. (2025) Software development to automate the ordering of the enterprise components. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 238-238.
  41. Shvachych, G. G., Moroz, B. I., Kabak, L. V., Mamuzić, I. (2025) Software development to optimize business processes. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 238-238.
  42. Shvachych, G. G., Aleksieiev, O. M., Friman, Y. M., Mamuzić, I. (2025) Features of using mobile applications to optimize business processes. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 239-239.
  43. Shvachych, G. G., Meshcheriakov, L. I., Moroz, D. M., Mamuzić, I. (2025) A mobile cross-platform application for computing the enterprise’s main indicators. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 239-239.
  44. Shvachych, G. G., Shcherbyna, O. M., Myronov, D. O., Mamuzić, I. (2025) Client-server library development for quoting access to ARI systems. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 239-239.
  45. Shvachych, G. G., Shcherbyna, O. M., Myronov, D. O., Mamuzić, I. (2025) Research of access quota algorithms for API systems. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 239-239.
  46. Shvachych, G. G., Ishchuk, P. O., Mamuzić, I. (2025) Software reliability estimates analysis. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 239-239.
  47. Shvachych, G. G., Ishchuk, P. O., Mamuzić, I. (2025) Basic mathematical models software analysis. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 239-239.
  48. Shvachych, G. G., Ishchuk, P. O., Mamuzić, I. (2025) Software reliability forecasting features. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 239-239.
  49. Shvachych, G. G., Aleksieiev, O. M., Shcherbyna, P. O., Mamuzić, I. (2025) Principles analysis of address space allocation in TCP/IP networks. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 239-240.
  50. Shvachych, G. G., Shcherbyna, P. O., Moroz, D. M., Mamuzić, I. (2025) IP address assignment features in computer networks. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 240-240.
  51. Shvachych, G. G., Shcherbyna, P. O., Mamuzić, I. (2025) Classless addressing features of computer networks. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 240-240.
  52. Shvachych, G. G., Ishchuk, P. O., Mamuzić, I. (2025) Harmful impurities transfer simulation by direct methods. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 240-240.
  53. Olishevskyi, I. H., Mamuzić, I. (2025) Computer-integrated system of heat utilization. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 240-240.
  54. Olishevskyi, I. H., Mamuzić, I. (2025) A computer model of heat utilization. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 240-240.
  55. Olishevskyi, I. H., Mamuzić, I. (2025) A computer-integrated method development for energy-efficient control of condensing power plants. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 240-240.
  56. Olishevskyi, I. H., Mamuzić, I. (2025) A computer-integrated method development for increasing the energy efficiency of the heat supply process. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 240-240.
  57. Dmitrieva, O., Huskova, V., Mamuzić, I. (2025) Construction of difference approximations with Legendre polynomials. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 241-241.
  58. Dmitrieva, O., Huskova, V., Khalyhov, A., Mamuzić, I. (2025) Parallel modeling of dynamic processes using deep neural networks. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 241-241.
  59. Selegej, A., Krekoten, M., Petrenko, V., Mamuzić, I. (2025) Formation of Effective Gas Load in a Blast Furnace. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 241-241.
  60. Selegej, A., Krekoten, M., Petrenko, V., Mamuzić, I. (2025) Concept of Automatic Control of Gas Load in a Blast Furnace. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 241-241.
  61. Selegej, A., Krekoten, M., Petrenko, V., Mamuzić, I. (2025) Automated control of the granulometric composition of blast furnace burden components. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 241-241.
  62. Mazorchuk, V. F., Repyakh, S. I., Mamuzić, I. (2025) Development of a high-temperature coating composition for ceramic molds. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 241-241.
  63. Vodopivec, † F., Mamuzić, I. (2025) The life and achievements of acad. Ilija Mamuzić. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2025, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 64 (2024) 1-2). Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 242-242.
  64. Deineko, L. M.; Kryvchyk, L. S.; Pinchuk, V. L.; Mamuzić, I. (2024) The use of amorphous alloys to strengthen pipe tools. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 477-477.
  65. Mamuzić, I.; Shvachych, G. G.; Proydak, J. S.; Shlomchak, G. G.; Moroz, B. I. (2024) Rational technology of heat treatment of severely deformed steel grades. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 481-481.
  66. Zhuravlova, S.; Boyko, M.; Mameshyn, V.; Marko, A.; Mamuzić, I. (2024) The use of biomaterials in steelmaking. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 484-484.
  67. Shvachych, G. G.; Aleksieiev, M. O.; Havrylov, R. O.; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Development of a web platform for software installation. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 489-489.
  68. Hulina, I. G.; Shyrin, A. L.; Kudlay, R. Y.; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Development of a web application for automating food orders. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 489-489.
  69. Miroshnyk, M. A.; Shafranskiy, A. V.; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Modeling of critical situations in pipeline networks. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 492-492.
  70. Shvachych, G.; Mamuzić, I.; Selegej, A.; Moroz, B.; Kadylnykova, T.; Pobochii, I.; Moroz, D.; Friman, Y. (2024) Load control operational correction of a blast furnace based on the correlation models. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 482-482.
  71. Vanyukov, A.; Kamkina, L.; Kovalev, D.; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Technology of partial metallization of iron ore charge. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 484-484.
  72. Nazarova, I.; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Analysis of the scalability of parallel methods for solving high-dimensional dynamic problems. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 486-486.
  73. Nikitenko, A.; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Attention mechanisms as a method to improve the effectiveness of network intrusion detection system. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 488-488.
  74. Olishevskyi, I. H.; Gusev, O. Yu.; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Automated method of calculating parameters for a heating system based on heat pumps. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 488-488.
  75. Grigorenko, V. U.; Kutsevol, S. V.; Mamuzić, I. (2024) To ensure the supply of natural rolling radius of Primus in cold pipe rolling mills. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 492-492.
  76. Kahanov, P. O.; Miroshnik, A. M.; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Formation of nonlinear trajectories of motion of moving objects with guaranteed accuracy in approximation areas. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 492-492.
  77. Mazur, I. A. ; Volokh, V. I. ; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Formation of slag inclusions in billets during casting on a continuous billet casting machine. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 477-477.
  78. Dmytriieva, I. S.; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Optimizing the trajectory of automated machining of body parts in the Autodesk PowerMill environment. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 479-479.
  79. Savych, А. V.; Mamuzić, I. (2024) The role of the information field of society in the formation of the historical self-awareness of personality in the modern period. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 479-479.
  80. Derevyanko, I. V.; Zhadanos, О. V.; Damaskin, Y. P.; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Method of increasing Al2O3 content in bauxite agglomerate. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 484-484.
  81. Pererva, V.; Maliga, I.; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Energy saving in rolling industry. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 487-487.
  82. Mamuzić, I.; Shvachych, G. G.; Ishchuk, P. O. (2024) Challenges of Parallel Numerical Integration of Pollution Transport Equations. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 489-489.
  83. Mamuzić, I.; Shvachych, G. G.; Shcherbyna, P. O.; Ishchuk, P. O. (2024) Improving the network interface structure of a multiprocessor system. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 490-490.
  84. Kramarenko, A. V.; Semenkov, I. V.; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Problems of modernizing the quality management system at industrial enterprises. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 479-479.
  85. Mamuzić, I.; Shvachych, G. G.; Aleksieiev, M. O.; Kabak, L. V.; Busygin, V. V. (2024) Parallel computations peculiarities for solving applied problems. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 481-482.
  86. Lysenko, T.; Myronenko, М.; Usichenko, І.; Paniotov, І.; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Business strategy for foreign economic activities of machine-building enterprises. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 485-485.
  87. Tsvirkun, L. I.; Sobolevskyi, I. O.; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Modern methods of distributed data collection and processing of computer network monitoring of foggy IT infrastructure as a means of improving production processes. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 487-487.
  88. Mamuzić, I.; Busygina, M. V. (2024) Research on the synthesis of new organic compounds. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 491-491.
  89. Mamuzić, I.; Shvachych, G. G.; Hnatushenko, Vol. V.; Veres,V. R. (2024) Features of using the python programming language and the ursina engine framework for modeling the development of logical thinking and solving cognitive problems. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 491-491.
  90. Zhadanos, O.; Derevyanko, I.; Shepetyak, E.; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Prediction of a thermal condition of a melt during VD process. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 483-483.
  91. Selivorstova, T.; Selivorstov, V.; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Peculiarities of calculating the mode of gas-dynamic influence on the melt in the casting mold. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 483-483.
  92. Perchun, G. I.; Ivchenko, A. O.; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Study of the influence of active cold deformation on the properties of reinforcement rolled rolls. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 484-484.
  93. Dmitrieva, O.; Huskova, V.; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Construction of difference approximations with Legendre polynomials. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 487-487.
  94. Mamuzić, I.; Shvachych, G. G.; Ishchuk, P. O. (2024) Analysis of Numerical Integration Methods for Pollution Transport Equations. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 488-488.
  95. Mamuzić, I.; Shvachych, G. G.; Proydak, J. S.; Shlomchak, G. G.; Moroz, B. I. (2024) The effectiveness analysis of parallel computations of mathematical physics problems. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 490-490.
  96. Mamuzić, I.; Shvachych, G. G.; Proydak, J. S.; Shlomchak, G. G.; Moroz, D. M. (2024) Multiprocessor systems in the problem of metal heat treatment. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 490-490.
  97. Shportko, H.; Dedyk, D.; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Artificial Intelligence in Quality Support. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 479-479.
  98. Chubko, V.; Vishnevska, М.; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Using of ABC-analysis to interpreting the Pareto chart. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 485-485.
  99. Velychko, O. G.; Kamkin, V. Yu.; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Calculation determination of non-equilibrium of the decarburization reaction during vacuuming of iron melts in ladles. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 484-484.
  100. Solonenko, L. I.; Repyakh, S. I.; Chumachenko, V. B.; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Kinetics of destruction of frozen sand-clay forms. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 487-487.
  101. Solonenko, L. I.; Repyakh, S. I.; Pohrebskyi, O. I.; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Linear shrinkage of frozen sand-clay forms. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 487-478.
  102. Mamuzić, I.; Shvachych, G. G.; Hnatushenko, Vol. V.; Veres, V. R. (2024) Development and implementation of an interactive interface as a means of solving cognitive problems and making decisions. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 491-491.
  103. Mamuzić, I. ; Shvachych, G. G.; Shcherbyna, P. O.; Moroz, D. M.; Karpova, T. P. (2024) Mathematical simulation of multicycle technological processes of metalworking. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 481-481.
  104. Mamuzić, I.; Shvachych, G. G.; Kupin, A. I.; Selegej, A. M.; Petrenko, V. O. (2024) Forecasting and managing the blast furnace’s current performance based on the blast furnace gas chemical composition data. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 482-482.
  105. Mamuzić, I.; Shvachych, G. G.; Kupin, A. I.; Selegej, A. M.; Petrenko, V. O. (2024) Management of blast furnace smelting based on gas load analysis along the throat radius. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 482-482.
  106. Mamuzić, I.; Shvachych, G. G.; Kupin, A. I.; Selegej, A. M.; Petrenko, V. O. (2024) Mathematical simulation of the forecasting process of the charge materials distribution. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 483-483.
  107. Mamuzić, I.; Shvachych, G. G.; Kupin, A. I.; Selegej, A. M.; Petrenko, V. O. (2024) Movement dynamics study of charge materials along the paths of a blast furnace device coneless loader. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 483-483.
  108. Bannikov, D. O.; Klochko, L. I.; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Steels for self-tapping screws for wooden structures. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 483-483.
  109. Usichenko, I. V.; Obora, D. A.; Mamuzić, I. (2024) MES – efficient production management in metallurgy. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 485-485.
  110. Oleksenko, О.; Vishnevska, М.; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Application of the Pareto diagram in industrial production. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 485-485.
  111. Mamuzić, I.; Shvachych, G. G.; Aleksieiev, O. M.; Rodna, K. S.; Pobochii, I. A. (2024) Development of a stable multiplicative cryptographic algorithm. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 490-490.
  112. Mamuzić, I.; Shvachych, G. G.; Kupin, A. I.; Selegej, A. M.; Petrenko, V. O. (2024) Study of the rational distribution problem of charge materials on the blast furnace throat. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 491-491.
  113. Kramarenko, A. V. ; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Quality Management Approaches in Metallurgical Production. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 479-479.
  114. Mamuzić, I.; Shvachych, G. G.; Aleksieiev, O. M.; Shyrin, A. L. (2024) Analysis of directions for improving the computer systems’ productivity. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 482-482.
  115. Bilotserkivets, V. V.; Zavhorodnia, O. O.; Zavhorodnii, K. O.; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Metallurgical complex as an industrial foundation of postindustrial society. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 485-485.
  116. Karyachenko, N.; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Determination of the main parameters of longitudinal vibrations in cargo-transporting devices. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 485-485.
  117. Mamuzić, I.; Projdak, Yu.; Shvachych, G.; Shlomchak, G. (2024) Regulation of Non-Metallic Inclusions during Electric Remelting Processes of Wheel Steel. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 486-486.
  118. Mamuzić, I.; Kolysnyk, L. O.; Busygin, V. V.; Reshetnyak, I. L. (2024) Analysis of strategic directions for the pipe production development. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 490-490.
  119. Mamuzić, I.; Shvachych, S. V.; Busygin, V. V.; Khar, A. T. (2024) Study of enterprise performance evaluations. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 490-490.
  120. Mamuzić, I.; Friman, Y.; Molchanov, N. (2024) System development for evaluating the personnel performance at industrial enterprises. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 491-491.
  121. Ostrovska, K.Yu.; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Application of machine learning methods to optimize production processes in the metallurgical industry. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 478-479.
  122. Mamuzić, I.; Sobolenko, M. О.; Shvachych, G. G.; Shcherbyna, P. O. (2024) Analysis of promising directions for intensification of steel annealing. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 480-480.
  123. Projdak, Yu.; Mamuzić, I. (2024) The influence of chemical composition on the quality of wheel metal. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 486-486.
  124. Olshanskyi, V.; Hohenko, O.; Proidak, Yu.; Kamkina, L.; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Perspectives of Utilizing Technogenic Materials in Ukraine. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 486-486.
  125. Mamuzić, I.; Shvachych, G. G.; Kabak, L. V.; Chumak, T. V. (2024) The rationale for programming connections between processors of a multiprocessor system. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 491-491.
  126. Mamuzić, I.; Friman, Y.; Horobetsm H. (2024) Evaluation analysis of the industrial enterprise efficiency. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 491-491.
  127. Zhadanos, O.; Derevyanko, I.; Matsyshyn, V.; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Research of heat engineering processes of secondary metallurgy. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 477-477.
  128. Hryshyn, A.M.; Kamkina, L.V.; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Oxidative conversion of methane on freshly reduced iron. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 478-478.
  129. Mamuzić, I.; Sobolenko, M. О.; Shvachych, G. G.; Shcherbyna, P. O. (2024) Research on the technique of intensification of spheroidizing annealing of low-carbon steels. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 480-480.
  130. Mamuzić, I.; Sobolenko, M. О.; Shvachych, G. G.; Shcherbyna, P. O. (2024) Development of the process of complex intensification of spheroidizing steel annealing. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 480-480.
  131. Mamuzić, I.; Shvachych, G. G.; Shcherbyna, P. O. (2024) Improving the structure of the network interface of multiprocessor systems. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 480-480.
  132. Mamuzić, I.; Shvachych, G. G.; Hulina, I. G.; Martynenko, A. A. (2024) Problems of using parallel computing for applied problems. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 482-482.
  133. Sidanchenko, V. V.; Nikolska, O. I.; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Research of the stochastic properties of real data on the chemical composition of cast iron at the outlet of a blast furnace. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 487-487.
  134. Mamuzić, I.; Shvachych, G. G.; Shcherbyna, P. O. (2024) Study of the multi-channel mode of operation of a multi-processor system. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 488-488.
  135. Mamuzić, I.; Shvachych, G. G.; Udovyk, I. M.; Ishchuk, P. O. (2024) Features of Numerical Integration of Pollution Transference Equations. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 488-488.
  136. Mamuzić, I.; Shvachych, G. G.; Aleksieiev, M. O.; Moroz, B. I. (2024) Study of multiprocessor system performance evaluations. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 490-490.
  137. Mamuzić, I.; Shvachych, G. G.; Hulina, I. G.; Martynenko, A. A. (2024) Specialized software development for a modular multiprocessor system. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 490-491.
  138. Mamuzić, I.; Busygina, M. V. (2024) Study of multistage transformations in the synthesis of organic compounds. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 491-491.
  139. Velichko, K. O.; Kamkina, L. V.; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Selection and priming of technological solutions for refining manganese-based alloys from phosphorus. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 478-478.
  140. Mamuzić, I.; Shvachych, G. G.; Karpova, T. P.; Shcherbyna, P. O. (2024) Mathematical simulation of optimal modes of metal heat treatment. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 481-481.
  141. Bannikov, D. O. ; Klochko, L. I.; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Steels for nails for wooden structures. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 483-483.
  142. Deineko, L.; Shportko, Yu.; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Quenching and Partitioning (Q&P) technology. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 483-483.
  143. Segin, A. I. ; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Construction of correlation models of periodic processes in the polar coordinate system. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 320-320.
  144. Vozna, N. ; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Theory of structuring multifunctional elements of complex іnformation and measurement systems. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 320-320.
  145. Korniienko, V.I. ; Herasina, O.V. ; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Intelligent speech signal prediction in a confidential communication system over a network with dedicated channels. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 320-320.
  146. Korniienko, V.I. ; Herasina, O.V. ; Zhukova, O.A. ; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Identification of self-similar traffic of information and communication networks for intrusion detection systems. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 319-319.
  147. Magro, V.I. ; Korniienko, V.I. ; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Improvements in antennas for vehicle location tracking technology. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 319-319.
  148. Mieshkov, V.I. ; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Promising directions of computer network traffic monitoring for intrusion detection systems. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 319-319.
  149. Dmitrieva, O. ; Nikulin, D. ; Huskova, V. ; Khalygov, A. ; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Investigation of the efficiency of distributed processing of transactional data. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 319-319.
  150. Meshcheriakov, L.I. ; Shvachych, S.V. ; Ishchuk, P.O. ; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Analysis of modular multi-processor systems for processing atmospheric dynamics data. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 319-319.
  151. Mamuzić, I. ; Shvachych, G.G. ; Ishchuk, P.O. (2024) Features of data processing for atmospheric dynamics on parallel computing complexes. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 319-319.
  152. Shvachych, G.G. ; Ishchuk, P.O. ; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Specifics of modeling the transport of harmful impurities against the background of atmospheric processes. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 319-319.
  153. Shvachych, G.G. ; Ishchuk, P.O. ; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Analysis of pollution transport models. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 319-319.
  154. Mamuzić, I. ; Shvachych, G.G. ; Ishchuk, P.O. (2024) Development of mathematical models of atmospheric dynamics. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 318-319.
  155. Shvachych, G.G. ; Shcherbyna, P.O. ; Ishchuk, P.O. ; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Multiprocessor complexes in the task of developing the latest technological processes. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 318-318.
  156. Shvachych, G.G. ; Shcherbyna, P.O. ; Mamuzić, I. ; Moroz, D.M. (2024) A promising technology for connecting channels of network interfaces of multiprocessor systems. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 318-318.
  157. Mamuzić, I. ; Shvachych, G.G. ; Shcherbyna, P.O. ; Moroz, D.M. (2024) Features of modern technologies of network interface channel aggregation in multiprocessor computing systems. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 318-318.
  158. Hnatushenko, Vik. V. ; Shlomchak, G.G. ; Mamuzić, I. ; Aleksieiev, O.M. (2024) Analysis of regularities in structured collections of big data. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 318-318.
  159. Aleksieiev, M.O. ; Hnatushenko, Vol. V. ; Mamuzić, I. ; Moroz, D.M. (2024) Analysis of structured collections of big data. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 318-318.
  160. Hnatushenko, Vik. V. ; Aleksieiev, O.M. ; Mamuzić, I. ; Shyrin, A.L. (2024) Minimization of time and computing resources when processing «big data». U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 318-318.
  161. Aleksieiev, M.O. ; Moroz, B.I. ; Hnatushenko, Vol. V. ; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Mathematical processing of data organization structures. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 318-318.
  162. Mamuzić, I. ; Shvachych, G.G. ; Moroz, B.I. ; Aleksieiev, O.M. (2024) Mathematical methods for processing data from SCADA systems. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 318-318.
  163. Aleksieiev, M.O. ; Syrotkina, O.I. ; Mamuzić, I. ; Udovyk, I.M. (2024) Development of mathematical models for reducing the space of analyzed states for processing big data. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 318-318.
  164. Moroz, B.I. ; Kabak, L.V. ; Mamuzić, I. ; Udovyk, I.M. (2024) Estimating the time to obtain results when working with extensive data. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 318-318.
  165. Mamuzić, I. ; Shvachych, G.G. ; Shcherbyna, P.O. ; Syrotkina, O.I. (2024) The problem of managing extensive data under information constraints. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 317-318.
  166. Fonarova, T.A. ; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Compliance control at metallurgical enterprises. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 317-317.
  167. Bondarenko, O. ; Treshchov, V. ; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Improving the quality of waste transportation logistics taking into account european regulatory documents. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 317-317.
  168. Dolzhanskiy, A. ; Bondarenko, O. ; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Algorithm for implementation of the method of complex qualimetric assessment of the object quality. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 317-317.
  169. Bushuiev, M.B. ; Petrenko, V.O. ; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Formation of organizational capital of a metallurgical enterprise. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 317-317.
  170. Bilotserkivets, V. V. ; Zavhorodnia, O. O. ; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Prospects for the development of digital technologies in the metallurgical industry. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 317-317.
  171. Mamuzić, I. ; Shvachych, G.G. ; Shcherbyna, P.O. (2024) Peculiarities of controlling temperature characteristics of heat treatment of metal using high-temperature infrared pyrometers. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 316-316.
  172. Myronenko, M.A. ; Galatska, V.L. ; Mamuzić, I. ; Kolisnyk, O.A. ; Lysenko, T.I. ; Berkunov, V.R. (2024) Analysis of trends in the development of pipe and agricultural enterprises of Ukraine based on the results of 2022 and the forecast for 2023. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 316-316.
  173. Ivchenko, A.V. ; Zuev, O.V. ; Mamuzić, I. ; Bublikov, Yu.A. ; Perchun, G. I. (2024) Production of reinforcing bars with a strength class of 500–600 MPa with increased performance properties. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 316-316.
  174. Solonenko, L.I. ; Yakymenko, D.Yu. ; Bilyi, O.P. ; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Cladding sand structuring in the manufacture of foundry molds based on frozen models. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 315-315.
  175. Usenko, R.V. ; Mazorchuk, V.F. ; Barkar, R.R. ; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Justification of the technology of melt processing in foundry ladles. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 315-315.
  176. Bilyi, O.P. ; Khrychykov, V.Ye. ; Mamuzić, I. ; Zakharov, V.O. (2024) The use of controlled heat exchange in the production of castings. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 314-314.
  177. Gladkikh, V.A. ; Kravchenko, V.P. ; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Improvement of high-percentage ferrosilicon smelting. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 314-314.
  178. Ruban, A.V. ; Riabtsev, O.O. ; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Peculiarities of manganese recovery during the smelting of medium-carbon ferromanganese. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 314-314.
  179. Derevyanko, I.V. ; Zhadanos, О.V. ; Yaroshenko, Y.V. ; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Research on silicon carbide product obtained from technogenic materials. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 314-314.
  180. Velichko, А.G. ; Grek, A.S. ; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Application of an induction furnace for solid-phase reduction of iron oxides. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 313-313.
  181. Gryshyn, О. ; Nadtochiy, А. ; Mamonova, L. ; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Kinetic regulations of gas-oxygen conversion of methane. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 313-313.
  182. Kamkina, L.V. ; Proydak, Yu.S. ; Mіanovska, Ya.V ; Zhadan, O.O. ; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Experimental determination of effective conditions for zinc and lead removal from electric steelmaking dust. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 313-313.
  183. Proydak, A. ; Yashyn, M. ; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Results of research on mineral varieties of phosphorite ore. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 313-313.
  184. Gusev, O. Yu. ; Sidanchenko, V. V. ; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Fractal analysis in the problem of predicting the chemical composition of cast iron. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 313-313.
  185. Pinchuk, V. ; Sharabura, T. ; Pinchuk, S. ; Mamuzić, I. (2024) The study of coal thermal activation at different stages of metamorphism. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 313-313.
  186. Mamuzić, I. ; Dmitrieva, O. ; Lefterov, M. ; Huskova, V. (2024) Simulation of solid-particle interaction. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 312-312.
  187. Fonarova, T.A. ; Mamuzić, I. (2024) The concept of optimizing business processes within the framework of the compliance program of metallurgical production. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 312-312.
  188. Vodin, I.Y. ; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Theoretical substantiation and development of technology for the carbon-thermal process of ferrosilicoaluminum smelting. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 312-312.
  189. Zhuravlova, S. ; Dutnii, R. ; Boiko, M. ; Zhuravlova, I. ; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Disposal of aluminum-containing waste in out-of-furnace steel processing. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 311-311.
  190. Ruban, V. O. ; Stoyanov, O. M. ; Synehin, Ye. V. ; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Review of out-of-furnace steel treatment technologies at the ladle-furnace using hollow electrodes. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 311-311.
  191. Solovyova, I.A. ; Nykolayenko, Yu.M. ; Balakin, V.F. ; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Forecasting the accuracy of pipes in mandrelless drawing. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 311-311.
  192. Yefymenko, V. ; Boiko, M. ; Fursov, M. ; Yaholnyk, M. ; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Optimization of biochar integration in coking and sintering: quality and emission implications. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 310-310.
  193. Yaholnyk, M. ; Boiko, M. ; Mamuzić, I. ; Kruhlov, A. ; Zhuravlova, S. ; Poliakova, N. (2024) Improving the structure of the sinter layer to improve product quality. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 310-310.
  194. Ivchenko, A. ; Pererva, V. ; Zuev, O. ; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Production of reinforcing steel from low-alloyed modified nitrogen steels. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 309-309.
  195. Mazorchuk, V.F. ; Oleksiienko, M.A. ; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Study of drying conditions of shell mold layers on its properties. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 309-309.
  196. Ivanova, L.Kh. ; Terekhin, V.O. ; Yarovoi, O.V. ; Mamuzić, I. (2024) The effect of nickel content on the hardness of the working layer of two-layer rolling rolls. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 308-308.
  197. Mamuzić, I. ; Sobolenko, M. О. (2024) The specifics of intensifying the process of spheroidization annealing in low-carbon steels. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 308-308.
  198. Mamuzić, I. ; Sobolenko, M. О. (2024) Promising directions for comprehensive spheroidization of cementite in low-carbon steels for cold extrusion. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 308-308.
  199. Volkova, S. ; Belozerov, V. ; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Тonlinear model with impulsive actions. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 308-308.
  200. Chornoivanenko, K.O. ; Movchan, O.V. ; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Features of steady-state α→γ recrystallization of ferritic iron alloys during carburization. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 308-308
  201. Bannikov, D. O. ; Polozhechko, O. Yu. ; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Modern steels for building structures. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 307-308.
  202. Bilyi, A.P. ; Kimstach, T.V. ; Repyakh, S.I. ; Mamuzić, I. (2024) Structure formation and properties of cast bronze of increased strength. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 307-307.
  203. Sobolenko, M. О. ; Mamuzić, I. (2024) The influence of initial structure on the spheroidization rate of low-carbon boron-containing steels. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 307-307.
  204. Mamuzić, I. ; Shvachych, G.G. ; Shcherbyna, P.O. ; Proydak, J.S. (2024) Peculiarities of the application of the CUDA platform in the problem of heat treatment of a long-dimensional product. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 306-306.
  205. Mamuzić, I. ; Shvachych, G. G. ; Shcherbyna, P. O. (2024) Distributed systems for the analysis of temperature characteristics of heat treatment of metal with the network use of pyrometers. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 17th International symposium of the Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD 2024, Materials and metallurgy. Zagreb: Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 306-306.
  206. Hulyk, T., Chaykovskiy, A. YU. & Mamuzić, I. (2023) Planning of the environmental management system at the enterprise. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Supplement of the Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 496-496.
  207. Holub, I., Chekmarova, N. & Mamuzić, I. (2023) Formation of material properties. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Supplement of the Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 496-496.
  208. Chemerinskiy, M., Sirovii, S. & Mamuzić, I. (2023) Production of carbonaceous raw materials from renewable sources. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Supplement of the Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 496-496.
  209. Mamuzić, I., Dmitrieva, O., Babenko, Y. & Huskova, V. (2023) Development of the model of recognition of textual data using neural networks. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Supplement of the Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 495-495.
  210. Mamuzić, I., Trehub, M., Trehub, Y. & Zabolotna, Y. (2023) Evaluation of the efficiency of terrestrial laser scanning for geodetic monitoring of metallurgical enterprises. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Supplement of the Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 495-495.
  211. Brui, H., Mamuzić, I., Yankіn, O. & Kuchin, O. (2023) Control of spatial displacements of the berth metal elements. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Supplement of the Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 495-495.
  212. Bilyi, A., Mamuzić, I., Kimstach, T. & Repyakh, S. (2023) Patterns of structural formation and properties of foundry bronze Cu-Al-Sn AND Cu-Al-Mn systems. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Supplement of the Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 495-495.
  213. Osypenko, I., Mamuzić, I. & Bilyi, O. (2023) Refractory paints for molds and cores. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Supplement of the Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 495-495.
  214. Mamuzić, I., Shvachych, G. & Sushko, L. (2023) Mathematical modeling of technical diagnostics of mechanisms. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Supplement of the Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 495-495.
  215. Mamuzić, I., Shvachych, G. & Shcherbyna, P. (2023) Research balancing system of interfaces for internet connections. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Supplement of the Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 495-495.
  216. Shvachych, G., Mamuzić, I. & Shcherbyna, P. (2023) Modeling of the efficiency evaluation of information web-resources. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Supplement of the Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 494-494.
  217. Mamuzić, I., Shvachych. G. & Shcherbyna, P. (2023) Study of web resources adaptability technology. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Supplement of the Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, 494, 494.
  218. Mamuzić, I., Shvachych. G. & Shcherbyna, P. (2023) Decision of task global optimization through the multiprocessor computer systems. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Supplement of the Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 494-494.
  219. Mamuzić, I., Dmitrieva, O., Misko, А. & Huskova, V. (2023) Application of deep convolutional neural network for image scaling. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Supplement of the Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 494-494.
  220. Usenko, R., Mamuzić, I. & Mazorchuk, V. (2023) Shrinkage porosity in thin walls of steel castings. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Supplement of the Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 3-4). Zagreb, str. 493-493.
  221. Mamuzić, I., Solonenko, L., Zakharov, V. & Bilyi, O. (2023) Heat-insulating mixture for the gating system of castings. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Supplement of the Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 493-493.
  222. Solonenko, L., Mamuzić, I., Bilyi, O. & Taranov, A. (2023) A new way to make molds and cores. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Supplement of the Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 493-493.
  223. Mamuzić, I., Alekseyenko, S., Kadуlnуkova, T. & Dudnikov, V. (2023) Method of calculation of aerodynamic and acoustic characteristics of aerodynamic profiles. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Supplement of the Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 493-493.
  224. Mamuzić, I., Shvachych, G. & Sushko, L. (2023) Application of petri nets for assessment of the technical condition of gear transmissions. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Supplement of the Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 493-493.
  225. Proydak, Y., Shlomchak, G., Mamuzić, I. & Shvachych, G. (2023) Research of contact stresses during rolling. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Supplement of the Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 492-492.
  226. Mamuzić, I., Moroz, B., Shvachych, S. & Kholod, O. (2023) Mathematical modeling of pipes production forecast. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Supplement of the Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 492-492.
  227. Moroz, B., Mamuzić, I., Karpova, T. & Martynenko, A. (2023) Intensification of spheroidizing annealing of low carbon steel. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Supplement of the Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 492-492.
  228. Ostapenko, I. & Mamuzić, I. (2023) Some aspects of the application of metal span structures made of welded wide-span I-beams. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Supplement of the Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 492-492.
  229. Bannikov, D., Leontiieva, I. & Mamuzić, I. (2023) Steel as a modern alternative to reinforced concrete. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Supplement of the Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 491-491.
  230. Karyachenko, N. & Mamuzić, I. (2023) On the regularities of dynamic processes in cargo-transporting devices. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Supplement of the Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 491-491.
  231. Sobolevska, O. & Mamuzić, I. (2023) Carbon footprint of the metallurgy. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Supplement of the Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 491-491.
  232. Shvachych, G., Mamuzić, I., Moroz, D. & Kozenkova, V. (2023) Models of parallel computation of dynamic systems. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Supplement of the Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 491-491.
  233. Shvachych, G., Mamuzić, I., Sazonova, M. & Shyrin, A. (2023) Distributed algorithms for solving applied problems in an extreme setting. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Supplement of the Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 491-491.
  234. Mamuzić, I., Pobochii, I., Zaporozhchenko, O. & Kozenkova, V. (2023) Efficient parallelization algorithms of the applied tasks in multiprocessor computing systems. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Supplement of the Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 491-491.
  235. Savchuk, О., Vishnevska, М. & Mamuzić, I. (2023) Benefits of implementing a quality management system into the organization’s general management system. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Supplement of the Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 490-490.
  236. Vishnevskiy, I., Vishnevska, М. & Mamuzić, I. (2023) The quality management system as a key component of the overall management system of the organization. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Supplement of the Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 490-490.
  237. Mamuzić, I., Shvachych, G., Laktionov, I. & Kabak, L. (2023) Multiprocessor modeling technologies for the applied statistical tasks. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Supplement of the Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 490-490.
  238. Mamuzić, I., Shvachych, G., Doronina, T. & Kholod, O. (2023) Parallel implementation of the combined algorithm of the branch and bound method. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Supplement of the Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 490-490.
  239. Shvachych, G., Mamuzić, I., Shepilev, D. & Ishchuk, P. (2023) Research of efficiency of a multiprocessor computing system. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Supplement of the Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 490-490.
  240. Malich, M., Vasiliev, D., Kress, D. & Mamuzić, I. (2023) On the issue of reducing the energy of disintegration during the enrichment of ore mineral raw materials. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Supplement of the Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 490-490.
  241. Gryshyn, O., Nadtochiy, А. & Mamuzić, I. (2023) Joint recovery chrome and magnetic concentrates. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Supplement of the Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 489-489.
  242. Mamuzić, I., Shvachych, G., Moroz, D. & Zaporozhchenko, O. (2023) Specifics of the work model construction for the communication net of multiprocessor system. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Supplement of the Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 489-489.
  243. Proydak, Y., Mamuzić, I., Shvachych, G. & Karpova, T. (2023) Heat treatment modes simulations of metal billets. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Supplement of the Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 489-489.
  244. Proydak, Y., Mamuzić, I., Shvachych, G. & Shlomchak, G. (2023) Simulation of speed schedules for metal. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Supplement of the Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 489-489.
  245. Shvachych, G., Mamuzić, I., Мoroz, B., Aleksieiev, M., Hulina, I. & Myronenko, M. (2023) Mathematical modeling of pipes production forecast based on polynomial regression analysis (PRA). U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 328-328.
  246. Kuzmenko, M., Egorov, O. & Mamuzić, I. (2023) Automation of processes of coordinated control rolled products cutting on continuous section rolling mills. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 328-328.
  247. Bondsrenko, O., Tverdokhleb, D. & Mamuzić, I. (2023) Algorithm for the general quality improving of communication between local authorities and the public using qualimetric assessment. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 328-328.
  248. Maksakova, O., Dolzhanskiy, A. & Mamuzić, I. (2023) Prospects for the textile industry standardization development. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 327-327.
  249. Solonenko, L., Repiakh, S., Mamuzić, I. & Uzlov, K. (2023) Environmentally friendly molds and cores-waste-free raw materials for silicate-block and sodium silicate solute production. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 327-327.
  250. Mamuzić, I., Khylko, M., Shyrin, A. & Moroz, D. (2023) Research of the main principles of real options development. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 327-327.
  251. Dolzhanskiy, A., Bibik, N. & Mamuzić, I. (2023) Assembly quality of hydraulic drive parts of mechanisms providing. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 327-327.
  252. Shvachych, G., Mamuzić, I. & Shcherbyna, P. (2023) New technological developments based on the application of multiprocessor systems. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 327-327.
  253. Shyrin, A., Mamuzić, I., Shvachych, G. & Khylko, M. (2023) Research of some features of the distributed data registry technology. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 327-327.
  254. Laktionov, I., Mamuzić, I., Shvachych, G. & Karpova, T. (2023) On the problem of innovative blockchain technology application. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 327-327.
  255. Shcherbyna, P., Mamuzić, I. & Shvachych, G. (2023) Performance analysis of the interface of a pair pcie system based on channel aggregation. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 327-327.
  256. Dolzhanskiy, A., Bondarenko, O. & Mamuzić, I. (2023) Method of control factors levels determining by maximizing of object quality complex indicator. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 326-326.
  257. Shvachych, G., Mamuzić, I. & Shcherbyna, P. (2023) Investigation of the influence of the capacity of the local i/o interface on the performance of a modular multiprocessor system. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 326-326.
  258. Pobochii, I., Mamuzić, I., Shvachych, G. & Kozenkova, V. (2023) On the problem of modeling the blockchain technologies and the real options. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 326-326.
  259. Shlomchak, G., Mamuzić, I., Shvachych, G., Mironenko, M., Korol, R. & Shcherbyna, P. (2023) Features of the development of the metallurgical industry in Ukraine. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 326-326.
  260. Semenov, S., Mamuzić, I. & Lymarenkom, V. (2023) A method of countering the multi-lateration verification of the ADS-B signal of an unmanned aerial vehicle. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 326-326.
  261. Shlomchak, G., Mamuzić, I., Shvachych, G., Mironenko, M. & Shcherbyna, P. (2023) Analysis of the recession in the global steel market. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 326-326.
  262. Mamuzić, I., Semenov, S. & Yenhalychev, S. (2023) Mathematical model of the task scheduler in a distributed computing system. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 326-326.
  263. Mamuzić, I., Shvachych, G., Moroz, D. & Karpova, T. (2023) Numerical and analytical visualization concept of applied problems’ solutions. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 325-325.
  264. Mamuzić, I., Shvachych, G. & Shcherbyna, P. (2023) Improving the security of systems based on graphic encryption keys. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 325-325.
  265. Mamuzić, I., Shvachych, G., Kozenkov, D. & Zaporozhchenko, O. (2023) Maximum parallel structures for solving a single class of applied problems. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 325-325.
  266. Shvachych, G., Mamuzić, I., Moroz, B. & Spilnyk, M. (2023) Distributed modelling of visualization of vectors of solutions for applied tasks’ of metallurgy on the basis of schemes with increased order of accuracy. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 325-325.
  267. Mamuzić, I., Shvachych, S., Sazonova, M. & Zinchenko, S. (2023) Research of the problem of modeling the environment’s internal aerodynamics. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 325-325.
  268. Shvachych, G., Mamuzić, I., Moroz, B. & Sushko, L. (2023) Deceleration problem research in multiprocessional computing systems. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 325-325.
  269. Maksakova, O., Dolzhanskiy, A. & Mamuzić, I. (2023) Prospects for the fruit and vegetable products standardization development. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 325-325.
  270. Selivorstov, V., Shakirov, O. & Mamuzić, I. (2023) Analysis of the technological efficiency of temperature stabilization of shell ceramic molds before pouring. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 325-325.
  271. Konovodov, D. & Mamuzić, I. (2023) Manufacturing multilayer strips by single-pass rolling. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 324-324.
  272. Medvedev, M., Bobukh, O., Mamuzić, I., Kuzmina, O. & Samsonenko, A. (2023) Improvement of forging titanium alloys technology at the “Dnepropress Steel” Co. Ltd.. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 324-324.
  273. Mamuzić, I., Proydak, Y. & Shlomchak, G. Shvachych, G. (2023) Experimental research of contact stresses during rolling. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 324-324.
  274. Mamuzić, I., Shvachych, G., Shvachych, S. & Khylko, O. (2023) The application features of mathematical apparatus of harmonic analysis to determine the accuracy of rolled pipes. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 323-323.
  275. Mamuzić, I., Shvachych, G., Kabak, L. & Matviichuk, А. (2023) Mathematical simulation of wall thickness variation of hot rolled pipes. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 323-323.
  276. Shvachych, G., Mamuzić, I., Proydak, Y. & Kabak, L. (2023) Simulation of heat treatment of metal billets by multiprocessor computing system. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 323-323.
  277. Bochka, V., Yaholnyk, М., Sova, A., Mamuzić, I., Fursov, M. & Malenko, K. (2023) Sintering of agglomerate during separate preparation of the charge. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 322-322.
  278. Solonenko, L., Repiakh, S., Uzlov, K. & Mamuzić, I. (2023) Sand-sodium-silicate mixtures steam-microwave structuring technological peculiarities. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 321-321.
  279. Mameshyn, V., Niziaiev, K., Zhuravlova, S. & Mamuzić, I. (2023) The use of rheoscopic fluid in the study of metallurgical processes. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 321-321.
  280. Ruban, V., Stoianov, O., Synehin, Y. & Mamuzić, I. (2023) Analysis of the thermal performance of a graphitized hollow electrode. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 321-321.
  281. Yefimenko & Mamuzić, I. (2023) Development of the technology of using fuel of plant origin in the burning of iron ore pellets. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 321-321.
  282. Tarakanov, A. & Mamuzić, I. (2023) The system for automatical control of blast-furnace charging. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 320-320.
  283. Tarakanov, A. & Mamuzić, I. (2023) The interactive system “Blast furnace operator`s PC”. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 320-320.
  284. Selivorstova, T., Selivorstov, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2023) Analysis of the possibilities of using complex technologies of gas dynamic influence on the melt in the foundry mold. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 319-319.
  285. Proydak, A. & Mamuzić, I. (2023) Prospects for the use of Ukrainian phosphorites for ferrophosphorus production. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 319-319.
  286. Mamuzić, , Ilija, Brui, H. & Kuchin, О. (2023) Observations of the stability of the boards of pit and deposit under the conditions of the open development of iron ore deposits. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 319-319.
  287. Dolzhanskiy, A., Mamuzić, I. & Kurbatova, N. (2023) Improvement of quality control in the refrigeration plates manufacture for blast furnace. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 319-319.
  288. Mamuzić, I., Shvachych, G. & Shcherbyna, P. (2023) Features of application of new computer technologies of metal processing. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 317-317.
  289. Mamuzić, I., Shvachych, G. & Shcherbyna, P. (2023) Intensification of the regime of spheroidizing annealing of a metal on the basis of the application of a multipurpose computing system. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 315-315.
  290. Proydak, Y., Mamuzić, I., Shvachych, G. & Hulina, I. (2023) Temperature and gradient mathematical simulations in problems of determining thermal physical characteristics of metals. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 315-315.
  291. Uzlov, K., Repiakh, S., Dziubina, A. & Mamuzić, I. (2023) Aluminum bronze BrA9Zh3L per GOST 493 solid state transformations and properties processing. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 315-315.
  292. Chornoivanenko, K. & Mamuzić, I. (2023) Spheroidization of eutectic carbides in the high-speed steels under annealing. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 314-314.
  293. Kimstach, T., Repiakh, S., Mamuzić, I. & Uzlov, K. (2023) Cu-Al -Sn system low-alloyed alloys properties investigation. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 314-314.
  294. Mamuzić, I., Shvachych, G., Sushko, L. & Нulina, I. (2023) Maximum parallel forms of difference scheme algorithms in applied problems of metallurgical thermal physics. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 314-314.
  295. Mamuzić, I. (2023) Metalurgija Journal 2022 y – List of Authors and Co-authors. U: Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 312-312.
  296. Mamuzić, I. (2023) Metalurgija Journal 2022 y List of published papers. U: Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 312-312.
  297. Mamuzić, I. (2023) 16 International Symposiums „Materials and Metallurgy“ of Croatian Metallurgical Society (CMS). U: Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 312-312.
  298. Mamuzić, I. (2023) Sixty years of University Studies of Metallurgy in Croatia 1960-2020. U: Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 312-312.
  299. Mamuzić, I. (2023) Sixty years of the publishing of Metalurgija Journal, 1962-2022. U: Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 312-312.
  300. Mamuzić, I. (2023) 6000 years of the metallurgy on the territory of Croatia. U: Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 312-312.
  301. Mamuzić, I. (2023) Seventy years of the foundation of Croatian Metallurgical Society (CMS) 1952-2022. U: Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 312-312.
  302. Mamuzić, I. (2023) Anniversaries of Croatian Metallurgy. U: Book of abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2023, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 62 (2023) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 312-312.
  303. Miroshnichenko, O. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Structure and physical-chemical properties of semiconductor glasses in V2O5-P2O3 system. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy – Supplement (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 893-893.
  304. Trifonov, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Superplastic die forging – problems and ways o their solution. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy – Supplement (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 893-893.
  305. Ćurčija, D. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Forces affect on the process of material drawing. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy – Supplement (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 893-893.
  306. Dolzhanskiy, A., Lomov, I., Yermakova, O. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Rational parameters of roller scale breaker for steel rod. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy – Supplement (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 893-893.
  307. Dolgansky, A. M. , Klyuev, D. U., Ocheretnaya, N. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) The influence of the microrelief preparation anisotropy on the efficiency of rotating die using. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy – Supplement (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 893-893.
  308. Markushev, M. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Mechanical properties of submicrocrystalline commericial-aluminium alloys processed by severe plastic deformation via angular extrusion. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy – Supplement (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 893-893.
  309. Vveselovskiy, V., Nikul’nykova, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Identification of thermal parameters on the basis of thermal experiments data. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy – Supplement (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 893-893.
  310. Veselovskiy, V., Syasev, V., Mamuzić, I. & Veselovskiy, V. (2022) Thermal regimes control in metallurgical processes. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy – Supplement (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 892-892.
  311. veselovskiy, V., Mamuzić, I., Berlov, R. & Klim, V. (2022) Calculation methods of temperature fields under influence of fields of different physical nature. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy – Supplement (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 892-892.
  312. Bevza, E., Kochubey, O., Mamuzić, I. & Yevdokymov, D. (2022) Matematical modelling of slow phase transitions. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy – Supplement (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 892-892.
  313. Kochubey, O. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Matematical modelling of metallurgical processes in micro gravity. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy – Supplement (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 892-892.
  314. Gubinskaya, D., Kovalchuk, K., Gubinskiy, M. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) The efficiency of emissions reduction in metallurgy. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy – Supplement (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 892-892.
  315. Stavrev, D., Rusev, D. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Temperature field of plastmatic pattern in thermal cycling. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy – Supplement (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 892-892.
  316. Sheremet, V., Troschij, S., Mamuzić, I. & Kekuh, A. (2022) Control and optimization of oxygen activity in converter steels. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy – Supplement (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 892-892.
  317. Sotsenko, O. & Mamuzić, i. (2022) Structure of abnormal graphite in the modified pig-iron. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy – Supplement (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 891-891.
  318. Isakaev, E., Ivanov, P. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Thermodynamics analysis of the plasma-based smelting-reduction of the iron ore. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy – Supplement (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 891-891.
  319. Shatokha, V., Gogenko, O., Mamuzić, I. & Ashikhmin, V. (2022) Sinter and pellets production using metallurgical wastes. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy – Supplement (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 891-891.
  320. Volchok, N., Shkatulak, N. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Influence of plastic processing on elasticity and dislocation non-elasticity of technical titanium. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy – Supplement (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 891-891.
  321. Slavov, V., Naoumova, O. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Determination of phase composition in the steel rolling surfacing defects by X-ray analysis. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy – Supplement (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 891-891.
  322. Zhukovskyy, V., Mamuzić, I. & Gokhman, O. (2022) X-ray and optic method to determine the residual strees in textured materials. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy – Supplement (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 891-891.
  323. Grechanyuk, N., Osokin, V., Grechanyuk, I., Mamuzić, I. & Bukhanovskii, V. (2022) The effect of Thermal Treatment on Structure and Mechanical Properties of Composite, Condensing from a Steam Phase, Material of the System Cu-Zr-Y-Mo. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy – Supplement (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 890-890.
  324. Bevza, E., Kochubey, O., Mamuzić, I. & Yevdokymov, D. (2022) Mathematical Modelling of Initial Stage of Phase Creation. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy – Supplement (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 890-890.
  325. Derevjanko, A., Mikhayov, A. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Computer Modeling of Grain`s Growth at Sintering Nano-Matherials. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy – Supplement (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 890-890.
  326. Nikulin, S., Khanzhin, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Corosion Fracture Mechanisms of Ziroconium Alloys in Iodine Containing Environment. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy – Supplement (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 890-890.
  327. Galchenko, G., Mamuzić, I., Chygyrynets’, O. & Stovpchenko, G. (2022) Preserving Composition for Anticorrosive Protection of Reinforce Bar. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy – Supplement (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 890-890.
  328. Križanić, R. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Statistical Processing of Mechanical Properties of N80 quality Casing Tubes. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy – Supplement (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 890-890.
  329. Sanin, A., Mironenko, P. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Obtaining new Dispersion-Strengthened Materials using Powder Metallurgy Technologies. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy – Supplement (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 889-889.
  330. Vnukov, A. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Research of Iron-Based Powder Functionally Graded Material (FGM). U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy – Supplement (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 889-889.
  331. Leibenson, V., Golovachov, A., Mamuzić, I. & Stovpchenko, G. (2022) Technology of Manufacure of Multilayer Composite Rapid Steel. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy – Supplement (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 3-4). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 889-889.
  332. Maksakova, O., Dolzhanskiy, A., Mirgorodska, O. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Prospects for the development of nickel and nickel alloys standardization. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 576-576.
  333. Maksakova, O., Dolzhanskiy, A. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Prospects for the development of standardization for fire safety. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 5476-576.
  334. Maksakova, O., Dolzhanskiy, A. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Prospects for the development of standardization for laboratory equipment. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 576-576.
  335. Maksakova, O., Dolzhanskiy, A. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Prospects for the development of standardization for means of individual protection. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 576-576.
  336. Shvachych, G., Ivashchenko, O., Busygin, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Solution of applied statistical problems based on multiprocessor systems. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 576-576.
  337. Moroz, D. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Maximally parallel forms of mathematical models with a tridiagonal structure. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 576-576.
  338. Moroz, D. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Parallel numerical-analytical algorithms with continuous time. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 575-575.
  339. Shvachych, G., Moroz, D. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Maximum parallel algorithms for solving applied problems. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 575-575.
  340. Shvachych, G., Udovykd, I., Moroz, D. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Research of the efficiency of multiprocessor systems taking into account the influence of the network interface. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatska, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 575-575.
  341. Ivashchenko, V., Shvachych, G., Udovyk, I., Moroz, D. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) On the problem of the efficiency of computations of multiprocessor systems when solving applied problems. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatska, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 575-575.
  342. Kuchuk, N., Bulba, S. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Mathematical simulation of topological structure self-healing network. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatska, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 575-575.
  343. Dmitrieva, O., Nazarova, I., Guskova, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Algorithmic methods for parallel modeling and visualization of dynamic processes and machine learning systems. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatska, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 575-575.
  344. Dmitrieva, O., Altukhova, T. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Computer modeling of diagnostic systems. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatska, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 575-575.
  345. Ivashchenko, V., Ivashchenko, O., Kabak, I., Sushko, I. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Research of the problem of deceleration of computations in multiprocessional computing systems when solving applied problems. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatska, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 574-574.
  346. Shvachych, G., Moroz, B., Нulina, I., Khristyan, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Parallel algorithms in applied problems of metallurgical thermal physics. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatska, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 574-574.
  347. Proydak, Y., Shlomchak, G., Moroz, B., Konovalenkov, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Studies of thermophysical properties of materials by inverse methods. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 574-574.
  348. Selivorstova, T., Selivorstov, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Information technology for quantitative analysis of digital images of sulfur prints. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 574-574.
  349. Kieush, L., Koveria, A. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Co-utilization of hydrogen and biomass in metallurgy. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 574-574.
  350. Varitsev, A. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Resource saving in the application of carbon materials in metallurgy. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 574-574.
  351. Kobrin, Y., Hrechanyi, O., Shevchenko, I. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) The need to balance the rotors of hammer crushers during operation in metallurgical production. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 574-574.
  352. Mamuzić, I., Proydak, Y., Shlomchak, G., Shvachych, G. & Myronenko, M. (2022) Object oriented model for distributed database engineering in conditions of fuzzy sets. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 570-570.
  353. Shvachych, G., Sobolenko, A., Kabak, I., Khristyan, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Study of the wall thickness distribution along perimeter of hot rolled pipes. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 569-569.
  354. Proydak, Y., Shlomchak, G., Moroz, B., Martynenko, A. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Computer simulation of heat treatment of a long-sized product. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 569-569.
  355. Bogdan, D., Balakin, V., Balakhanova, T., Kuznetsov, E. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Increasing the corrosion resistance of oil and gas pipes by surface plastic deformation with the use of inhibitors. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 569-569.
  356. Klimenko, A., Balakin, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Semi-liquid stamping of metals and alloys. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 569-569.
  357. Syrotenko, A., Stasevsky, S., Balakin, V., Ugryumov, Y. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) New metal-saving technologies of hot tube rolling on pilgrim units. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 569-569.
  358. Mamuzić, I., Shvachych, G., Moroz, B., Chorna, V., Voroshylova, N. & Shvachych, S. (2022) Modeling of hazardous impurities transport. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 566-566.
  359. Selivorstova, T., Selivorstov, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Using gas-dynamic pressure to improve the efficiency of cluster adsorption in carbon steel. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 564-564.
  360. Tregubenko, G., Kalinin, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) The redistribution of hydrogen between the phases during the crystallization of aluminum and its alloys. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 563-563.
  361. Zhadanos, О., Derevyanko, I., Portnyi, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Researching of thermophysical processes in Acheson furnace for the production of silicon carbide to develop automatic process control system. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 563-563.
  362. Proydak, Y., Gorobets, A. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Substantiation of an innovative concept of refining steel with out-of-burn treatment with the use of alkaline alumosilicate – pegmatite. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 563-563.
  363. Gorobets, A., Proydak, Y. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Analysis of the stability of oxide-fluoride melts in refining steel processing electrometallurgical processes. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 563-563.
  364. Khrutskaya, J., Kamkina, L. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Thermodynamic assessment of the influence of the order of adding of deoxidizers on the composition of the formed non-metallic phase in highcarbon steel. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 563-563.
  365. Kamkin, V., Khrutskaya, J. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Estimation of the parameters of preliminary deoxidation of an intermediate product from electro arc furnace (EAF) in the production of extralow-carbon steel. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 563-563.
  366. Dvorkovoj, O., Sinitsin, Y. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Use of hydrolysis lignin in the composition of slag forming mixtures for treatment of steel and alloys. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 563-563.
  367. Grishin, А., Nadtochy, A. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Role of metal iron in solid phase reduction of oxides. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 563-563.
  368. Velichko, K., Kamkina, L., Meshalkin, A. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Rational parameters of technology for producing steel with different carbon content in the converter. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 563-563.
  369. Proydak, Y., Mianovska, Y. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Reduction of oxidized iron ores with hydrogen in aqueous solutions of electrolytes. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 563-563.
  370. Kirichok, V., Myanovska, Y. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) The use of fine enrichment products of manganese ore in sintering processes. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 562-563.
  371. Yeromin, O., Gupalo, O. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Reducing carbon dioxide emission of a metallurgical plant. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 562-562.
  372. Gupalo, O., Yeromin, O. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Rational use of process oxygen in rolling-mill shops. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 562-562.
  373. Gupalo, O., Yeromin, O. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) The study of heat transfer in a rotary hearth furnace. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 562-562.
  374. Tarakanov, A. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Possibilities of the smelting reduction processes (SRP) optimization. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 562-562.
  375. Tarakanov, A., Pushkarenko, N. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) The improved technology of iron preparation for the oxygen-converter melting. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 562-562.
  376. Vodopivec, F., Rešković, S. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) The influence of Nb content on the crystal latice distortion of a final thermomechanical treatment microalloyed steel. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 553-554.
  377. Kovzel, M., Kotova, T. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Optimization of the composition of steels 01ЮT, 01ЮTA by the method of physical and chemical modeling. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 553-553.
  378. Kovzel, M., Kotova, T. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Structure and properties of deformed ultra-low carbon steels. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 553-553.
  379. Hrubiak, A., Kieush, L. Koveria, A., Fedorov, S. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Investigation of the Nickel-Cobalt Manganese cathode material from spent lithium-ion batteries via Infrared spectroscopy. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 553-553.
  380. Selivorstov, V., Dotsenko, Y., Nasonov, N. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) The effect of modification with silicon carbide on the density of the secondary aluminum alloy of the Al-Si system. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 553-553.
  381. Serzhenko, I., Kalinin, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Specific features of the physico-chemical processes during the hardening of the nanodispersed surface layer of the casting in the form. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 553-553.
  382. Selivorstov, V., Dotsenko, Y., Nasonov, D. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) The effect of modification with silicon carbide on the mechanical properties of the secondary aluminum alloy of the Al-Si system. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2) / Mamuzić, Ilija – Zagreb : Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, 2022, 552-552. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 553-553.
  383. Tregubenko, G., Polyakov, G., Podgorny, S. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Production of construction steel with carbonitride hardening on basis of the complex microalloying of N – Ti – Al. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 553-553.
  384. Proidak, A., Mamuzić, I. & Poreba, M. (2022) Quality of a Copper-Phosphorus Alloy. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 553-553.
  385. Gladkykh, V., Proidak, Y., Ruban, A. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) DSC analysis of the MnO-Al2O3 system. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 552-553.
  386. Proydak, Y., Isaeva, L. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Rational amounts of titanium and aluminum in carbon steels to obtain dispersed nitrides under hot rolling conditions. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 552-552.
  387. Kalinina, N., Nosova, T. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Increase of structural stability and properties of heat-resistant nickel alloys by nanomaterial treatment. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 552-552.
  388. Kimstach, T., Repiakh, S., Uzlov, K. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Cu-Al-Sn system low-alloyed alloys properties investigation. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 552-552.
  389. Derevianko, O. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Fractal criterion for assessing the corrosion of metals. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 552-552.
  390. Hlushkova, D. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Corrosion resistance of reinforced layers of 15Х11МФ steel steam turbine blades. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 552-552.
  391. Movchan, О., Chornoivanenko, K. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) In-situ composite based on alloys of the Fe-V-Cr-C system. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 552-552.
  392. Gubenko, S. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Phase and structural changes in the eutectic inclusions in steels under laser action. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 552-552.
  393. Gubenko, S. & Mamuzić, I. (2022) Interphase boundaries inclusion-matrix in steels. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 552-552.
  394. Shvachych, G., Mamuzić, I., Tsvykh, V., Khуlko, M., Sashchuk, H., Timchenko, O., Ivaschenko, O. & Мoroz, D. (2022) Some complex intensification features of spheroidizing annealing of low carbon steel. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2022, Materials and metallurgy (published in: Metalurgija 61 (2022) 2). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 552-552.
  395. Mamuzić, I., Shvachych, G., Moroz, B., Udovyk, I. & Sushko, L. (2020) Deceleration problem research in multiprocessional computing systems. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 442-442.
  396. Selivorstov, V., Dotsenko, Y. & Mamuzić, I. (2020) The use of vibration casting of aluminum cast alloys in the process of solidification in metal form. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 432-432.
  397. Bochka, V., Sova, A., Kieush, L., Dvoiehlazova, A., Vashchenko, M. & Mamuzić, I. (2020) Sinter quality improvement by separateblend preparation for sintering process. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 431-431.
  398. Cherniatevych, A., Yushkevych, P., Molchanov, L. & Mamuzić, I. (2020) Three-level lance for BOF bath blowing. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 431-431.
  399. Boichenko, B., Niziaiev, K., Molchanov, L., Synehin, Y., Stoianov, O., Ryshkova, I. & Mamuzić, I. (2020) Contemporary approaches to improving the design of the lining of oxygen converters. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 431-431.
  400. Boichenko, B., Stoianov, O., Mamuzić, I., Niziaiev, K. & Volodko, K. (2020) Peculiarities of exploitation of teeming ladle with magnesium-carbon lining. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 431-431.
  401. Tarakanov, A., Lyalyuk, V., Mamuzić, I., Kassim, D. & Efimenko, V. (2020) Maintenance of the uniformity of blast distribution over the circumference of blast- furnace hearth. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 431-431.
  402. Romanov, D., Sosnon, K., Filyakov, A., Mamuzic, I. & Gromov, V. (2020) The structure of the WC-Ag coating, obtained by electric explosive spraying, nitriding and following electronic beam treatment. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 429-429.
  403. Martynenko, N., Temralieva, D., Anisimova, N., Kiselevskiy, M., Mamuzić, I., Li, E., Morozov, M., Yusupov, V., Dobatkin, S. & Estrin, Y. (2020) The effect of rotary swaging on the microstructure, mechanical and corrosion properties and cytotoxicity in vitro of the alloy Mg-1.0%Zn-0.7%Ca. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 429-429.
  404. Roshchupkin, V., Ermishkin, V., Kirilova, V., Minina, N., Mamuzić, I. & Palii, N. (2020) Evaluation of the strength characteristics of the structural components of alloys according to the photometric analysis of the luminance spectra of visible light reflection from their surface. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 429-429.
  405. Volchenkova, V., Kazenas, E., Andreeva, N., Penkina, T., Mamuzić, I., Smirnova, V., Fomina, A., Grigorovich, K., Mansurova, E. & Sprygin, G. (2020) Development of express methods for determination of the components contents in heat-resistant nickel alloys using AES-ICP, AES- GD and AAS. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 429-429.
  406. Kutsova, V., Aiupova, Т., Kotova, T. & Mamuzić, I. (2020) The alloying elements distribution in hypoeutectical-7%si alloys in the progress of complex physical-chemical melt treatment. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 424-424.
  407. Movchan, O., Chornoivanenko, K. & Mamuzić, I. (2020) Regularities of secondary hardening of highly alloyed iron alloys. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 424-424.
  408. Mamuzić, I. (2020) Review of the Đuro Tadić monograph “Steelworks Sisak, company of steel and lifetime” / Sisak, 2017. U: Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 447-447.
  409. Usenko, R., Solonenko, L., Mamuzić, I. & Repyakh, S. (2020) Heating of solid bodies by microwave. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 447-447.
  410. Dolzhanskiy, A., Kolot, Y. & Mamuzić, I. (2020) New method for the determining of heterogeneous liquids impedance components. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 447-447.
  411. Mamuzić, I. (2020) Press of publically available materials requests responsibility – proceedings of the editor Đure Tadić about the steelworks Sisak, 1938–2018. U: Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 446-446.
  412. Lomov, I., Kazanovskaya, O., Mos’pan, N. & Mamuzić, I. (2020) Improvement of quality assessment method. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 445-445.
  413. Dmytriieva, I., Ipatov, O. & Mamuzić, I. (2020) Design and analysis of security system reliability. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 445-445.
  414. Zhurba, A., Levanovich, O. & Mamuzić, I. (2020) Influence method of the binarization on fractal dimension. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 445-445.
  415. Derevianko, O. & Mamuzić, I. (2020) The imitation model of aggregation. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 444-444.
  416. Mazorchuk, V., Repyakh, S., Usenko, R. & Mamuzić, I. (2020) Determination of the thermal stability of porcelain rods. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 443-443.
  417. Vovk, A. & Mamuzić, I. (2020) Testing of pipecross ring samples. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 443-443.
  418. Solonenko, L., Batsa, I. & Mamuzić, I. (2020) The influence of the nature of clay, its content and method of water preparation on the properties of low-temperature forms. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 443-443.
  419. Pinchuk, V., Mohammed, M., Mamuzić, I. & Starchenko, A. (2020) Experimental research of heat transfer during thermal activation of coal-water fuel. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 443-443.
  420. Mamuzić, I., Shvachych, G., Udovyk, I., Prykhodchenko, S. & Kholod, E. (2020) Temperature and gradient mathematical simulations in problems of determining thermal physical characteristics of metals. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 442-442.
  421. Proydak, Y., Shlomchak, G., Mamuzić, I., Shvachych, G. & Ischenko, I. (2020) Simulation of heat treatment of metal billets by multiprocessor computing system. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 442-442.
  422. Dolzhanskiy, A., Maksakova, O. & Mamuzić, I. (2020) Problems of standardization in the Ukrainian metallurgical industry. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 442-442.
  423. Shvachych, G., Sobolenko, A., Mamuzić, I., Ischenko, I. & Martynenko, A. (2020) Mathematical simulation of wall thickness variation of hot rolled pipes. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 440-440.
  424. Samokysh, D., Zhuravlova, S. & Mamuzić, I. (2020) Experimental curves of plasticity during cold rolling with tension. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 440-440.
  425. Vasilev, Y., Borodin, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2020) Influence of elastic reduction of a strip on the length of the deformation zone during cold rolling. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 439-439.
  426. Vasilev, Y. & Mamuzić, I. (2020) Mathematical model of medium contact stress during cold rolling of thin and ultralight gagestrips. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 439-439.
  427. Vasilev, Y., Samokysh, D., Zamogilniy, R. & Mamuzić, I. (2020) Mathematical model of neutral angle for cold rolling of thin and ultralight gagestrips. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 439-439.
  428. Medvedev, M., Andreiev, V., Bobukh, O. & Mamuzić, I. (2020) On the issue of evaluating deformation resistance during hot extrusion of tubes from nickel-based alloys. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 438-438.
  429. Zhuravlova, S., Mameshyn, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2020) Technological audit of secondary metallurgy. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 436-436.
  430. Boichenko, B., Molchanov, L., Synehin, Y. & Mamuzić, I. (2020) The reasons of different effect of antioxidants composition on life duration of magnesia-carbon refractories during bof process. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 436-436.
  431. Stoianov, O., Niziaiev, K., Synehin, Y., Ahaian, L. & Mamuzić, I. (2020) Ladle treatment technology of low-silicon steel grades. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 435-435.
  432. Shlomchak, G., Mamuzić, I., Shvachych, G., Мoroz, B., Udovyk, I., Fedorov, E. & Spilnyk, M. (2020) Metallurgical thermophysics processes identification based on extreme algorithms of high order of accuracy. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 435-435.
  433. Stoianov, O., Niziaiev, K., Mamuzić, I. & Synehin, Y. (2020) Model of the bof melt. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 435-435.
  434. Mouele, E., Max, A., Mamuzić, I. & Molchanov, L. (2020) Technological operations of steel refining from non-ferrous metals impurities. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 434-434.
  435. Stoianov, O., Ruban, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2020) Simulation of hydrodynamic processes during argon bottom blowing in teeming ladle. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 433-433.
  436. Selivorstov, V., Soroka, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2020) Calculation of risers of large steel castings under gas-dynamic pressure and electroslag heating. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 433-433.
  437. Arendach, N., Molchanov, L., Synehin, Y. & Mamuzić, I. (2020) Carbon removal from steel by oxidation blowing in teeming ladle. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 433-433.
  438. Sukhovetskyi, S., Synehin, Y., Mamuzić, I., Molchanov, L. & Zhuravlova, S. (2020) Non-metallic inclusions removal by centrifugal force in ccm tundish. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 432-432.
  439. Bochka, V., Sova, A., Kieush, L., Dvoiehlazova, A., Klypa, O. & Mamuzić, I. (2020) Enhancement of mechanical loads on the sinter via drum type apparatus. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 432-432.
  440. Boyko, M., Polyakova, N. & Mamuzić, I. (2020) Analysis of mutual influence between parameters of the induration process for iron ore pellets. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 431-431.
  441. Molchanov, L., Synehin, Y., Lantukh, O. & Mamuzić, I. (2020) Influence of the teeming ladle design on the steel pollution with nonmetallic inclusions. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 431-431.
  442. Boichenko, B., Niziaiev, K., Chmyrkov, K. & Mamuzić, I. (2020) Mechanism of assimilation of iron-containing silicon carbide briquettes, which are put during the steel production in bof to reduce the consumption of hot metal. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 431-431.
  443. Stoianov, O., Niziaiev, K., Mamuzić, I. & Molchanov, L. (2020) Analysis of the growth of the energy-consumption of hot metal after its pretreatment. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 431-431.
  444. Andriukhin, R., Molchanov, L., Mamuzić, I. & Synehin, Y. (2020) Innovative technology of melts alloying. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 431-431.
  445. Tarakanov, A., Lyalyuk, V., Mamuzić, I., Kassim, D. & Fursov, M. (2020) Means for improving of blast-furnace performance by coordination of the batch distribution at the top and gas distribution in the hearth. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 431-431.
  446. Štrkalj, A., Glavaš, Z. & Mamuzić, I. (2020) Microstructure and properties of silicon alloyed compacted graphite irons (CGI). U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 427-427.
  447. Karpov, V., Zhdanov, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2020) Bearings from gazars. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 426-426.
  448. Gubenko, S. & Mamuzić, I. (2020) Non-metallic inclusions and plasticity of steels. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 426-426.
  449. Proidak, S. & Mamuzić, I. (2020) Prospects for the use of economically alloyed nickel-free stainless steels. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 425-425.
  450. Vodopivec, F., Mamuzić, I. & Rešković, S. (2020) Creep resisting steels, nanoparticles, interparticles matrix stresses, mobile dislocations motion and creep rate. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 425-425.
  451. Haranich, Y., Frolov, Y. & Mamuzić, I. (2020) Roll bonding of a composite material based on aluminum outer layers and expanded mesh inlay. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 424-424.
  452. Parusov, E., Parusov, O., Gubenko, S. & Mamuzić, I. (2020) Influence of alloying elements on the formation of structure of wire rod from high-carbon steel. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 424-424.
  453. Karpov, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2020) Influence of iron foil thermal cycling in hydrogen. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 424-424.
  454. Movchan, O., Chornoivanenko, K. & Mamuzić, I. (2020) Regularities of secondary hardening of highly alloyed iron alloys. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 424-424.
  455. Chekunova-Tomacheva, N., Uskova, I. & Mamuzić, I. (2020) Features of selecting potential investors for scientific and technical developments. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 448-448.
  456. Uskova, I., Chekunova-Tomacheva, N. & Mamuzić, I. (2020) Mechanisms for transforming research results into the business sector of the economy. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 447-448.
  457. Shlomchak, G., Shvachych, G., Мoroz, B., Fedorov, E., Kozenkov, D. & Mamuzić, I. (2020) Automated control of temperature regimes of alloyed steel products based on multiprocessors computing systems. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 444-444.
  458. Shlomchak, G., Mamuzić, I., Mazur, V., Kholod, E. & Spilnyk, M. (2020) Distributed modelling of visualization of vectors of solutions for applied tasks of metallurgy on the basis of schemes with increased order of accuracy. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 442-442.
  459. Shvachych, G., Mamuzić, I., Ivaschenko, O., Moroz, B. & Нulina, I. (2020) Maximum parallel forms of difference scheme algorithms in applied problems of metallurgical thermal physics. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 442-442.
  460. Frolov, Y., Samsonenko, A., Kuzmina, O. & Mamuzić, I. (2020) Comparative analysis of energy power parameters of direct and lateral extrusion. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 442-442.
  461. Martynenko, N., Anisimova, N., Kiselevskiy, M., Temralieva, D., Tokar, A., Raab, G., Dobatkin, S., Estrin, Y. & Mamuzić, I. (2020) The effect of magnesium alloy WE43 structure caused by equal channel angular pressing on the mechanical properties and the cytotoxicity to tumor cells in vitro. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 438-438.
  462. Ivaschenko, V., Shvachych, G., Mamuzić, I., Sobolenko, A. & Pobochyi, I. (2020) The application features of mathematical apparatus of harmonic analysis to determine the accuracy of rolled pipes. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 438-438.
  463. Vasilev, Y., Samokysh, D., Mamuzić, I., Zamogilniy, R. & Grynkevych, V. (2020) Method for calculating technological parameters during cold rolling of thin and ultralight gagestrips. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 438-438.
  464. Zimoglyad, A., Guda, A., Mamuzić, I., Andriukhina, M., Tsaryk, V., Stanchyts, A. & Klishch, S. (2020) Buck topology converter simulation for the vacuum heater control system. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society – SHMD ‘2020, Materials and metallurgy (tiskano u: Metalurgija 59 (2020) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 432-432.
  465. Usenko, R., Bichevnik, I. & Mamuzić, I. (2018) Porosity of ceramic shell molds. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) 13th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society “Materials and Metallurgy” SHMD 2018 : Book of Abstracts (tiskano u: Metalurgija 57 (2018) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 214-214.
  466. Mamuzić, I. (2018) Model of fast cooling processes. U: 13th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society “Materials and Metallurgy” SHMD 2018 : Book of Abstracts (tiskano u: Metalurgija 57 (2018) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 200-200.
  467. Mamuzić, I. (2018) Achievements of Croatian Metallurgical Society (CMS) 1952 – 2017 y. U: 13th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society “Materials and Metallurgy” SHMD 2018 : Book of Abstracts (tiskano u: Metalurgija 57 (2018) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 212-212.
  468. Gubin, O., Kochubey, О., Kovalenko, O., Mamuzić, I. & Shcherban, V. (2018) Numerical investigation of temperature fi eld of a pipe in the application process of ion-plasma coating on its inner surface. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) 13th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society “Materials and Metallurgy” SHMD 2018 : Book of Abstracts (tiskano u: Metalurgija 57 (2018) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 216-216.
  469. Siasiev, A., Kochubey, О., Mamuzić, I. & Topchii, R. (2018) Mathematical model of the process of crystallization of the rod. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) 13th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society “Materials and Metallurgy” SHMD 2018 : Book of Abstracts (tiskano u: Metalurgija 57 (2018) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 216-216.
  470. Mamuzić, I. (2018) Effect of heat input on residual stress. U: 13th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society “Materials and Metallurgy” SHMD 2018 : Book of Abstracts (tiskano u: Metalurgija 57 (2018) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 191-191.
  471. Kutsova, V., Ayupova, T. & Mamuzić, I. (2018) Atomic interaction and choice of modificators for Ak7ch alloy. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) 13th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society “Materials and Metallurgy” SHMD 2018 : Book of Abstracts (tiskano u: Metalurgija 57 (2018) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 187-187.
  472. Mamuzić, I. (2018) Extrusion process. U: 13th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society “Materials and Metallurgy” SHMD 2018 : Book of Abstracts (tiskano u: Metalurgija 57 (2018) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 207-207.
  473. Kochubey, O., Brazaluk, I., Goman, O., Mamuzić, I., Poliakov, M. & Yevdokymov, D. (2018) New Approach to Space Debris Problem. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) 13th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society “Materials and Metallurgy” SHMD 2018 : Book of Abstracts (tiskano u: Metalurgija 57 (2018) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 216-216.
  474. Brazaluk, I., Goman, O., Kochubey, O., Mamuzić, I., Poliakov, M. & Yevdokymov, D. (2018) Space metallurgy: modern aims. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) 13th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society “Materials and Metallurgy” SHMD 2018 : Book of Abstracts (tiskano u: Metalurgija 57 (2018) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 216-216.
  475. Nechausov, A., Mamuzić, I. & Kuchuk, N. (2018) Synthesis of the air pollution level control system on the basis of hyperconvergent infrastructures. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) 13th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society “Materials and Metallurgy” SHMD 2018 : Book of Abstracts (tiskano u: Metalurgija 57 (2018) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 215-215.
  476. Biliaieva, V., Dzhepa, V., Kochubey, О. & Mamuzić, I. (2018) Numerical simulation pollutants transfer in industrial rooms after accidents. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) 13th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society “Materials and Metallurgy” SHMD 2018 : Book of Abstracts (tiskano u: Metalurgija 57 (2018) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 216-216.
  477. Mamuzić, I. (2018) Proporties of superplastically formed aluminium alloy. U: 13th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society “Materials and Metallurgy” SHMD 2018 : Book of Abstracts (tiskano u: Metalurgija 57 (2018) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 207-207.
  478. Mamuzić, I. (2018) Metal motion during filling in ingot mould. U: 13th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society “Materials and Metallurgy” SHMD 2018 : Book of Abstracts (tiskano u: Metalurgija 57 (2018) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 200-200.
  479. Mamuzić, I. (2018) Future of metallurgical industry. U: 13th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society “Materials and Metallurgy” SHMD 2018 : Book of Abstracts (tiskano u: Metalurgija 57 (2018) 3). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 200-200.
  480. Grechanyuk, N., Minakova, R., Bukhanovskii*, V., Rudnitsky, N. & Mamuzić, I. (2014) Microlayered Condensed Materials on Basis of Copper, Refractory, Rare-earth Metals, and Carbon for Electrodes and Electrical Contacts. U: Summaries of lectures of the 11th international symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society SHMD ‘2014 : Materials and Metallurgy, published in Metalurgija 53 (2014) 3 / Mamuzić, Ilija (ur.). –. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. x-x.
  481. Netrebskii, M., Rabkina, M., Mutas, V.V. & Mamuzić, I. (2014) Service Defects and Assessment of their Influence on Strength of Pressure Vessels and Pipelines in Petroleum Processing Production Systems. U: Summaries of lectures of the 11th international symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society SHMD ‘2014 : Materials and Metallurgy, published in Metalurgija 53 (2014) 3 / Mamuzić, Ilija (ur.). –. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. x-x.
  482. Kravchyk, R. & Mamuzić, I. (2014) Deformation Behavior of Thin Aluminum Plate under Equibiaxial Tension. U: Summaries of lectures of the 11th international symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society SHMD ‘2014 : Materials and Metallurgy, published in Metalurgija 53 (2014) 3 / Mamuzić, Ilija (ur.). –. Zagreb, str. x-x.
  483. Kharchenko, V., Kondryakov, E., Panasenko, A. & Mamuzić, i. (2014) Investigation of the Crack Propagation in the Charpy Specimens Under Impact Loading on Vertical Instrumented Drop-weight Impact Testing Machine. U: Summaries of lectures of the 11th international symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society SHMD ‘2014 : Materials and Metallurgy, published in Metalurgija 53 (2014) 3 / Mamuzić, Ilija (ur.). –. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. x-x.
  484. Makaev, A., Kharchenko, V., Bukhanovskii, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2014) Finite Element Simulation of the Small Punch Test. U: Summaries of lectures of the 11th international symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society SHMD ‘2014 : Materials and Metallurgy, published in Metalurgija 53 (2014) 3 / Mamuzić, Ilija (ur.). –. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. x-x.
  485. Ban’ko, S., Kharchenko, V., Kobelsky, S., Kravchenko, V., Chirkov, A. & Mamuzić, I. (2014) Stress State of the Header-to-PGV-1000M Steam Generator Connector Weldment with a Cavity. U: Summaries of lectures of the 11th international symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society SHMD ‘2014 : Materials and Metallurgy, published in Metalurgija 53 (2014) 3 / Mamuzić, Ilija (ur.). –. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. x-x.
  486. Muzyka, N., Shvets, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2014) Determination of Stresses and Strains in an Elasto-plastically Deformed Product from the Hardness Characteristics. U: Summaries of lectures of the 11th international symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society SHMD ‘2014 : Materials and Metallurgy, published in Metalurgija 53 (2014) 3 / Mamuzić, Ilija (ur.). –. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. x-x.
  487. Shvets, V., Bulakh, P., Maslo, A. & Mamuzić, I. (2014) Damageafaility of Steel 25Kh1M1FA under Long-term Loading at Elevated Temperatures. U: Summaries of lectures of the 11th international symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society SHMD ‘2014 : Materials and Metallurgy, published in Metalurgija 53 (2014) 3 / Mamuzić, Ilija (ur.). –. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. x-x.
  488. Myronova, T., Ruden, D. & Mamuzić, I. (2012) The influence of matrix structure on the deformed cast irons properties. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Summaries of lectures of the 10th international symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society SHMD ‘2012 : Materials and Metallurgy, published in Metalurgija 51 (2012) 3. Zagreb, Croatian Metallurgical Society, str. 418-418.
  489. Zhuravel, V., Karasik, A. & Mamuzić, I. (2012) Technological processing at hot pressing of pipes. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Summaries of lectures of the 10th international symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society SHMD ‘2012 : Materials and Metallurgy, published in Metalurgija 51 (2012) 3. Zagreb, Croatian Metallurgical Society, str. 419-419.
  490. Popov, M., Balakin, V., Perchanik, V., Bilan, K. & Mamuzić, I. (2012) New scheme of pilger rolling of tubes – a perspective way to obtain the required structure-sensitive properties. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Summaries of lectures of the 10th international symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society SHMD ‘2012 : Materials and Metallurgy, published in Metalurgija 51 (2012) 3. Zagreb, Croatian Metallurgical Society, str. 419-419.
  491. Pinchuk, S., Balakin, V., Tishkevich. D. G. & Mamuzić, I. (2012) The increasing of the corrosion resistance of the tubing. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Summaries of lectures of the 10th international symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society SHMD ‘2012 : Materials and Metallurgy, published in Metalurgija 51 (2012) 3. Zagreb, Croatian Metallurgical Society, str. 419-419.
  492. Globa, L., Novogrudskaya, R. & Mamuzić, I. (2012) Computational resources of Internet portal “Strength of materials”. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Summaries of lectures of the 10th international symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society SHMD ‘2012 : Materials and Metallurgy, published in Metalurgija 51 (2012) 3. Zagreb, Croatian Metallurgical Society, str. 387-387.
  493. Mazorchuk, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2012) Research of the microstructure of cast metal obtained by using floating top insert. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Summaries of lectures of the 10th international symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society SHMD ‘2012 : Materials and Metallurgy, published in Metalurgija 51 (2012) 3. Zagreb, Croatian Metallurgical Society, str. 399-399.
  494. Gul, I., Chmeleva, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2012) Efficiency of use of stationary and non-stationary coolers at heat treatment of metal products: theory and directions of practical use. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Summaries of lectures of the 10th international symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society SHMD ‘2012 : Materials and Metallurgy, published in Metalurgija 51 (2012) 3. Zagreb, Croatian Metallurgical Society, str. 398-398.
  495. Chumachenko, L. & Mamuzić, I. (2012) Study on effect of residual stress distributions on kinetics of static strain aging after cold rolling. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Summaries of lectures of the 10th international simposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society SHMD ‘2012 : Materials and Metallurgy, published in Metalurgija 51 (2012) 3. Zagreb, Croatian Metallurgical Society, str. 398-398.
  496. Baumshtein, D. & Mamuzić, I. (2012) Mechanical behaviour of stainless steel under warm working conditions. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Summaries of lectures of the 10th international simposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society SHMD ‘2012 : Materials and Metallurgy, published in Metalurgija 51 (2012) 3. Zagreb, Croatian Metallurgical Society, str. 398-398.
  497. Shorshorov, E. & Mamuzić, I. (2012) Effect of sulphur on impact properties of bainitic or martensitic steels. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Summaries of lectures of the 10th international simposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society SHMD ‘2012 : Materials and Metallurgy, published in Metalurgija 51 (2012) 3. Zagreb, Croatian Metallurgical Society, str. 397-397.
  498. Gotsman, D. & Mamuzić, I. (2012) Effect of austenite grain size on isothermal bainite transformation in low carbon microalloyed steel. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Summaries of lectures of the 10th international simposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society SHMD ‘2012 : Materials and Metallurgy, published in Metalurgija 51 (2012) 3. Zagreb, Croatian Metallurgical Society, str. 396-396.
  499. Krivsha, M., Machulenko, L. & Mamuzić, I. (2012) Microstructure and mechanical properties of a Ti–14Mo based beta titanium alloy. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Summaries of lectures of the 10th international simposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society SHMD ‘2012 : Materials and Metallurgy, published in Metalurgija 51 (2012) 3. Zagreb, Croatian Metallurgical Society, str. 395-395.
  500. Safargallin, L. & Mamuzić, I. (2012) Microstructure and tensile properties of 8Cr–1, 5Mo steel. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Summaries of lectures of the 10th international simposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society SHMD ‘2012 : Materials and Metallurgy, published in Metalurgija 51 (2012) 3. Zagreb, Croatian Metallurgical Society, str. 395-395.
  501. Shtorm, A., Zapashnaya, I., Trusevitch, G. & Mamuzić, I. (2012) Cast and aged structures of heat resistant steel solidified in an electromagnetic field and under different cooling conditions. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Summaries of lectures of the 10th international symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society SHMD ‘2012 : Materials and Metallurgy, published in Metalurgija 51 (2012) 3. Zagreb, Croatian Metallurgical Society, str. 391-391.
  502. Hamidov, F., Mamedov, Z., Rakhmanov, S. & Mamuzić, I. (2012) Combined deformation and heat treatment of steel with a bainitic structure. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Summaries of lectures of the 10th international symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society SHMD ‘2012 : Materials and Metallurgy, published in Metalurgija 51 (2012) 3. Zagreb, Croatian Metallurgical Society, str. 420-420.
  503. Shlomchak, G., Mamuzić, I. & Sosnev, I. (2012) Materials for modeling of the plastic forming processes of rheologically complex metals with low plasticity. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Summaries of lectures of the 10th international symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society SHMD ‘2012 : Materials and Metallurgy, published in Metalurgija 51 (2012) 3. Zagreb, Croatian Metallurgical Society, str. 423-423.
  504. Kormanikova, E. & Mamuzić, I. (2012) Optimization of laminates subjected to failure criterion. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Summaries of lectures of the 10th international symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society SHMD ‘2012 : Materials and Metallurgy, published in Metalurgija 51 (2012) 3. Zagreb, Croatian Metallurgical Society, str. 425-425.
  505. Kormanikova, E. & Mamuzić, I. (2012) Shear deformation laminate theory used for sandwiches. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Summaries of lectures of the 10th international symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society SHMD ‘2012 : Materials and Metallurgy, published in Metalurgija 51 (2012) 3. Zagreb, Croatian Metallurgical Society, str. 425-425.
  506. Kharchenko, V., Bukhanovsky, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2012) Methods and experimental techniques of investigation into the physical and mechanical characteristics of metallic materials at high temperatures. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Summaries of lectures of the 10th international symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society SHMD ‘2012 : Materials and Metallurgy, published in Metalurgija 51 (2012) 3. Zagreb, Croatian Metallurgical Society, str. 386-386.
  507. Grechanyuk, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2012) Features of structure formation in composite materials based on copper, produced by electron-beam method. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Summaries of lectures of the 10th international symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society SHMD ‘2012 : Materials and Metallurgy, published in Metalurgija 51 (2012) 3. Zagreb, Croatian Metallurgical Society, str. 385-385.
  508. Dobatkin, S. & Mamuzić, I. (2012) Structure and properties of ultrafine-grained aluminium alloys and possibilities of their application. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Summaries of lectures of the 10th international symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society SHMD ‘2012 : Materials and Metallurgy, published in Metalurgija 51 (2012) 3. Zagreb, Croatian Metallurgical Society, str. 381-382.
  509. Fabik, R., Kliber, J., Mamuzić, I., Kubina, T. & Aksenov, S. (2012) Mathematical modelling of flat and shape hot rolling based on finite element methods. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Summaries of lectures of the 10th international symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society SHMD ‘2012 : Materials and Metallurgy, published in Metalurgija 51 (2012) 3. Zagreb, Croatian Metallurgical Society, str. 381-381.
  510. Rokhlin, L., Matrosov, D. & Mamuzić, I. (2012) Effect of Microsegregation on Quantity and Morphology of Secondary Phases During Solidification of Al-Fe-Si Alloys. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Summaries of lectures of the 10th international symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society SHMD ‘2012 : Materials and Metallurgy, published in Metalurgija 51 (2012) 3. Zagreb, Croatian Metallurgical Society, str. 409-409.
  511. Doldzhanskiy, A., Bondarenko, O. & Mamuzić, I. (2012) Method of quality complex index maximizing for product and process. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Summaries of lectures of the 10th international symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society SHMD ‘2012 : Materials and Metallurgy, published in Metalurgija 51 (2012) 3. Zagreb, Croatian Metallurgical Society, str. 429-429.
  512. Bondar, A., Kulichenko, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2012) Use of waste a paper-cardboard of manufacture in composite materials. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Summaries of lectures of the 10th international symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society SHMD ‘2012 : Materials and Metallurgy, published in Metalurgija 51 (2012) 3. Zagreb, Croatian Metallurgical Society, str. 387-387.
  513. Skulsky, A. & Mamuzić, I. (2012) Effect of heat input on residual stress distributions for weld joints on to X18N9T steel. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Summaries of lectures of the 10th international symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society SHMD ‘2012 : Materials and Metallurgy, published in Metalurgija 51 (2012) 3. Zagreb, Croatian Metallurgical Society, str. 388-388.
  514. Tsyban’ov, G., Novikov, A. & Mamuzić, I. (2012) Determination of the kinetics of the stress-strain state of elements under cyclic bending. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Summaries of lectures of the 10th international symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society SHMD ‘2012 : Materials and Metallurgy, published in Metalurgija 51 (2012) 3. Zagreb, Croatian Metallurgical Society, str. 385-385.
  515. Myshlaevsky, A., Miklun, M. & Mamuzić, I. (2012) Effect of plastic strain on grain size of ferrite transformed from deformed austenite in Si-Mn steel. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Summaries of lectures of the 10th international symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society SHMD ‘2012 : Materials and Metallurgy, published in Metalurgija 51 (2012) 3. Zagreb, Croatian Metallurgical Society, str. 389-389.
  516. Gorynin, N., Nefedov, F. & Mamuzić, I. (2012) Size distribution of spray atomised aluminium alloy powders produced during linear atomization. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Summaries of lectures of the 10th international symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society SHMD ‘2012 : Materials and Metallurgy, published in Metalurgija 51 (2012) 3. Zagreb, Croatian Metallurgical Society, str. 389-389.
  517. Micheľ, J., Buršak, M. & Mamuzić, I. (2012) Degradation of mechanical properties of CrMo creep resistant steel operating under conditions of creep. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Summaries of lectures of the 10th international symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society SHMD ‘2012 : Materials and Metallurgy, published in Metalurgija 51 (2012) 3. Zagreb, Croatian Metallurgical Society, str. 383-383.
  518. Kuchera, M., Yumashev, S. & Mamuzić, I. (2012) Castability of directionally dolidified nickel base superalloys. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Summaries of lectures of the 10th international symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society SHMD ‘2012 : Materials and Metallurgy, published in Metalurgija 51 (2012) 3. Zagreb, Croatian Metallurgical Society, str. 389-389.
  519. Galushko, I., Danilenko, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2012) Criterion for peritectic reaction. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Summaries of lectures of the 10th international symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society SHMD ‘2012 : Materials and Metallurgy, published in Metalurgija 51 (2012) 3. Zagreb, Croatian Metallurgical Society, str. 399-399.
  520. Uskov, E. & Mamuzić, I. (2012) On interrelation between short-term and long-term strength characteristics of materials. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Summaries of lectures of the 10th international symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society SHMD ‘2012 : Materials and Metallurgy, published in Metalurgija 51 (2012) 3. Zagreb, Croatian Metallurgical Society, str. 385-385.
  521. Movchan, A. & Mamuzić, I. (2012) Formation of three-phase composite materials of ferritic iron alloys by carburization. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Summaries of lectures of the 10th international symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society SHMD ‘2012 : Materials and Metallurgy, published in Metalurgija 51 (2012) 3. Zagreb, Croatian Metallurgical Society, str. 399-399.
  522. Polyakova, N., Boyko, M. & Mamuzić, I. (2012) The influence structural peculiarities of high-chromium cast iron on it’s quality as wear-resistance material. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Summaries of lectures of the 10th international symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society SHMD ‘2012 : Materials and Metallurgy, published in Metalurgija 51 (2012) 3. Zagreb, Croatian Metallurgical Society, str. 400-400.
  523. Pankov, R. & Mamuzić, I. (2012) Structural transformation during the heat treatment of chromium coatings. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Summaries of lectures of the 10th international symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society SHMD ‘2012 : Materials and Metallurgy, published in Metalurgija 51 (2012) 3. Zagreb, Croatian Metallurgical Society, str. 400-400.
  524. Repyakh, S. & Mamuzić, I. (2012) Wax model for casting. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Summaries of lectures of the 10th international symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society SHMD ‘2012 : Materials and Metallurgy, published in Metalurgija 51 (2012) 3. Zagreb, Croatian Metallurgical Society, str. 410-410.
  525. Zhmachenko, T., Kristopchuk, F. & Mamuzić, I. (2012) Computational modelling of effects of roll gap geometry in hot rolling. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Summaries of lectures of the 10th international symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society SHMD ‘2012 : Materials and Metallurgy, published in Metalurgija 51 (2012) 3. Zagreb, Croatian Metallurgical Society, str. 417-417.
  526. Berezyanko, G., Chukhno, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2012) Behaviour of metal flow in the spreading extrusion process. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Summaries of lectures of the 10th international symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society SHMD ‘2012 : Materials and Metallurgy, published in Metalurgija 51 (2012) 3. Zagreb, Croatian Metallurgical Society, str. 418-418.
  527. Korshunov, Y. & Mamuzić, I. (2012) Strain hardening and steady state deformation of Al–Mg alloys. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Summaries of lectures of the 10th international symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society SHMD ‘2012 : Materials and Metallurgy, published in Metalurgija 51 (2012) 3. Zagreb, Croatian Metallurgical Society, str. 418-418.
  528. Kuznetsov, D. & Mamuzić, I. (2012) Effect of fine grained ferrite in surface layers on fatigue behavior of low carbon steel plates. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Summaries of lectures of the 10th international symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society SHMD ‘2012 : Materials and Metallurgy, published in Metalurgija 51 (2012) 3. Zagreb, Croatian Metallurgical Society, str. 418-418.
  529. Balakan, M. & Mamuzić, I. (2012) Effect of plastic deformation on microstructure and poperties of Al-Cu alloy. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Summaries of lectures of the 10th international symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society SHMD ‘2012 : Materials and Metallurgy, published in Metalurgija 51 (2012) 3. Zagreb, Croatian Metallurgical Society, str. 418-418.
  530. Brezinova, J., Guzanova, A. & Mamuzić, I. (2011) Study of wear resistance of coatings deposited by high velocity oxygen fuel (HVOF) technology. U: Daniel Jankura (ur.) Summaries of Lectures. Košice, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering TV Košice nad Slovak Association for Surface Treatment, str. 17-17.
  531. Ćurčija, D., Mamuzić, I., Buršak, M. & Kliber, J. (2011) Utjecaj poprečne hrapavosti na proces hladnog valjanja s mazivima. U: Jukić, A. (ur.) Zbornik sažetaka. Zagreb, Hrvatsko društvo za goriva i maziva, str. 33-33.
  532. Mamuzić, I. & Bukhanovskii, V. (2010) Creep-Rupture Strength and High-Temperature Creep of Nickel-Chromium-Based Alloy. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 9. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva SHMD ‘2010. “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 49 (2010) 3. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 208-208.
  533. Kormaníková, E. & Mamuzić, I. (2010) Numerical approach of modeling of composites with short fibres. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 9. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva SHMD ‘2010. “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 49 (2010) 3. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 202-202.
  534. Gribanova, A., Veselovskij, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2010) The mathematical modelling and determination of the thermal physics parameters of solids at extreme thermal influence. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 9. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva SHMD ‘2010. “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 49 (2010) 3. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 200-200.
  535. Gulyayev, Y., Shyfrin, Y., Mamuzić, I., Garmashev, D. & Maximova, N. (2010) The modern trends of development of the pipe and tube industry. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 9. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva SHMD ‘2010. “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 49 (2010) 3. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 195-195.
  536. Dobatkin, S., Zrnik, J. & Mamuzić, I. (2010) Development of SPD continuous processes for strip and rod production. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 9. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva SHMD ‘2010. “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 49 (2010) 3. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 195-195.
  537. Kliber, J. & Mamuzić, I. (2010) Selected new technologies and research themes in materials forming. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 9. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva SHMD ‘2010. “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 49 (2010) 3. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 195-195.
  538. Kochubey, O., Mamuzić, I., Polyakov, M. & Yevdokymov, D. (2010) Instability of liquid interface surface in microgravity. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 9. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva SHMD ‘2010. “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 49 (2010) 3. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 234-234.
  539. Kochubey, O., Mamuzić, I., Polyakov, M., Serbichenko, D. & Yevdokymov, D. (2010) Thermal regimes of non-asymptotically thin thermal-protective covering. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 9. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva SHMD ‘2010. “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 49 (2010) 3. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 234-234.
  540. Babich, A., Kochubey, O., Mamuzić, I. & Yevdokymov, D. (2010) Radiation cooling of metal spherical drop in vacuum. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 9. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva SHMD ‘2010. “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 49 (2010) 3. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 234-234.
  541. Mamuzić, I. (2010) Structure and properties of microlayer condensed composite materials for electrical contacts. U: V. T. Trocshenko (ur.) Strength of materials and structure elements : abstracts of the International conference : volume 2. Kijev, str. 242-243.
  542. Kirichenko, R., Veselovskij, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2010) The reduction of friction heat release in rubbing joints by temperature data. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 9. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva SHMD ‘2010. “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 49 (2010) 3. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 235-235.
  543. Kochubey, O., Mamuzić, I., Polyakov, M., Serbichenko, D. & Yevdokymov, D. (2010) Thermal regimes of ablating layers. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 9. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva SHMD ‘2010. “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 49 (2010) 3. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 235-235.
  544. Gulyayev, Y., Mamuzić, I., Shyfrin**, Y. & Garmashev, D. (2010) Perfection of processes of seamless steel tubes production. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 9. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva SHMD ‘2010. “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 49 (2010) 3. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 231-231.
  545. Matysiak, W., Barišić, B. & Mamuzić, I. (2010) Elaboration of the technology of forming a conical product of sheet metal. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 9. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva SHMD ‘2010. “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 49 (2010) 3. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 227-227.
  546. Chygyryns’kyy, V., Shevchenko, V., Mamuzić, I. & Belikov, S. (2010) About some peculiarities of harmonic functions in theory of elasticity. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 9. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva SHMD ‘2010. “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 49 (2010) 3. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 227-227.
  547. Chygyryns’kyy, V., Kachan, A., Mamuzić, I. & Ben’, A. (2010) Generalized theory of plasticity. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 9. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva SHMD ‘2010. “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 49 (2010) 3. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 227-227.
  548. Kochubey, O., Mamuzić, I., Polyakov, M., Serbichenko, D. & Yevdokymov, D. (2010) Casting in complex shape ingot mould. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 9. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva SHMD ‘2010. “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 49 (2010) 3. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 222-222.
  549. Kochubey, O., Mamuzić, I., Polyakov, M. & Yevdokymov, D. (2010) Global warming and future of metallurgical industry. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 9. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva SHMD ‘2010. “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 49 (2010) 3. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 221-221.
  550. Kochubey, O., Mamuzić, I., Polyakov, M. & Yevdokymov, D. (2010) Mathematical model of fast cooling processes. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 9. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva SHMD ‘2010. “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 49 (2010) 3. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 221-221.
  551. Horsinka, J., Kliber, J., Drozd, K. & Mamuzić, I. (2010) Approximation model of the stress-strain curve for deformation of aluminium alloys. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 9. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva SHMD ‘2010. “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 49 (2010) 3. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 216-216.
  552. Kharlamov, Y., Mamuzić, I. & Lopata, L. (2010) Tribological Coatings Selection and Development. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 9. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva SHMD ‘2010. “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 49 (2010) 3. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 213-213.
  553. Bukhanovskii, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2010) Effect of Electropolishing on the Mechanical Characteristics of Chromium Alloy VKh-4. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 9. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva SHMD ‘2010. “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 49 (2010) 3. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 209-209.
  554. Filatov, V., Mamuzić, I. & Bukhanovskii, V. (2010) Mechanical Characteristics of a Nickel-Chromium- Based Heat-Resistant Alloy in the Wide Range of Temperatures. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 9. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva SHMD ‘2010. “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 49 (2010) 3. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 207-208.
  555. Wangyao, P., Zrnik, J., Mamuzić, I., Polsilapa, S. & Klaijumrang, S. (2008) Restoration and thermal stability investigation of intermetllic phase in exposed nickel base superalloy udimet 500 turbine blades. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) međunarodni simpozij Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija” : sažeci (tiskano u: Metalurgija 47(2008)3 (229-284)). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 249-249.
  556. Kormaníková, E. & Mamuzić, I. (2008) Buckling analysis of a laminate plate. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) međunarodni simpozij Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija” : sažeci (tiskano u: Metalurgija 47(2008)3 (229-284)). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 276-277.
  557. Zrnik, J., Dobatkin, S. & Mamuzić, I. (2008) Processing of metals by severe plastic deformation (SPD) – structure and mechanical properties respond. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) međunarodni simpozij Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija” : sažeci (tiskano u: Metalurgija 47(2008)3 (229-284)). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 227-227.
  558. Dobatkin, S., Zrnik, J. & Mamuzić, I. (2008) Ultrafine-grained low carbon steels by severe plastic deformation (SPD). U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) međunarodni simpozij Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija” : sažeci (tiskano u: Metalurgija 47(2008)3 (229-284)). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 227-227.
  559. Kvačkaj, T., Molnárová, M., Mamuzić, I., Bacsó, J., Mišičko, R., Fujda, M., Škodronová, P., Kuskulič, T. & Pokorný, I. (2008) Influence of reheating and cooling conditions on structure and mechanical properties of C-Mn-Si steel. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) međunarodni simpozij Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija” : sažeci (tiskano u: Metalurgija 47(2008)3 (229-284)). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 227-227.
  560. Kochubey, O., Mamuzić, I., Polyakov, M. & Yevdokymov, D. (2008) Calculation of thermal stresses by boundary element method. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) međunarodni simpozij Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija” : sažeci ; u: Metalurgija 47(2008)3 (229-284). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 255-266.
  561. Mamuzić, I., Trebuňa, F., Buršák, M. & Tomčík, J. (2008) Investigation of reasons and possibility of parameters elimination influencring cracking of leaf springs on continuous casting machine. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 8th International symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society “Materials and metallurgy“ SHMD 2008. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 263-263.
  562. Kochubey, O., Mamuzić, I., Polyakov, M. & Yevdokymov, D. (2008) Boiling of liquid film on curvilinear surface. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) međunarodni simpozij Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija” : sažeci ; u: Metalurgija 47(2008)3 (229-284). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  563. Brazaluk, I., Kochubey, O., Mamuzić, I., Polyakov, M. & Yevdokymov, D. (2008) Calculation of heating and cooling of steel ingots by combined splitting and boundary element method. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) međunarodni simpozij Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija” : sažeci ; u: Metalurgija 47(2008)3 (229-284). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  564. Babich, A., Kochubey, O., Mamuzić, I. & Yevdokymov, D. (2008) Mathematical modeling of sherardizing. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) međunarodni simpozij Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija” : sažeci ; u: Metalurgija 47(2008)3 (229-284). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  565. Babich, A., Kochubey, O., Mamuzić, I. & Yevdokymov, D. (2008) Mathematical modeling of three-phase system evolution. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) međunarodni simpozij Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija” : sažeci ; u: Metalurgija 47(2008)3 (229-284). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  566. Bevza, E., Kochubey, O., Mamuzić, I., Tkachenko, I. & Yevdokymov, D. (2008) Production of porous metal in microgravity condition. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) međunarodni simpozij Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija” : sažeci ; u: Metalurgija 47(2008)3 (229-284). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  567. Zrnik, J., Mamuzić, I., Kovarik, T. & Cieslar, M. (2008) Forming of ultrafine grained structure in aluminium by CGP method. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) međunarodni simpozij Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija” : sažeci (tiskano u: Metalurgija 47(2008)3 (229-284)). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 253-253.
  568. Brazaluk, I., Kochubey, O., Mamuzić, I., Polyakov, M. & Yevdokymov, D. (2008) Mathematical modeling of air pollution by dust. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) međunarodni simpozij Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija” : sažeci ; u: Metalurgija 47(2008)3 (229-284). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  569. Grechanyuk, N., Grechanyuk, I., Osokin, V., Minakova, R. & Mamuzić, I. (2008) Peculiarities of structure, phisico-mechanical characteristics, deformation and rupture of condensed composite materials for electric contacts. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) međunarodni simpozij Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija” : sažeci ; u: Metalurgija 47(2008)3 (229-284). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  570. Gorelova, K., Veselovskiy, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2008) Mathematical simulation of the processes of solids heating intensification. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) međunarodni simpozij Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija” : sažeci ; u: Metalurgija 47(2008)3 (229-284). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  571. Buršák, M. & Mamuzić, I. (2008) The influence of the loading rate on the mechanical properties of drawing steel sheet. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) međunarodni simpozij Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija” : sažeci ; u: Metalurgija 47(2008)3 (229-284). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  572. Selezneva, N., Veselovskyj, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2008) Temperature fields of compound thermal isolation at warming up and melting. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) međunarodni simpozij Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija” : sažeci ; u: Metalurgija 47(2008)3 (229-284). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  573. Buchanovsky, V., Kliber, J., Mamuzić, I. & Polishuk, E. (2008) The effect of heat treatment on mechanical characteristics and nature of failure of sheet molybdenum alloys. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) međunarodni simpozij Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija” : sažeci ; u: Metalurgija 47(2008)3 (229-284). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  574. Bukhanovskii, V., Bychkov, S. & Mamuzić, I. (2008) The influence of vacuum heat treatment and annealing on the structure and mechanical characteristics of a nickel-based superalloy. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) međunarodni simpozij Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija” : sažeci ; u: Metalurgija 47(2008)3 (229-284). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  575. Bukhanovskii, V., Constantinescu, D. & Mamuzić, I. (2008) Characteristics of high-temperature strength of titanium-aluminum alloy (γ -TiAl alloy) VIT-50. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) međunarodni simpozij Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija” : sažeci ; u: Metalurgija 47(2008)3 (229-284). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  576. Bukhanovskii, V., Constantinescu, D. & Mamuzić, I. (2008) The influence of electropolishing on the mechanical characteristics of chromium-based alloy VKh-2K. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) međunarodni simpozij Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija” : sažeci ; u: Metalurgija 47(2008)3 (229-284). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  577. Bukhanovskii, V., Bockus, S. & Mamuzić, I. (2008) The influence of a high-temperature gaseous medium on the structure and mechanical characteristics of a niobium alloy of the Nb-W-Mo-Zr system. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) međunarodni simpozij Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija” : sažeci ; u: Metalurgija 47(2008)3 (229-284). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  578. Malaya, J., Veselovsky, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2008) Mathematical modeling of pulse surface strengthening. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) međunarodni simpozij Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija” : sažeci ; u: Metalurgija 47(2008)3 (229-284). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  579. Krivenyuk, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2008) Correlation of creep-rupture data for complex alloys elevated temperatures. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 8. Međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva, “Materijali i metalurgija”. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 238-238.
  580. Kochubey, O., Mamuzić, I., Polyakov, M. & Yevdokymov, D. (2008) Application of computational models in metallurgical investigation. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) međunarodni simpozij Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija” : sažeci ; u: Metalurgija 47(2008)3 (229-284). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  581. Kochubey, O., Mamuzić, I., Smolens’ ka, T. & Yevdokymov, D. (2008) High temperature handling of metal products. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) međunarodni simpozij Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija” : sažeci ; u: Metalurgija 47(2008)3 (229-284). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  582. Kochubey, O., Mamuzić, I., Polyakov, M. & Yevdokymov, D. (2008) Mathematical modeling of thermal pollution of environment. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) međunarodni simpozij Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija” : sažeci ; u: Metalurgija 47(2008)3 (229-284). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 275-284.
  583. Rudnitsky, N., Kliber, J. & Mamuzić, I. (2008) Strength of anisotropic nickel mesh composite materials. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) međunarodni simpozij Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija” : sažeci (tiskano u: Metalurgija 47(2008)3 (229-284)). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 229-229.
  584. Veselovskiy, V., Syasev, A., Mamuzić, I. & Veselovskiy, V. (2008) Determination of contact thermal resistances at extreme thermal influences. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) međunarodni simpozij Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija” : sažeci ; u: Metalurgija 47(2008)3 (229-284). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  585. Shramko, A., Mamuzić, I. & Danchenko, V. (2008) Some examples of using the program qform 2d for solving the problems of manufacturing the wheels for the railway transport. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) međunarodni simpozij Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija” : sažeci ; u: Metalurgija 47(2008)3 (229-284). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 267-273.
  586. Kochubey, O., Mamuzić, I., Polyakov, M. & Yevdokymov, D. (2008) Numerical calculation of slow solid-state phase transition. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) međunarodni simpozij Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija” : sažeci ; u: Metalurgija 47(2008)3 (229-284). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 267-273.
  587. Mamuzić, I., Ćurčija, D. & Vodopivec, F. (2008) Lubricant for the rolling and drawing of metals. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) međunarodni simpozij Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija” : sažeci ; u: Metalurgija 47(2008)3 (229-284). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  588. Stepanov, G., Mamuzić, I. & Babutsky, A. (2008) An increase of impact tToughness of low-carbon steel caused by impulse electric current treatment. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) međunarodni simpozij Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija” : sažeci (tiskano u: Metalurgija 47(2008)3 (229-284)). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 229-229.
  589. Grechaniuk, N., Mamuzić, I. & Minakova, R. (2008) Peculiarities of the structure, its deformation and destruction of condensed Cu-Mo-Zr-Y composite material of commercial purity. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) međunarodni simpozij Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija” : sažeci (tiskano u: Metalurgija 47(2008)3 (229-284)). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 229-229.
  590. Buršák, M., Mamuzić, I. & Michel’ , J. (2008) Contribution to evaluation on mechanical properties during impact loading. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) međunarodni simpozij Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija” : sažeci (tiskano u: Metalurgija 47(2008)3 (229-284)). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 244-244.
  591. Buršák, M. & Mamuzić, I. (2008) Fatigue properties of galvanized higher-strength steel sheets. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) međunarodni simpozij Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija” : sažeci (tiskano u: Metalurgija 47(2008)3 (229-284)). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 244-244.
  592. Ćurčija, D. & Mamuzić, I. (2007) Proračun mazivoga sloja kod valjanja cijevi u kavezima. U: Legiša, I. (ur.) stručno-znanstveni skup MAZIVA 2007 : Zbornik sazetaka. Zagreb, Hrvatski inženjerski savez, str. 381-38.
  593. Kvačkaj, T., Mamuzić, I., Škodronova, P., Fujda, M. & Pokorny, I. (2006) Influence of Reheating and Cooling Conditions on Structural Changing of Trip Steel. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 7. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 45(2006)3, 243-252. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 245-245.
  594. Mamuzić, I., Ćurčija, D. & Vodopivec, F. (2006) Lubricant for the rolling and drawing of metals. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja sa 7. Međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva, “Materijali i metalurgija”. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 196-196.
  595. Zrnik, J., Mamuzić, I., Lukaš, P., Muransky, O., Jenčuš, P. & Novy, Z. (2006) Design of thermo mechanical processing and transformation behaviour of bulk Si-Mn TRIP steel. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja sa 7. Međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva, “Materijali i metalurgija”. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 196-196.
  596. Goryany, V., Khlyntseva, T., Mamuzić, I. & Radsinsky, V. (2006) Influence of cooling intensity on the structure formation in stripe steel by thermomechanical treatment. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja sa 7. Međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva, “Materijali i metalurgija”. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 196-196.
  597. Mamuzić, I., Longauerova, M. & Štrkalj, A. (2006) The analysis of defects on continuous cast billets. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja sa 7. Međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva, “Materijali i metalurgija”. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 196-196.
  598. Borisenko, V., Bukhanovskii, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2006) Correlation dependences between short- term/long-term static strength charateristics and creep resistance of tungsten at high temperatures. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja sa 7. Međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva, “Materijali i metalurgija”. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 198-198.
  599. Kvačkaj, T. & Mamuzić, I. (2006) Development of bake hardening effect by plastic deformation and annealing conditions. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja sa 7. Međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva, “Materijali i metalurgija”. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 200-200.
  600. Mamuzić, I. (2006) Mechanical properties of blasted steel sheet. U: Sažeci predavanja sa 7. Međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva, “Materijali i metalurgija”. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 203-203.
  601. Buršak, M. & Mamuzić, I. (2006) The influence of the loading rate on the mechanical properties of drawing steel sheet. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja sa 7. Međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva, “Materijali i metalurgija”. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 203-203.
  602. Grechanyk, N., Mamuzić, I. & Bukhanovskii, V. (2006) Production technology and service characteristics of microlayer composite materials for electric contacts of new generation. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja sa 7. Međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva, “Materijali i metalurgija”. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 209-209.
  603. Borisenko, V., Bukhanovskii, V., Grechanyuk, N., Grechanyuk, I., Mamuzić, I., Osokin, V. & Rudnitskii, N. (2006) Temperature dependences of static mechanical properties o fan MDK-3 laminate composite. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja sa 7. Međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva, “Materijali i metalurgija”. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 209-209.
  604. Chygvryns`ky, V., Mamuzić, I., Vodopivec, F. & Gordienko, V. (2006) The influence of the temperature factor on deformability of the plastic medium. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja sa 7. Međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva, “Materijali i metalurgija”. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 244-244.
  605. Kvačkaj, T., Vrchovinsky, V., Pokorny, I. & Mamuzić, I. (2006) Nanostructural formation by severe plastic deformation. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja sa 7. Međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva, “Materijali i metalurgija”. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 244-244.
  606. Ćurčija, D. & Mamuzić, I. (2006) Optimisation process of strip cold rolling. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja sa 7. Međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva, “Materijali i metalurgija”. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 247-247.
  607. Ćurčija, D. & Mamuzić, I. (2006) Optimising of lubrication layer on the transversal strip roughness. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja sa 7. Međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva, “Materijali i metalurgija”. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 248-248.
  608. Ćurčija, D. & Mamuzić, I. (2006) Mathematical modelling of metal drawing process. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja sa 7. Međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva, “Materijali i metalurgija”. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 249-249.
  609. Selezneva, N., Veselovskiy, V., Mamuzić, I. & Syasev, V. (2006) Mathematical model operation of formation and fracture of sedimentation on devices of constructions. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja sa 7. Međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva, “Materijali i metalurgija”. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 262-262.
  610. Mamuzić, I. & Črnko, J. (2006) Survey of research and technology development in mechanical metallurgy. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 7. međunarodnog simpozija hrvatskih metalurga. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 243-252.
  611. Bukhanovskii, V., Kharchenko, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2006) The Mechanisms of Plastic Deformation and Strength of Niobium-Based Alloys in a Wide Temperature Range.. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 7. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 45(2006)3, 195-219. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 198-198.
  612. Bukhanovskii, V., Bukhanovskaya, L. & Mamuzić, I. (2006) The Effect of Structure on Short-Term Strength and Fatigue Resistance of Molybdenum Alloys and Their Welded Joints. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 7. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 45(2006)3, 195-219. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 198-198.
  613. Kochubey, O., Mamuzić, I., Polyakov, M. & Yevdokymov, D. (2006) Numerical Calculation of Slow Solid-State Phase Transition. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 7. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 45(2006)3, 195-219. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 200-200.
  614. Kochubey, O., Mamuzić, I., Smolenska, T. & Yevdokymov, D. (2006) Asymptotic Analysis of Fast Phase Transitions. U: mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 7. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 45(2006)3, 195-219. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 200-200.
  615. Bukhanovskii, V., Bukhanovskaya, L. & Mamuzić, I. (2006) Interrelation between the Short- and Long-Term Static Strength and the Creep Resistance of Niobium-Based Superalloys. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 7. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 45(2006)3, 195-219.. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 201-201.
  616. Bukhanovskii, V., Kharchenko, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2006) High-Temperature Creep Resistance of Molybdenum Alloy (Mo-Ti-Zr-C). U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 7. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 45(2006)3, 195-219. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 201-201.
  617. Bukhanovskii, V., Kharchenko, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2006) The Effect of Structural State, Temperature, and Test Conditions on Mechanical Characteristics of Molybdenum Alloy (Mo-V-C). U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 7. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 45(2006)3, 195-219. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 202-202.
  618. Bukhanovskii, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2006) Strength and Creep of Welded Joints of Low-Alloyed Molybdenum Alloys in High-Temperature Cyclic Tension. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 7. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 45(2006)3, 195-219. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 202-202.
  619. Bukhanovskii, V., Bukhanovskaya, L. & Mamuzić, I. (2006) The Effect of Plastic Prestrain on Mechanical Characteristics of Titanium Alloys under Static Loading in a Wide Temperature Range. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 7. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 45(2006)3, 195-219. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 202-202.
  620. Bukhanovskii, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2006) Low-Cycle Strength and Cyclic Creep of a Molybdenum-Tungsten Alloy upon High-Temperature. U: Sažeci predavanja s 7. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 45(2006)3, 195-219. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 203-203.
  621. Buršak, M., Mamuzić, I. & Michel, J. (2006) New Approach to the Evaluation of Formability of Higher-Strength Strip Steels. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 7. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 45(2006)3, 195-219. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 204-204.
  622. Bukhanovskii, V., Kharchenko, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2006) The Influence of Heat-Resistant Coatings on High-Temperature Strength of Niobium-Based Alloys (Nb-Mo-Zr-C). U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 7. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 45(2006)3, 195-219. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 204-204.
  623. Bukhanovskii, V., Borisenko, V., Kharchenko, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2006) High-Temperature Strength of Niobium Alloy 5VMTs with a Silicide-Ceramic Coating. Part 1. Short-Term Strength Characteristics. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 7. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 45(2006)3, 195-219. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 206-206.
  624. Bukhovskii, V., Borisenko, V., Kharchenko, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2006) High-Temperature Strength of Niobium Alloy 5VMTs with a Silicide-Ceramic Coating. Part 2. Characteristics of Short-Term Creep. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 7. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 45(2006)3, 195-219. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 206-206.
  625. Bukhanovskii, V., Grechanyuk, N., Grechanyuk, I., Kharchenko, V., Mamuzić, I., Osokin, V. & Rudnitskii, N. (2006) Structure and Physical-Mechanical Characteristics of Copper-Carbon Microlayer Composite Material in a Wide Temperature Range. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 7. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 45(2006)3, 195-219. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 208-208.
  626. Grechuchin, A., Kamkina, L., Stovba, Y. & Mamuzić, I. (2006) Three Valent Iron Reduction by Electrochemical Methods. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 7. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 45(2006)3, 225-238. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 226-226.
  627. Sova, J., Veselovsky, V., Mamuzić, I. & Syasev, V. (2006) Mathematical Modeling of Intensive Thermal Processes of Heating of Ingots. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 7. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 45(2006)3, 225-238. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 233-233.
  628. Kochubey, O., Mamuzić, I., Polyakov, M., Serbichenko, D. & Yevdokymov D. V. (2006) Mathematical Modeling of Drop Solidification. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 7. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 45(2006)3, 225-238. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 238-238.
  629. Chygyrynsky, V., Mamuzić, I. & Levchenko, V. (2006) Solusion of Some Applied Problem of the Theory of Plasticity. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 7. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 45(2006)3, 243-252. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 243-243.
  630. Shlomchak, G., Balakin, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2006) Autoswaying Mechanism of Process of Plastic Deformation of Metal at Rolling. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 7. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 45(2006)3, 243-252. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 243-243.
  631. Golovko, O., Mamuzić, I. & Grydin, O. (2006) Method for pocket die design on the basis of mumerical investigations of aluminium extrusion process. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Plenary Lectures – Summaries of Lectures from the 7th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society SHMD 2006. “Materials and Metallurgy” (printed in journal Metalurgija 45(2006)3, 185-188). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 189-189.
  632. Shlomchak, G., Mamuzić, I. & Mironenko, M. (2006) Peculiarities of Rheologically Complex Metals Flow while Rolling it with Superreductions. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 7. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 45(2006)3, 243-252. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 247-247.
  633. Chygyrynsky, V., Mamuzić, I. & Bergeman, G. (2006) Investigation of Schedules of the Thermomecanical Treatmen for the Complex Form Rolled Products under Conditions of the Heavy Shape Mill. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 7. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 45(2006)3, 243-252. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 247-247.
  634. Čurčija, D. & Mamuzić, I. (2006) The Form of Lubricant Layer at Strip Dressing Process. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 7. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 45(2006)3, 243-252. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 248-248.
  635. Ćurčija, D., Mamuzić, I. & Vodopivec, F. (2006) Theoretical Calculation of the Lubrication Layer Thickness by Metal Drawing. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 7. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 45(2006)3, 243-252. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 249-249.
  636. Ćurčija, D., Mamuzić, I. & Vodopivec, F. (2006) Lubrication Flow at Seamless Tube Rolling. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 7. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 45(2006)3, 243-252. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 250-250.
  637. Devčić, N. & Mamuzić, I. (2006) Modernisation of Pilger Rolling Mill. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 7. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 45(2006)3, 243-252. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 251-251.
  638. Mamuzić, I. & Črnko, J. (2006) Survey of Research and Technology Development in Mechanical Metallurgy. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 7. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 45(2006)3, 243-252. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 251-251.
  639. Zrnik, J., Dobatkin, S., Kraus, L. & Mamuzić, I. (2006) Low Carbon Steel Processed by Equal Channel Angular Warm Pressing. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 7. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 45(2006)3, 243-252. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 251-252.
  640. Dreus, A., Mamuzić, I., Kochubey, O., Ryadno, O. & Syasev, V. (2006) The Technical and Economic Analysis of Efficiency of Alternative Fuels in the Industry. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 7. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 45(2006)3, 257-268. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 260-260.
  641. Bevza, E., Kochubey, O., Mamuzić, I. & Yevdokymov, D. (2006) Numerical Calculation of Radiation Heating in Vacuum. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 7. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 45(2006)3, 257-268. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 265-265.
  642. Ivasishyna, D., Kochubey, O., Mamuzić, I. & Yevdokymov, D. (2006) Asymptotic Analysis of Heat Conduction in Thin Layers. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 7. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 45(2006)3, 257-268. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 265-265.
  643. Veselovskiy, V., Mamuzić, I., Syasev, V. & Veselovskiy, V. (2006) Contact Thermal Resistance in Management of Thermal Modes. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 7. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 45(2006)3, 257-268. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 265-265.
  644. Bosenko, T., Brusjanina, J., Gorelova, K., Veselovskiy, V., Kochubey, O. & Mamuzić, I. (2006) Mathematical Model Operation of Heat Exchange in View of Thermal Storage. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 7. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 45(2006)3, 257-268. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 265-265.
  645. Bosenko, T., Voronetskaja, E., Groz, M., Nesterenko, E., Veselovsky, V., Mamuzić, I. & Syasev, V. (2006) Mathematical Modeling and Research of Heat Exchange at the Heatstroke. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 7. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 45(2006)3, 257-268. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 265-266.
  646. Kochubey, O., Mamuzić, I. & Yevdokymov, D. (2006) Aims and Problems of Space Metallurgy. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 7. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 45(2006)3, 257-268. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 266-266.
  647. Gubin, O., Veselovsky, V., Mamuzić, I. & Kochubey, O. (2006) Mathematical Model Operation and Calculation of Thermal Processes at Laser Handling Coats. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 7. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 45(2006)3, 257-268. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 266-267.
  648. Dobatkin, S., Zrnik, J. & Mamuzić, I. (2006) Nanostructures by severe plastic deformation of steels: advantages and problems. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Plenary Lectures – Summaries of Lectures from the 7th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society SHMD 2006. “Materials and Metallurgy” (printed in journal Metalurgija 45(2006)3, 185-188). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 189-190.
  649. Zrník, J., Mamuzić, I. & Dobatkin, S. (2006) Recent progress in high strength low carbon steels. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Plenary Lectures – Summaries of Lectures from the 7th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society SHMD 2006. “Materials and Metallurgy” (printed in journal Metalurgija 45(2006)3, 185-188). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 189-189.
  650. Frolov, Y., Mamuzić, I. & Danchenko, V. (2006) The heat conditions of the cold pilger rolling. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Plenary Lectures – Summaries of Lectures from the 7th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society SHMD 2006. “Materials and Metallurgy” (printed in journal Metalurgija 45(2006)3, 185-188). Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 189-189.
  651. Syasev, A., Vesselovskiy, V., Mamuzić, I., Kochubey, A., Syasev, V. & Klim, V. (2004) The nonlinear shaping of the thermomechanical status of two-phases. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Materials and Metallurgy, Summaries of Lectures. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 237-237.
  652. Bukhanovsky, V., Borisenko, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2004) The efect of thermal treatment on the mechanical properties of low-alloyed molybden alloys over the wide range of temeratures. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Zbornik sažetaka sa 6. Međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija”. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 218-218.
  653. Mamuzić, I., Buršak, M. & Hidveghy, J. (2004) Mechanical Properties of Steel Sheets S 700MC in Conditions of Dynamic Loading and their Modification Possibilities with Temperature annealing. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Materials and Metallurgy, Summaries of Lectures. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  654. Grechanyuk, N., Osokin, V., Grechanyuk, I., Mamuzić, I. & Bukhanovskii, V. (2004) The effect of Thermal Treatment on Structure and Mechnaical Properties of Composite, Condensing from a Steam Phase, Material of the System Cu-Zr-Y-Mo. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Materials and Metallurgy, Summaries of Lectures. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 216-216.
  655. Grechanyuk, N., Osokin, V., Grechanyuk, N., Mamuzić, I., Borisenko, V., Bukhanovskii, V. & Rudnitski, N. (2004) Production Technology and Service Characteristics for Electric Contacts of New Generation. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Materials and Metallurgy, Summaries of Lectures. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  656. Bukhanovskii, V., Borysenko, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2004) Mechanical Characteristics of Refractory Metals and Alloys in a Wide Temperature Range. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Materials and Metallurgy, Summaries of Lectures. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  657. Bukhanovskii, V., Mamuzić, I., Borysenko, V. & Kharchenko, V. (2004) The Influence of Heat-Resistant Ceramic Coatings on Mechanical Properties of Niobium Alloys.. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Materials and Metallurgy, Summaries of Lectures. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  658. Bukhanovskii, V., Borisenko, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2004) Correlation Between Short-Term, Long-Term Static and Creep Resistance Characteristics of Tungsten and Tungsten Base Alloys at High Temperatures. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Materials and Metallurgy, Summaries of Lectures. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 219-219.
  659. Bukhanovskii, V., Mamuzić, I. & Kravchenko, V. (2004) Regularities of Formation and Destruction of Molybdenum-Tungsten Alloy under High-temperature Replated Static Loading. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Materials and Metallurgy, Summaries of Lectures. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 219-219.
  660. Bukhanovskii, V., Grechanyuk, N. & Mamuzić, I. (2004) Strength of Microlayer Composite Material Cu-Zr-Y-Mo in Transverse Direction. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Materials and Metallurgy, Summaries of Lectures. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  661. Mamuzić, I. & Golja, M. (2004) Research of the Residual Elements Inluence on the Steel Plasticity. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Materials and Metallurgy, Summaries of Lectures. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  662. Kvačkaj, T., Mamuzić, I., Čech, J., Vrchovinský, V., Mišičko, R., Vlado, M., Pokorny, I. & Novy, Z. (2004) Nanostructural Formation by Severe Plastic Deformation. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Materials and Metallurgy, Summaries of Lectures. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  663. Devčić, N., Mamuzić, I. & Terzić, K. (2004) Defects on Seamless Tubes. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Materials and Metallurgy, Summaries of Lectures. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 249-249.
  664. Kvačkaj, T., Pokorny, I., Novy, Z., Pivovarnik, T., Harrer, O. & Mamuzić, I. (2004) Physical and Mathematical Simulations of Hot Rolling for Ni Superalloy-Hastelloy-N. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Materials and Metallurgy, Summaries of Lectures. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  665. Mamuzić, I. (2004) Croatian Metallurgy – its Past, Present and Future. U: Materials and Metallurgy, Summaries of Lectures. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  666. Golja, M., Buršak, M. & Mamuzić, I. (2004) Flow stress and plasticity of alloyed steels. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of Abstracts of the 6th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society “Materials and Metallurgy” SHMD 2004. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 245-245.
  667. Drujan, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2004) Techno-economic indikators of seamless tube production. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Materials and Metallurgy, Summaries of Lectures. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 201-201.
  668. Grynkevych, V., Mamuzić, I. & Danchenko, V. (2004) On development of methods of computer simulation for processes of metal forming. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Materials and Metallurgy, Summaries of Lectures. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 201-202.
  669. Goryany, V., Mamuzić, I., Hlyntseva, T. & Radsinsky, V. (2004) Structure formation in strip steel by thermal strengthening. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Materials and Metallurgy, Summaries of Lectures. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 209-209.
  670. Buršak, M., Mamuzić, I. & Michel, J. (2004) The influence of the loading rate on the notch toughness of light-gauge drawn steel sheets. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Materials and Metallurgy, Summaries of Lectures. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 210-211.
  671. Buršak, M., Mamuzić, I. & Mihalikova, M. (2004) Influence of blasting on mechanical properties of steel sheet. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Materials and Metallurgy, Summaries of Lectures. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 214-214.
  672. Bukhanovsky, V., Borisenko, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2004) Interrelation between the structural state of material and mechanichal properties of low-alloyed molybdenum alloys. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Materials and Metallurgy, Summaries of Lectures. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, 2018, 218.
  673. Bukhanovsky, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2004) The effect of temperature on mechanical characteristics of niobium alloys of the system Nb-W-Mo-Zr. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Materials and Metallurgy, Summaries of Lectures. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 218-218.
  674. Veselovskiy, V., Kochubey, A., Syasev, V., Mamuzić, I., Klim, V. & Syasev, V. (2004) Approximate methods of the solution of non-linear problems thermomechanics with driving border. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Materials and Metallurgy, Summaries of Lectures. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 237-237.
  675. Chygyryns’kyy, V., Mamuzić, I. & Bergeman, G. (2004) Analysis of the state of stress and strain of a medium under conditions of inhomogeneous plastic flow. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Materials and Metallurgy, Summaries of Lectures. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 245-245.
  676. Chlomchak, G., Mironenko, N. & Mamuzić, I. (2004) Development of the technique for the plastometric experiment of the rheologically complex metals. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Materials and Metallurgy, Summaries of Lectures. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 247-247.
  677. Drujan, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2004) Mathematical model of rolling tube blank. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Materials and Metallurgy, Summaries of Lectures. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 249-249.
  678. Kochubey, A., Syasev, A., Veselovskiy, V., Mamuzić, I., Makarenov, A. & Scherbina, E. (2004) Mathematical modelling of metallurgical processes with usage of the theory of increasing bodies. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Materials and Metallurgy, Summaries of Lectures. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 251-251.
  679. Goryany, V., Mamuzić, I., Hlyntseva, T. & Radsinsky, V. (2004) Thermal strengthening of the low-carbon steel strip. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Materials and Metallurgy, Summaries of Lectures. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 251-251.
  680. Jurković, M., Mamuzić, I. & Karabegović, E. (2004) The sheet metal forming with hydraulic fluid pressure. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Materials and Metallurgy, Summaries of Lectures. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 253-253.
  681. Devčić, N. & Mamuzić, I. (2004) 50 Years of Seamless Tubes Manufacturing in Croatia – Steel Works Sisak. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Materials and Metallurgy, Summaries of Lectures. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 253-253.
  682. Goryany, V., Mamuzić, I. & Radsinsky, V. (2004) Influence of cooling on the resistance of chrom – nickel iron rolls. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 6th International symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society “Materials and metallurgy“ SHMD 2004. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 248-248.
  683. Golja, M., Vodopivec, F. & Mamuzić, I. (2004) Hot deformation characteristics, flow stress and plasticity of alloyed steels by torsion test. U: Mamuzić, i. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 6th International symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society “Materials and metallurgy“ SHMD 2004. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 245-245.
  684. Kovalova, K., Mamuzić, I. & Buršak, M. (2004) The influence of the cyclic loading mode on the fatigue life of surface hardened steel. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 6th International symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society “Materials and metallurgy“ SHMD 2004. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 211-211.
  685. Čižmarova, E., Michel, J., Buršak, M. & Mamuzić, I. (2004) Influence of strain rate on properties of microalloyed S-MC-steel grades. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 6th International symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society “materials and metallurgy“ SHMD 2004. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 211-211.
  686. Kalinushkin, E., Mamuzić, I., Taran, Y. & Tykhonuk, L. (2002) Steels of peritectic type : peculiarities of structure, alloying technology and use. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 5. Međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva, “Materijali i metalurgija”. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 218-218.
  687. Kochubey, A., Mamuzić, I. & Syasev, A. (2002) Mathematical Model of Growth of Diphasic Cylindrical Bodies with a Fluid Phase on the Inside. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 5. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 41(2002)3. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  688. Mamuzić, I. (2002) Technology of Plastic Forming Metals and Alloys. U: Sažeci predavanja s 5. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 41(2002)3. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  689. Milenin, A., Golovko, A. & Mamuzić, I. (2002) The Application of Three-Dimensional Computer Simulation at Dies Developing for Extrusion of Aluminium Shapes. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 5. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 41(2002)3. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  690. Veselovsky, V., Mamuzić, I. & Scherbina, E. (2002) Mathematical Modelling and Calculation of a Thermal Condition of Rolls of Hot Rolled Steel. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 5. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 41(2002)3. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  691. Danchenko, V., Mamuzić, I. & Drozhzha, P. (2002) Ingress of the Salt Lubricant on a Tube-Mandrel Contact of the Stands of Continuous Tubes Mill. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 5. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 41(2002)3. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  692. Dreus, A. & Mamuzić, I. (2002) The Mathematical Modeling of a Liquid Metal Flows by Cas Jet and Electromagnetic Forces. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 5. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 41(2002)3. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  693. Grechanyuk, N., Mamuzić, I. & Shpak, P. (2002) Modern Electron-Beam Technologies of Melting and Evaporation of Materials in Vacuum by Used “Gekont” – Company. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 5. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 41(2002)3. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  694. Michel, J., Buršak, M. & Mamuzić, I. (2002) Creep Properties of Microalloyed Steels. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 5. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 41(2002)3. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  695. Buršak, M., Mamuzić, I., Michel, J. & Hidveghy, J. (2002) Strength and Plasticity of Hot and Cold Rolled High Strength Weathering Formable Steel Sheets. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 5. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 41(2002)3. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  696. Syase, A., Vesselovskiy, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2002) Approximative analytical method of the problems solution of thermoviscoelasticity for diphasic bodies with mobile border. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of Abstracts of the 5th International Symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society “Materials and Metallurgy” SHMD 2002. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 224-224.
  697. Preloščan, A., Vodopivec, F. & Mamuzić, I. (2002) Fine grained structural steel through controlled hot rolling. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Metalurgija, 41 (2002)225. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 230-230.
  698. Zrnik, J., Mamuzić, I. & Vodopivec, F. (2002) Trends and Developments of Functional Materials. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 5. međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u Metalurgija 41(2002)3. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  699. Chygyrynsky, V. & Mamuzić, I. (2000) The Investigation of the Influence of Correcting Stresses Component in the Three-Dimension Solution on Some Parameters of the Porcess of the Complex Shapes Rolling. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 4. Međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u časopisu Metalurgija 39(2000)3, 191-224.. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  700. Medvedeva, L., Mamuzić, I., Klim, V. & Shynkarenko, V. (2000) Residual Stresses in the Formed Corrugated Sheet with Rubber Like Coating. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 4. Međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u časopisu Metalurgija 39(2000)3, 191-224.. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  701. Binkevič, E., Mamuzić, I. & Syasev, A. (2000) Building up the Hollow Cylinder Having Inner Surface of Crystallization Stage. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 4. Međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u časopisu Metalurgija 39(2000)3, 191-224.. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  702. Mamuzić, I. (2000) Research and Technology of Plastic Metal and Alloys Forming. U: Sažeci predavanja s 4. Međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u časopisu Metalurgija 39(2000)3, 191-224.. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  703. Buršak, M., Bokuvka, O., Mamuzić, I. & Michel, J. (2000) Impact properties of microalloyed steels. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 4. Međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva, “Materijali i metalurgija”. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 195-195.
  704. Binkevič, E., Mamuzić, I. & Skorobogatko, A. (2000) Non-Stationary Viscoplastic Flow of Material by Metal Forming. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 4. Međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva “Materijali i metalurgija”, tiskano u časopisu Metalurgija 39(2000)3, 191-224.. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  705. Golja, M. & Mamuzić, I. (2000) Investigation of steel flow stress on Crome-Nickel alloyed structural steels and plasticity at high temperatures. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 4th International symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society “Materials and metallurgy” SHMD 2000. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 221-221.
  706. Lester, Y., Mamuzić, I. & Medvedova, I. (2000) Definition of the geometrical characteristics of the cross section of intermediate continuous pouring of steel production during cooling. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 4. Međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva, “Materijali i metalurgija”. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 221-221.
  707. Lester, Y., Mamuzić, I. & Medvedeva, L. (2000) Definition of fields of temperature and stresses in a sphere during cooling. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 4. Međunarodnog simpozija Hrvatskog metalurškog društva, “Materijali i metalurgija”. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 217-217.
  708. Križanić, R., Mamuzić, I. & Nikolić, Đ. (1998) Strengthing process of high-strength weldable structural bainitic steel H-75. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 3. Međunarodnog simpozija hrvatskih metalurga, “Stanje i razvitak plastične obradbe kovina i slitina”. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 109-109.
  709. Mamuzić, I. (1998) Svjetska i hrvatska metalurgija : stanje i usporedba. U: Sažeci predavanja s 3. Međunarodnog simpozija hrvatskih metalurga “Stanje i razvitak plastične obradbe kovina i slitina”, tiskano u časopisu Metalurgija 37(1998)2, 103-132.. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 106-106.
  710. Shlomchack, G. & Mamuzić, I. (1998) Investigation of Contact Stresses at Rolling on the Using Polarization-Optical Method. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 3. Međunarodnog simpozija hrvatskih metalurga “Stanje i razvitak plastične obradbe kovina i slitina”, tiskano u časopisu Metalurgija 37(1998)2, 103-132.. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 107-107.
  711. Gorbanev, A., Binkevič, E. & Mamuzić, I. (1998) Regulation of Forces in Inter-Stand Spacings by Rolling in Finishing Blocks of Wire Roll Stands. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 3. Međunarodnog simpozija hrvatskih metalurga “Stanje i razvitak plastične obradbe kovina i slitina”, tiskano u časopisu Metalurgija 37(1998)2, 103-132.. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 109-109.
  712. Križanić, R., Mamuzić, I. & Nikolić, Đ. (1998) Koeficijent očvršćenja visokočvrstog konstrukcijskog čelika bainitnog tipa H-75 kod deformacije u toplom stanju. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 3. Međunarodnog simpozija hrvatskih metalurga “Stanje i razvitak plastične obradbe kovina i slitina”, tiskano u časopisu Metalurgija 37(1998)2, 103-132.. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 110-110.
  713. Golja, M. & Mamuzić, I. (1998) Plastometric and Computer Modelling of Flow Stress Hot Deformation Behaviour of 15%Cr, 3%Ni, High Alloy Steel. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 3. Međunarodnog simpozija hrvatskih metalurga “Stanje i razvitak plastične obradbe kovina i slitina”, tiskano u časopisu Metalurgija 37(1998)2, 103-132.. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 111-111.
  714. Urbanek, S., Križanić, R. & Mamuzić, I. (1998) Dodatna završna obrada tubing cijevi za naftnu industriju kvalitetnog stupnja N-80. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 3. Međunarodnog simpozija hrvatskih metalurga “Stanje i razvitak plastične obradbe kovina i slitina” tiskano u časopisu “Metalurgija” 37(1998)2, 103-132. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 113-113.
  715. Kalinushkin, E., Mamuzić, I. & Taran, J. (1998) Effect of Cooling Rate on Hot Ductility and Mechanism of the Phase Transformation by Solidification of Tool Steels. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 3. Međunarodnog simpozija hrvatskih metalurga “Stanje i razvitak plastične obradbe kovina i slitina” tiskano u časopisu “Metalurgija” 37(1998)2, 103-132. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 116-116.
  716. Zrnik, J., Kvačkaj, T., Sripinpoach, D., Prasong, S. & Mamuzić, I. (1998) Control Rolling Process of Microalloyed Steel Grade QStE 380 TH. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 3. Međunarodnog simpozija hrvatskih metalurga “Stanje i razvitak plastične obradbe kovina i slitina” tiskano u časopisu “Metalurgija” 37(1998)2, 103-132. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 117-117.
  717. Rešković, S., Vodopivec, F. & Mamuzić, I. (1998) Nucleation and growth of Precipitaties of Niobium Carbonitride in the Final High-Temperature Thermomechanical Treatment. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 3. Međunarodnog simpozija hrvatskih metalurga “Stanje i razvitak plastične obradbe kovina i slitina” tiskano u časopisu “Metalurgija” 37(1998)2, 103-132. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 118-118.
  718. Michel, J., Hidveghy, J., Mamuzić, I. & Buršak, M. (1998) Fatigue Properties of Low Carbon Steel Strengthened by Static or Dynamic Work Hardening. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 3. Međunarodnog simpozija hrvatskih metalurga “Stanje i razvitak plastične obradbe kovina i slitina” tiskano u časopisu “Metalurgija” 37(1998)2, 103-132. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 120-120.
  719. Danilenko, T., Lezinskaya, E., Mamuzić, I., Vodopivec, F. & Perchanik, V. (1998) A New Method for the Definition of Particle Size Distribution. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 3. Međunarodnog simpozija hrvatskih metalurga “Stanje i razvitak plastične obradbe kovina i slitina” izdano u Metalurgija 37(1998)2, 103-132. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  720. Mamuzić, I., Binkevich, E., Binkevich, I. & Medvedeva, L. (1998) Nonstationary plastic flow of a bar with symmetrical cuts of arbitrary form. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Book of abstracts of the 3rd International symposium of Croatian Metallurgical Society “Materials and metallurgy” SHMD 1998. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 107-107.
  721. Križanić, R., Mamuzić, I., Nikolić, Đ. & Kvačkaj, T. (1998) Deformation properties of high-strength structural bainite H-75 steel. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 3. Međunarodnog simpozija hrvatskih metalurga, “Stanje i razvitak plastične obradbe kovina i slitina”. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 109-109.
  722. Binkevich, E., Gorbaney, A., Mamuzić, I., Medvedeva, L. & Shynarenko, V. (1998) Inertial forces at defermation site by rolling in modern high-speed finishing mill stands. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 3. Međunarodnog simpozija hrvatskih metalurga, “Stanje i razvitak plastične obradbe kovina i slitina”. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 109-109.
  723. Mamuzić, I., Binkeveich, E., Skorobogatko, A. & Shynarenko, V. (1998) Analysis of plastic flow of hot metal by figured passes. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 3. Međunarodnog simpozija hrvatskih metalurga, “Stanje i razvitak plastične obradbe kovina i slitina”. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 109-109.
  724. Kvačkaj, T., Hajduk, M., Konvicny, J. & Mamuzić, I. (1998) Evalution of metallurgical characteristics of hot rolled steel strips in the finishing train. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 3. Međunarodnog simpozija hrvatskih metalurga, “Stanje i razvitak plastične obradbe kovina i slitina”. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 112-112.
  725. Kvačkaj, T., Zrnik, J. & Mamuzić, I. (1998) Current manufacturing trends and energy evalution for flat rolled steel semiproducts. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 3. Međunarodnog simpozija hrvatskih metalurga, “Stanje i razvitak plastične obradbe kovina i slitina”. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 112-112.
  726. Zrnik, J., Wangyao, P., Vrcvinsky, V., Hornak, P. & Mamuzić, I. (1998) Deformation behaviour of wrought nickel superalloy in conditionals of thermomechanical fatigue. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 3. Međunarodnog simpozija hrvatskih metalurga, “Stanje i razvitak plastične obradbe kovina i slitina”. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 117-117.
  727. Michel, J., Buršak, M. & Mamuzić, I. (1998) Microstructure notch toughness relationship of micro-alloyed steels. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 3. Međunarodnog simpozija hrvatskih metalurga, “Stanje i razvitak plastične obradbe kovina i slitina”. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 119-119.
  728. Binkevič, V., Binkevič, E. & Mamuzić, I. (1998) Rasčet i upravljenie procesom nesimetričnoj gorjačej prokatki. U: Kabaldin, J. & Mjasnikov, V. (ur.) Sinergetika ’98 Ministarstvo obšćestva i profesionalog obrazovanija Ruske federacije, Ruska akademija nauk. Komsomlsk na Amure, Ruska akademija nauk, str. 63-63.
  729. Binkevič, V., Binkevič, E. & Mamuzić, I. (1998) O strukture samoorganizacionih procesov. U: Kabaldin, J. & Mjasnikov, V. (ur.) Sinergetika ’98 Ministarstvo obščestva i profesionalog obrazovanija Ruske federacije, Ruska akademija nauk. Komsomlsk na Amure, Ruska akademija nauk, str. 55-55.
  730. Turk, R. & Mamuzić, I. (1997) New Research and Technology of Plastic Metal and Alloy Forming. U: Prokhorenko, V. (ur.) Engineering and Functional Materials. Lviv, State University Lviv, str. 200-200.
  731. Mamuzić, I., Medvedeva, I. & Skorobogatko, A. (1996) FEM investigation of the parameters of the local plastic deformations of the inhomogeneous bar. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 2. Međunarodnog simpozija hrvatskih metalurga, “Stanje i razvitak plastične obradbe kovina i slitina”. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 109-109.
  732. Michel, J., Buršak, M. & Mamuzić, I. (1996) Influence of strain rate on mechanical properties of microalloyed steel. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 2. Međunarodnog simpozija hrvatskih metalurga, “Stanje i razvitak plastične obradbe kovina i slitina”. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 117-117.
  733. Zrnik, J., Yu., Y., Wang, J., Žitnaksky, M., Mamuzić, I. & Hornak, P. (1996) Creep fatigue behaviour of directionally solidified nickel base super alloy. U: Sažeci predavanja s 2. Međunarodnog simpozija hrvatskih metalurga, “Stanje i razvitak plastične obradbe kovina i slitina”. Split, Hrvatska, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 115-115.
  734. Šlomčak, G., Malnik, A. & Mamuzić, I. (1996) Rheological complexity of metals and anomalies of their deformation. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 2. Međunarodnog simpozija hrvatskih metalurga, “Stanje i razvitak plastične obradbe kovina i slitina”. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 110-110.
  735. Mamuzić, I., Binkevich, I. & Shynkarenko, V. (1996) Application of finite element method of the analysis of coils of thin cold-rolled strip. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 2. Međunarodnog simpozija hrvatskih metalurga, “Stanje i razvitak plastične obradbe kovina i slitina”. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 109-109.
  736. Mamuzić, I., Komarov, A. & Shynarenko, V. (1996) Finite elements for analysis of sheet forming processes. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 2. Međunarodnog simpozija hrvatskih metalurga, “Stanje i razvitak plastične obradbe kovina i slitina”. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 109-109.
  737. Kvačkaj, T. & Mamuzić, I. (1996) Mathematical description of austenite dynamic recrystallization in C-Mn base low carbon steel. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 2. međunarodnog simpozija hrvatskih metalurga, “Stanje i razvitak plastične obradbe kovina i slitina”. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 109-109.
  738. Jakšić, D., Mamuzić, I., Golja, M. & Curić, M. (1996) Utjecaj hladne deformacije na mehanička svojstva aluminijske legure Al-Cu-Bi-Pb. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 2. međunarodnog simpozija hrvatskih metalurga, objavljeno u Metalurgija 35(1996)2, 105-126. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  739. Buršak, M., Hidveghy, J. & Mamuzić, I. (1996) Fatigue Properties of Selected Steel. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 2. međunarodnog simpozija hrvatskih metalurga, objavljeno u Metalurgija 35(1996)2, 105-126.. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  740. Michel, J., Mamuzić, I. & Buršak, M. (1996) Resistance to Brittle fracture by Micro-Alloyed Steels. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 2. međunarodnog simpozija hrvatskih metalurga, objavljeno u Metalurgija 35(1996)2, 105-126.. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  741. Zrnik, J., Hazlinger, M., Mamuzić, I. & Žitnansky, M. (1996) The Effect of structural characteristics of strengthening phase on creep/fatigue behaviour of single crystal Nickel base superalloys. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 2. međunarodnog simpozija hrvatskih metalurga. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 115-116.
  742. Rešković, S., Mamuzić, I. & Križanić, R. (1996) Usvajanje proizvodnje kotlovskih šavnih cijevi u Hrvatskoj. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 2. međunarodnog simpozija hrvatskih metalurga, objavljeno u Metalurgija 35(1996)2, 105-126.. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 112-113.
  743. Križanić, R., Mamuzić, I. & Nikolić, Đ. (1996) Proces očvršćenja visokočvrstog konstrukcijskog zavarljivog čelika bainitnog tipa. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 2. međunarodnog simpozija hrvatskih metalurga, objavljeno u Metalurgija 35(1996)2, 105-126.. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  744. Mamuzić, I. & Shynkarenko, V. (1996) Locking Suppression in Thin-Walled Degenerated Finite Elements: Unification of Concepts. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 2. međunarodnog simpozija hrvatskih metalurga, objavljeno u Metalurgija 35(1996)2, 105-126.. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  745. Mamuzić, I. (1996) Stanje i razvitak tehnologija hladne preradbe i šavnih čeličnih cijevi. U: Sažeci predavanja s 2. međunarodnog simpozija hrvatskih metalurga, objavljeno u Metalurgija 35(1996)2, 105-126.. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  746. Turk, R. & Mamuzić, I. (1996) New Trends in the Research of Plastic Metal and Alloys Forming. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 2. međunarodnog simpozija hrvatskih metalurga, objavljeno u Metalurgija 35(1996)2, 105-126.. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo.
  747. Mamuzić, I., Shynkarenko, V. & Binkevich, I. (1996) Finite elements stiffness matrix conditionality improvement in the analyis of metal forming processes via the orthogonalizing of the shape functions. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 2. Međunarodnog simpozija hrvatskih metalurga, “Stanje i razvitak plastične obradbe kovina i slitina”. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 109-109.
  748. Binkevich, E., Mamuzić, I. & Shynarenko, V. (1996) Locking suppression techniques and their application to FEM – analysis of processes of deformation of thin-walled objects. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci predavanja s 2. Međunarodnog simpozija hrvatskih metalurga, “Stanje i razvitak plastične obradbe kovina i slitina”. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 109-109.
  749. Križanić, R., Hensel, A., Mamuzić, I. & Nikolić, Đ. (1993) Deformacijski otpor visokočvrstog zavarivog konstrukcijskog čelika bainitnog tipa istraživanjem na dvovaljkastom valjačkom stanu. U: Mamuzić, I. (ur.) Sažeci referata sa Simpozija hrvatskih metalurga “Materijali i metalurgija”. Zagreb, Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, str. 194-194.
  750. Križanić, R., Hensel, A. & Mamuzić, I. (1992) Deformacije visoko čvrstog bainitnog čelika. U: Eckstein, R. (ur.) Proceedings of the XLIII Berg und Huttenmannisher Tag. Freiberg, str. 40-40.
  751. Hansel, A. & Mamuzić, I. (1990) Tehnološki razvoj u plastičnoj preradi metala. U: Mišković, B. & Stankovski, V. (ur.) Zbornik radova sa konferencije Unapređivanje i racionalizacija tehnoloških procesa u rudarstvu, geologiji i metalurgiji. Beograd, Savez inženjera i tehničara rudarske, geološke i metalurške struke Jugoslavije, str. 120-130.
  752. Mamuzić, I. & Matković, P. (1990) Razvoj metalnih materijala. U: Pavlović, P. (ur.) Zbornik sažetaka 13. stručnog usavršavanja inženjera metalurgije. Sisak, Metalurški fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, DIT Sisak, str. 2-2.
  753. Križanić, R., Mamuzić, I., Preloščan, A. & Nikolić, Đ. (1990) Razvoj čelika viših kvalitetnih zahtjeva. U: Pavlović, P. (ur.) Zbornik sažetaka 13. stručnog usavršavanja inženjera metalurgije. Sisak, Metalurški fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, DIT Sisak, str. 13-13.
  754. Mamuzić, I. (1989) Stanje i razvojne tendencije proizvodnje čeličnih cijevi. U: Pavlović, P. (ur.) Zbornik sažetaka 12. stručnog usavršavanja inženjera metalurgije. Sisak, Metalurški fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, DIT Sisak, str. 37-37.
  755. Seper, R. & Mamuzić, I. (1987) Contribution a la recherche des applications des ultrasons pour les alliages Al Mg Si. U: Edvards, R. (ur.) Summaries of Abstracts of the 4th European Conferences non destructive testing of materials. London, str. 85-85.
  756. Mamuzić, I. (1982) Optimalizacija plastične deformacije materijala određivanjem plastičnosti. U: Pavlović, P. (ur.) Zbornik sažetaka 5. Stručnog usavršavanja inženjera metalurgije “Problem pri primjeni novih tehnologija u metalurgiji”. Zagreb, Metalurški fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, str. 24-24.

Ocjenski radovi

Doktorske disertacije
  1. Mamuzić, I. (1975) Istraživanje homogenosti i osobina legura gvožđe-ugljik ultrazvukom, doktorska disertacija, Tehnološko-metalurški fakultet, Beograd.
  1. Golja, M. (1998) Prilog analizi naprezanja plastičnog tečenja čelika pri povišenim temperaturama i tijek deformacije materijala u procesu periodičkog valjanja cijevi, doktorska disertacija, Metalurški fakultet Sisak, Sisak.
  2. Rešković, S. (1997) Studij mehanizama precipitacije i rekristalizacije u području završnog oblikovanja mikrolegiranog čelika, doktorska disertacija, Metalurški fakultet Sisak, Sisak.
  3. Križanić, R. (1995) Karakteristične veličine preoblikovanja i materijala pri visokotemperaturnoj termomehaničkoj obradi, doktorska disertacija, Metalurški fakultet, Sisak.
  4. Iharoš, B. (1987) Određivanje krivulje tečenja materijala Kf= Kf (R) i njezin značaj pri hladnoj preradi čeličnih cijevi vučenjem, doktorska disertacija, Metalurški fakultet, Sisak.
Magistarski radovi
  1. Mamuzić, I. (1971) Mogućnost primjene ultrazvuka za sondiranje odljevaka od sivog lijeva, magistarski rad, Tehnološki fakultet, Metalurški odjel Sisak, Sisak.
  1. Buinac, M. (1990) Doprinos istraživanjima svojstava materijala pomoću ultrazvuka, magistarski rad, Metalurški fakultet, Sisak.
  2. Terzić, K. (1989) Usavršavanje kvalitete zavara šavnih cijevi, magistarski rad, Metalurški fakultet, Sisak.
  3. Golja, M. (1986) Matematički model valjanja cijevi na pilger- valjačkom stanu, magistarski rad, Metalurški fakultet, Sisak.
  4. Balenović, M. (1982) Doprinos istraživanjima upotrebe fino zrnatog čelika legiranog s vanadijem u proizvodnji bešavnih cijevi, magistarski rad, Metalurški fakultet, Sisak.
  5. Lalović, M. (1982) Prilog ispitivanju pritiska metala na valjke i otpora deformaciji kod valjanja na blumingu, magistarski rad, Metalurški fakultet, Sisak.
  6. Malina, M. (1978) Cijevi za geološka i naftna ispitivanja, magistarski rad, Tehnološki fakultet, Kemijsko-tehnološki odjel Sisak, Sisak.
Diplomski radovi (uključujući i diplomske radove starog programa)
  1. Mamuzić, I. (1961) Mehaničke i tehnološke osobine bešavnih cevi iz ugljeničnih čelika u zavisnosti od temperature završne prerade, diplomski rad, Tehnološko-metalurški fakultet, Beograd.
  1. Štrkalj, A. (2005) Greške čeličnog uloška za obradbu deformiranjem, diplomski rad, Metalurški fakultet, Sisak.
  2. Kahlina, D. (1998) Površinska zaštita cijevi, diplomski rad, Metalurški fakultet Sisak, Zagreb.
  3. Kivač, Z. (1995) Postupci obrade cijevi poslije valjanja, diplomski rad, Metalurški fakultet, Sisak.
  4. Pušac, Z. (1994) Standardi i kontrola kotlovskih cijevi, diplomski rad, Metalurški fakultet, Sisak.
  5. Bralić, D. (1994) Ovisnost mehaničkih i strukturnih svojstava hladno valjanih Al traka o uvjetima završnog žarenja, diplomski rad, Metalurški fakultet, Sisak.
  6. Miletić, D. (1993) Primjena metoda bez razaranja za otkrivanje grešaka na bešavnim čeličnim cijevima, diplomski rad, Metalurški fakultet, Sisak.
  7. Sladoljev-Tumara, M. (1993) Utjecaj stupnja deformacije na mehaničke karakteristike aluminijske legure tipa Al-Cu-Bi-Pb, diplomski rad, Metalurški fakultet, Sisak.
  8. Curić, R. (1993) Tehnološki parametri i deformacije materijala u pilger stanu pri procesu proizvodnje čeličnih bešavnih cijevi, diplomski rad, Metalurški fakultet, Sisak.
  9. Fridrih, H. (1992) Tehnološki parametri i deformacija materijala za vrijeme kosog valjanja u egalizir stanu pri proizvodnji čeličnih bešavnih cijevi, diplomski rad, Metalurški fakultet, Sisak.
  10. Mateković, Ž. (1990) Određivanje naprezanja tečenja čelika iz proizvodnog programa Željezare Sisak, diplomski rad, Metalurški fakultet, Sisak.
  11. Rajković, Z. (1988) Istraživanje plastičnosti i deformacijskog otpora čelika metodom uvijanja, diplomski rad, Metalurški fakultet, Sisak.
  12. Augustinović, M. (1988) Utvrđivanje uzorka naljepljivanja materijala na alat i pribor pri proizvodnji bešavnih cijevi, diplomski rad, Metalurški fakultet, Sisak.
  13. Halilović, M. (1988) Analiza i pregled postupka dobivanja šupljeg poluproizvoda u proizvodnji bešavnih cijevi, diplomski rad, Metalurški fakultet, Sisak.
  14. Kovačić, I. (1988) Optimiranje kontrole kvaliteta valjaoničkih proizvoda, diplomski rad, Metalurški fakultet, Sisak.
  15. Troskot, M. (1987) Proizvodnja i uspoređivanje svojstava Al-folija za domaćinstvo iz legure 8011 i 1235, diplomski rad, Metalurški fakultet, Sisak.
  16. Borojević, R. (1986) Kalibracija bluming valjaka za valjanje okruglica, diplomski rad, Metalurški fakultet, Sisak.
  17. Ćurčija, D. (1986) Hladno valjanje sa mazivima, diplomski rad, Metalurški fakultet, Sisak.
  18. Radojević, Č. (1984) Proizvodnja cijevi za kotrljajuće ležajeve, diplomski rad, Metalurški fakultet, Sisak.
  19. Popović, M. (1984) Definiranje utjecajnih parametara pri zavarivanju šavnih cijevi, diplomski rad, Metalurški fakultet, Sisak.
  20. Ćevanić, A. (1984) Određivanje plastičnosti i deformacijskog otpora CrMo čelika, diplomski rad, Metalurški fakultet, Sisak.
  21. Gojić, M. (1984) Podmazivanje u procesu vruće plastične prerade, diplomski rad, Metalurški fakultet, Sisak.
  22. Jaglić, S. (1984) Utjecaj temperature cinkove taline i vremena pocinčavanja na debljinu i strukturu cinkove prevlake kod pocinčavanja šavnih cijevi, diplomski rad, Metalurški fakultet, Sisak.
  23. Seper, R. (1983) Mogućnost ispitivanja Al Mg Si legura ultrazvukom, diplomski rad, Metalurški fakultet, Sisak.
  24. Hashani, A. (1983) Karakteristični parametri pri valjanju šavnih cijevi u Željezari Sisak, diplomski rad, Rudarsko-metalurški fakultet, Titova Mitrovica.
  25. Radošević, M. (1982) Ispitivanje plastičnosti i deformacijskog otpora čelika, diplomski rad, Metalurški fakultet, Sisak.
  26. Dragaš, Z. (1982) Pregled kvalitete materijala valjačkog pribora i alata u Valjaonici bešavnih cijevi, diplomski rad, Metalurški fakultet, Sisak.
  27. Perković, I. (1982) Prilog usvajanju proizvodnje bešavnih cijevi iz mikrolegiranog čelika sa „Nitrovanom„, diplomski rad, Metalurški fakultet, Sisak.
  28. Klarić, J. (1982) Proračun ukupne snage i pritiska na valjke kod proizvodnje bešavnih cijevi na pilger stanu, diplomski rad, Metalurški fakultet, Sisak.
  29. Kumnova, J. (1982) Vruće pocinčavanje šavnih cijevi, diplomski rad, Rudarsko-metalurški fakultet, Titova Mitrovica.
  30. Sadriu, I. (1982) Kalibracija pilger valjaka, diplomski rad, Rudarsko-metalurški fakultet, Titova Mitrovica.
  31. Mikulovci, R. (1982) Utjecaj oligoelemanata na plastičnost čelika, diplomski rad, Rudarsko-metalurški fakultet, Titova Mitrovica.
  32. Kurshumliu, S. (1982) Tehnologija proizvodnje šavnih cijevi, diplomski rad, Rudarsko-metalurški fakultet, Titova Mitrovica.
  33. Bećiri, J. (1982) Tehnologija dubokog izvlačenja, diplomski rad, Rudarsko-metalurški fakultet, Titova Mitrovica.
  34. Bebek, D. (1982) Prikaz eksperimentalnih metoda za istraživanje u teoriji plastične prerade, diplomski rad, Metalurški fakultet, Sisak.
  35. Palčić, J. (1982) Studij termomehaničke obrade mikro-legiranog bainitnog čelika, diplomski rad, Metalurški fakultet, Sisak.
  36. Đukić, M. (1981) Izrada programa hladnog vučenja čeličnih cijevi, diplomski rad, Metalurški fakultet, Sisak.
  37. Vladisavljević, T. (1981) Izrada prednje osovine u kalupima, diplomski rad, Rudarsko-metalurški fakultet, Kosovska Mitrovica.
  38. Barać, R. (1981) Istraživanje svojstava toplo valjanih traka za izradu šavnih cijevi, diplomski rad, Rudarsko-metalurški fakultet, Kosovska Mitrovica.
  39. Baltić, M. (1981) Ispitivanje utjecaja oligoelemenata na plastičnost čelika, diplomski rad, Metalurški fakultet, Sisak.
  40. Habjan, J. (1981) Praćenje izdržljivosti valjaka bluminga i konti pruge u Željezari Sisak, diplomski rad, Metalurški fakultet, Sisak.
  41. Tkalčić, D. (1981) Određivanje optimalnog područja zavarivanja preciznih šavnih cijevi, diplomski rad, Metalurški fakultet, Sisak.
  42. Živanović, D. (1980) Prilog usvajanja proizvodnje bešavnih cijevi viših kvaliteta, diplomski rad, Metalurški fakultet, Sisak.
  43. Maltar, B. (1980) Tehnološki proces valjanja legiranih čelika u Željezari Sisak, diplomski rad, Metalurški fakultet, Sisak.
  44. Bočina, K. (1980) Kalibracija pilger valjaka, diplomski rad, Metalurški fakultet, Sisak.
  45. Zebić, A. (1980) Proizvodnja šavnih cijevi za spojnice dimenzija SP 3/8“, diplomski rad, Metalurški fakultet, Sisak.
  46. Samardžija, V. (1980) Određivanje sile kod hladnog vučenja čeličnih cijevi, diplomski rad, Metalurški fakultet, Sisak.
  47. Radić, J. (1979) Prerada debelostjenih cijevi hladnim vučenjem, diplomski rad, Metalurški fakultet, Sisak.
  48. Pavelić, K. (1979) Kontrola na zamješanost materijala u pogonskim uvjetima pomoću QP 3.213 i VRH 3.222, diplomski rad, Metalurški fakultet, Sisak.
  49. Sokol, B. (1979) Kalibracija forming stana u Valjaonici šavnih cijevi Željezare Sisak, diplomski rad, Metalurški fakultet, Sisak.
  50. Marković, D. (1979) Određivanje utjecaja parametara zavarivanja jakosti struje i brzine zavarivanja na kvalitet i oblik vara, diplomski rad, Metalurški fakultet, Sisak.
  51. Kendi, Ž. (1979) Defektoskopija odljevaka sivog i čeličnog lijeva, diplomski rad, Metalurški fakultet, Sisak.
  52. Galijan, Š. (1978) Izrada cijevi za geološka istraživanja, diplomski rad, Tehnološki fakultet, Metalurški odjel Sisak, Sisak.
  53. Babić, V. (1978) Izrada šavnih cijevi iz Č.0561, diplomski rad, Tehnološki fakultet, Metalurški odjel Sisak, Sisak.
  54. Gromača, Ž. (1978) Ispitivanje mehaničkih svojstava čelika pri sniženim temperaturama, diplomski rad, Tehnološki fakultet, Metalurški odjel Sisak, Sisak.
  55. Milković, D. (1978) Utjecaj stupnja redukcije kod hladnog vučenja čeličnih cijevi na stanje i kvalitet površine, diplomski rad, Tehnološki fakultet, Metalurški odjel Sisak, Sisak.
  56. Božić, N. (1978) Proizvodnja i svojstva čelika za kotlovske cijevi, diplomski rad, Tehnološki fakultet, Metalurški odjel Sisak, Sisak.
  57. Ugarković, S. (1978) Ispitivanje zavarenih spojeva, diplomski rad, Tehnološki fakultet, Metalurški odjel Sisak, Sisak.
  58. Novalić, N. (1977) Istraživanje utjecaja oligoelemenata na plastičnost čelika u toplom stanju, diplomski rad, Tehnološki fakultet, Metalurški odjel Sisak, Sisak.
  59. Jurišić, D. (1977) Ispitivanje materijala na povišenim temperaturama, diplomski rad, Tehnološki fakultet, Metalurški odjel Sisak, Sisak.
  60. Čaić, M. (1977) Istraživanje utjecajnih parametara kod kosog valjanja, diplomski rad, Tehnološki fakultet, Metalurški odjel Sisak, Sisak.
  61. Mesić, M. (1977) Plastična prerada i mehanička svojstva čelika legiranog s dušikom i vanadijem, diplomski rad, diplomski, Tehnološki fakultet, Metalurški odjel Sisak, Sisak.
  62. Brkljačić, Ž. (1977) Izrada preciznih šavnih cijevi sposobnih za viši stupanj prerade u hladnom stanju, diplomski rad, Tehnološki fakultet, Metalurški odjel Sisak, Sisak.
  63. Nožarić, B. (1977) Izrada trake na konti pruzi, diplomski rad, Tehnološki fakultet, Metalurški odjel Sisak, Sisak.
  64. Kladarin, M. (1976) Tok materijala za vrijeme prerade čaše u cijevnicu, diplomski rad, Tehnološki fakultet, Metalurški odjel Sisak, Sisak.
  65. Bašić, M. (1976) Studija bušenja polufabrikata na preši, diplomski rad, Tehnološki fakultet, Metalurški odjel Sisak, Sisak.
  66. Špišić, Đ. (1976) Širenje valjanog materijala, diplomski rad, Tehnološki fakultet, Metalurški odjel Sisak, Sisak.
  67. Radojević, N. (1975) Kontrola sučeonih i kutnih zavara na cijevnim konstrukcijama, diplomski rad, Tehnološki fakultet, Metalurški odjel Sisak, Sisak.
  68. Bekić, N. (1975) Pritisak valjanog materijala na valjke, diplomski rad, Tehnološki fakultet, Metalurški odjel Sisak, Sisak.
  69. Kušan, M. (1975) Određivanje optimalnih parametara toplog kovanja krajeva cijevi za hladno vučenje, diplomski rad, Tehnološki fakultet, Metalurški odjel Sisak, Sisak.
  70. Benišek, Ž. (1975) Izrada hladno vučenih i preciznih šavnih cijevi, diplomski rad, Tehnološki fakultet, Metalurški odjel Sisak, Sisak.
  71. Galić, N. (1975) Izrada trake iz čelika kvalitete Č. 7400, diplomski rad, Tehnološki fakultet, Metalurški odjel Sisak, Sisak.
  72. Belošević, Z. (1975) Izrada trake iz čelika kvalitete 15 Mo 3, diplomski rad, Tehnološki fakultet, Metalurški odjel Sisak, Sisak.
  73. Prokić, D. (1975) Određivanje uvjeta izrade cijevi za boce po BS standardu, diplomski rad, Tehnološki fakultet, Metalurški odjel Sisak, Sisak.
  74. Školneković, V. (1975) Analiza grešaka na šavnim cijevima 2“ i 2 ½“, diplomski rad, Tehnološki fakultet, Metalurški odjel Sisak, Sisak.
  75. Grubić, Z. (1974) Karakteristike i razlike valjanih traka, diplomski rad, Tehnološki fakultet, Metalurški odjel Sisak, Sisak.
  76. Bajčić, F. (1974) Izbor materijala, optimalizacija utroška valjaka pri izradi šavnih cijevi na postrojenju Somenor – Yoder, diplomski rad, Tehnološki fakultet, Metalurški odjel Sisak, Sisak.
  77. Bićanić, L. (1974) Izrada cijevi bušaćih šipki hladnim vučenjem stupnja “E”, diplomski rad, Tehnološki fakultet, Metalurški odjel Sisak, Sisak.
  78. Kovačić, I. (1974) Ispitivanje defekata na traci ultrazvukom, diplomski rad, Tehnološki fakultet, Metalurški odjel Sisak, Sisak.
  79. Perin, l. (1974) Analiza grešaka šavnih cijevi 2“ i 2 ½“, diplomski rad, Tehnološki fakultet, Metalurški odjel Sisak, Sisak.
  80. Muhar, T. (1974) Izrada cijevi za boce po BS standardu, diplomski rad, Tehnološki fakultet, Metalurški odjel Sisak, Sisak.
  81. Gašparić, A. (1972) Ispitivanje kvalitete traka i šavnih cijevi od neumirenog mehanički blokiranog čelika Željezara Smederevo, diplomski rad, Tehnološki fakultet, Metalurški odjel Sisak, Sisak.
  82. Tumara, M. (1972) Valjanje gredica na konti pruzi u Željezari Zenica, diplomski rad, Tehnološki fakultet, Metalurški odjel Sisak, Sisak.

Obrazovni materijali

  1. Mamuzić, I. (2010) Tehnologija oblikovanja deformiranjem. Sisak. Metalurški fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Sisak.
  2. Mamuzić, I. (2000) Teorija plastične deformacije. Sisak. Metalurški fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Sisak.
  3. Mamuzić, I. (1987) Osnove teorije plastične deformacije. Sisak. Metalurški fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Sisak.
  4. Mamuzić, I. (1984) Kontrola zavara metodama bez razaranja. Beograd. Zavod za zavarivanje Beograd.
  5. Mamuzić, I. (1981) Valjanje cijevi. Zagreb. Metalurški fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.
  6. Mamuzić, I. (1974) Plastična deformacija u procesu proizvodnje sredstava za ratnu tehniku. Sisak. Vojno tehnička akademija kopnene vojske, Zagreb.
  7. Mamuzić, I. & Šipek, M. (1974) Metalurška i defektoskopska kontrola odljevaka. Sisak. Tehnološki fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Metalurški odjel Sisak.
  8. Mamuzić, I. (1973) Specijalni postupci ispitivanja u metalurgiji. Sisak. Tehnološki fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Metalurški odjel Sisak.
  9. Lipold, R. & Mamuzić, I. (1972) Valjanje materijala. Sisak. Tehnološki fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Metalurški odjel Sisak.
  10. Mamuzić, I. & Kunstelj, D. (1971) Defektoskopija zavarenih spojeva. Sisak. Tehnološki fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Metalurški odjel Sisak.
  11. Mamuzić, I. (1970) Ispitivanje zavarenih spojeva. Sisak. Tehnološki fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Metalurški fakultet Sisak.
  12. Mamuzić, I. (1969) Ispitivanje materijala. Sisak. Tehnološki fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Metalurški odjel Sisak.
  13. Mamuzić, I. (1969) Defektoskopija odljevaka. Sisak. Tehnološki fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Metalurški odjel Sisak.
  14. Mamuzić, I. (1968) Defektoskopija metala. Sisak. Tehnološki fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Metalurški odjel, Sisak.
  15. Mamuzić, I. (1968) Ultrazvuk i njegova primjena u kontroli. Sisak. MK “Željezara Sisak”.

Ostale vrste radova

  1. Mamuzić, I. (2009) Valjanje. Hrvatska opća enciklopedija : 11 : Tr-Ž. Domaća recenzija, enciklopedijska natuknica.
  2. Križanić, R., Mamuzić, I. & Nikolić, D. (1991) Primjena rezultata istraživanja na uslove valjanja traka u VTG “Željezara Sisak”, Sisak. Elaborat, Istraživačko razvojni Institut “Željezare Sisak“, Sisak. Domaća recenzija, elaborat.
  3. Križanić, R., Mamuzić, I. & Nikolić, Đ. (1991) Rezultati istraživanja na torzionom plastometru konstrukcijskih čelika bainitnog tipa H-75. Elaborat, Istraživačko razvojni Institut “Željezare Sisak“, Sisak. Domaća recenzija, elaborat.
  4. Mamuzić, I. (1990) Obrazovanje kadrova u metalurgiji. Elaborat, Udruženje samoupravnih interesnih zajednica usmjerenog obrazovanja brodogradnje, metalurgije, elektroenergetike, metalne i elektroindustrije Hrvatske, Zagreb. Domaća recenzija, elaborat.
  5. Mamuzić, I., Krajcar, J., Matković, P., Preloščan, A., Starčević, M., Markotić, A., Unkić, F. & Stubičar, M. (1989) Program ostvarivanja strategije tehnološkog razvoja SFRJ u Hrvatskoj : Novi metalni materijali. Elaborat, Institut za metalurgiju Sisak, Sisak, SOUR MK “Željezara Sisak“, Sisak. Domaća recenzija, elaborat.
  6. Mamuzić, I. & Crnković, M. (1988) Dugoročni program tehnološkog razvoja SOUR-a M. K. Željezare Sisak do 2010./2015.godine, dio “Valjani proizvodi”. Elaborat, SOUR MK Željezare Sisak, Institut za metalurgiju Sisak, Sisak. Domaća recenzija, elaborat.
  7. Mamuzić, I. (1988) Istraživanje sposobnosti plastične prerade čelika u toplom stanju. Elaborat, Institut za metalurgiju Sisak, Sisak. Domaća recenzija, elaborat.
  8. Mamuzić, I., Križanić, R. & Rešković, S. (1984) Kapaciteti pruga za valjanje trake, dekapiranje trake i valjanje pocinčanih cijevi. Elaborat, Institut za metalurgiju, Sisak. Podatak o recenziji nije dostupan, elaborat.
  9. Mamuzić, I., Križanić, R. & Rešković, S. (1983) Proračun kapaciteta Valjaonice traka i gredica Željezare Sisak. Elaborat, Institut za metalurgiju Sisak, Sisak. Domaća recenzija, elaborat.
  10. Mamuzić, I. & Križanić, R. (1982) Proračun kapaciteta valjaonice šavnih cijevi Željezare Sisak. Elaborat, Institut za metalurgiju Sisak, Sisak. Domaća recenzija, elaborat.
  11. Golja, M. & Mamuzić, I. (1982) Zamjena i poboljšanje kvalitete materijala, valjačkog pribora i valjaka. Elaborat, Institut za metalurgiju Sisak, Sisak. Domaća recenzija, elaborat.
  12. Mamuzić, I. (1981) Kalibracija pilger valjaka. Elaborat, Institut za metalurgiju Sisak, Sisak. Domaća recenzija, elaborat.
  13. Mamuzić, I. (1979) Usvajanje proizvodnje bušaćih šipki i cijevi. Elaborat, Samoupravna interesna zajednica znanosti Hrvatske (SIZ – I), Sisak – Zagreb. Domaća recenzija, elaborat.
  14. Mamuzić, I. & Golja, M. (1979) Atlas grešaka na bešavnim cijevima. Elaborat, Institut za metalurgiju Sisak, Sisak. Domaća recenzija, elaborat.
  15. Mamuzić, I., Markotić, A., Črnko, J. & Gregurić, V. (1978) Osnivanje znanstveno-nastavne radne organizacije: Institut za metalurgiju Sisak, Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Elaborat, Sekretarijat za prosvjetu, kulturu i fizičku kulturu Hrvatske, Sisak – Zagreb. Domaća recenzija, elaborat.
  16. Mamuzić, I., Iharoš, B., Butorac, J., Prelošćan, A. & Krajcar, B. (1978) Izrada atlasa grešaka na bešavnim cijevima. Elaborat, Institut za metalurgiju Sisak, Sisak. Domaća recenzija, elaborat.
  17. Mamuzić, I. & Malina, M. (1978) Usvajanje proizvodnje bušaćih šipki i cijevi za industriju nafte. Elaborat, Institut za metalurgiju Sisak, Sisak. Domaća recenzija, elaborat.
  18. Mamuzić, I., Devčić, N. & Nenadić (Rešković), S. (1978) Definiranje pripreme i kalibriranja konti lijevanih gredica za proizvodnju bešavnih cijevi prema investicionom programu VBC-2 i postojećem stanju. Institut za metalurgiju, Željezara Sisak. Podatak o recenziji nije dostupan, elaborat.
  19. Mamuzić, I. (1978) Usvajanje proizvodnje bušaćih šipki i cijevi za industriju nafte, dio II. Elaborat, Samoupravna interesna zajednica znanosti Hrvatske (SIZ I), Zagreb. Domaća recenzija, elaborat.
  20. Mamuzić, I. (1977) Usvajanje proizvodnje bušaćih cijevi za naftnu industriju. Elaborat, Institut za metalurgiju Sisak, Sisak. Domaća recenzija, elaborat.
  21. Mamuzić, I. (1977) Usvajanje proizvodnje cijevi iz kvalitetnih čelika, dio 1: Izrada bušaćih cijevi stupnja “E“. Elaborat, Institut za metalurgiju Sisak, Sisak. Domaća recenzija, elaborat.
  22. Mamuzić, I. (1977) Usavršavanje tehnologije proizvodnje cijevi za bušenje. Elaborat, Institut za metalurgiju Sisak, Sisak. Domaća recenzija, elaborat.
  23. Mamuzić, I. (1976) Usvajanje novih kvaliteta za industriju nafte i geološka istraživanja. Elaborat, Institut za metalurgiju Sisak, Sisak. Domaća recenzija, elaborat.
  24. Mamuzić, I. & Butorac, J. (1976) Utjecajni parametri deformacije materijala na egalizir stanu. Elaborat, Institut za metalurgiju Sisak, Sisak. Domaća recenzija, elaborat.
  25. Mamuzić, I. & Butorac, J. (1976) Studija prerade materijala kosim valjanjem. Elaborat, Institut za metalurgiju Sisak, Sisak. Domaća recenzija, elaborat.
  26. Mamuzić, I. & Starčević, M. (1975) Studij uzroka defekata na zavaru varenih cijevi 2 i 2 ½ cola. Elaborat, Institut za metalurgiju Sisak, Sisak. Domaća recenzija, elaborat.
  27. Mamuzić, I. (1975) Izrada cijevi za boce po BSS-u, II dio. Elaborat, Institut za metalurgiju Sisak, Sisak. Domaća recenzija, elaborat.
  28. Mamuzić, I. (1974) Izrada cijevi za boce po BSS – u, I dio. Elaborat, Institut za metalurgiju Sisak, Sisak. Domaća recenzija, elaborat.
  29. Mamuzić, I. (1973) Istraživanje mehanizma plastične deformacije akustičnim metodama. Elaborat, Institut za metalurgiju Sisak, Sisak. Domaća recenzija, elaborat.
  30. Mamuzić, I. & Gmazel, M. (1971) Ubrzanje procesa dekapiranja cijevi prije daljnje prerade. Elaborat, Institut za metalurgiju Sisak, Sisak. Domaća recenzija, elaborat.
  31. Mamuzić, I. (1970) Razrada i uhodavanje uređaja za kontrolu zamješanosti kvalitete materijala. Elaborat, Institut za metalurgiju Sisak, Sisak. Domaća recenzija, elaborat.
  32. Nikolić, M. & Mamuzić, I. (1969) Korištenje ultrazvuka za kontrolu elemenata za zavješenje. Elaborat, Institut za metalurgiju Sisak, Sisak. Domaća recenzija, elaborat.
  33. Mamuzić, I. (1967) Korištenje stiloskopa za kontrolu materijala. Elaborat, Institut za metalurgiju Sisak, Sisak. Domaća recenzija, elaborat.
  34. Mamuzić, I. (1966) Ispitivanje sivog lijeva ultrazvukom. Elaborat, Institut za metalurgiju Sisak, Sisak. Domaća recenzija, elaborat.
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